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Cabin Fever

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. I think he would also appreciate it if Paula would scout, gut, and drag his deer for him too!
  2. Enjoy it while it while you can. I just dropped my "lawnmower" off to college today..............
  3. Just make sure you unload it, incase you decide to sleep with it tomorrow night!
  4. Pretty much what I do. I have it set for 20 yards, but use it from point blank out to 30. Less confusing in the heat of the moment!
  5. OMG!! Great bucks, but that one is a monster!!
  6. Very nice! Quite a unique looking rack!
  7. I think when I got my pistol permit (~'86), it took ~4 months! I had no idea it takes so long to get them now! My son (18) was just asking when he could get his.
  8. I grew up hunting in PA. Through my years of school, my Dad would take me out of school for our annual week long hunting trip to PA! I hunted some state land, but mainly family farms. Things have changed so much down there though. Up until 8-10 years ago, if I didn't see at least 50 deer on opening day of rifle season, something was wrong! Now, I have relatives hunting the same farms and might see 1-5 all opening day! Some years, they won't see any! No explanation as to why the decline in deer population. Hard to imagine! Sucks!
  9. Sadly, nothing is ever fair in NYS...
  10. Was thinking.... Too bad one of those guns didn't have an "obstruction" in the barrel or something. Might have heard about the accident on the news and been able to find out who stole the guns!
  11. I use to hunt PA every year up until 7-8 years ago. The oak ridges/mountains would be loaded with acorns some years! It was like walking on marbles or golf balls on the side of ridges! Pretty dangerous! Made it very hard to pattern deer with so much food everywhere! Sure do miss PA....
  12. I'm not getting squat for bucks on my cams! Not unusual for this time of year though, but disappointing none the less. I always get more pics after they rub out through November, when it really counts anyway!
  13. Haven't heard one way or the other. The Dicks that I was talking about was in your neck of the woods Sam! (Auburn)
  14. OUCH!! Now that would suck!! Hope they catch the low life SOB's!
  15. 72lbs. Bow has always been set at that and I've just never changed it.
  16. I would think the best exercise for this would be to just practice with your bow over and over again.
  17. First thing I would do is scout around to see how the oaks in the area produced this year. That might help you narrow things down from there.
  18. Face to face and a good handshake is a hell of a lot more personable than an email or phone call.
  19. Yikes! The next time I do any shooting with the magnums, I guess I should give them some "wiggle room".
  20. Nice bucks Paula! It's been REAL slow around my neck of the woods too, trying to get some bucks on cam.
  21. The Boys Of Summer!!! Great shots, as usual!!
  22. I was in at Dicks yesterday, looking around while the wife was shopping. A couple was standing there looking at the minerals and attractants. The sales associate speaks up (without the customers saying anything to him) and says, "Just so you know, those are illegal to use in NYS UNLESS you use them for photography purposes, that's why they are right next to the game cams." They thanked him for the info, then the sales associate says, "I'm not only here to sell, but also to educate." WTH???? Oh, that dumb B@$^#%*!! Some people would be better off just not opening their mouth! I just chuckled, shook my head, and walked away! That's why I NEVER ask for opinions from the guys that work at some of these sporting good stores/departments!! I pick up some pretty good deals there sometimes, but I wouldn't ask for any advise!
  23. Look a little harder.... It's standing in the background behind the buck in the bottom pic. Nice bucks!
  24. I picked up the Caldwell Lead Sled Solo Limited Edition Recoil Reducing Rest http://www.basspro.com/Caldwell-The-Lead-Sled-Solo-Limited-Edition-RecoilReducing-Shooting-Rest/product/1306131710/ a couple of weeks ago at Bass Pro. It's listed for $60 now, but when I got it, it was $30. I wanted a rest that was steady and would tame the recoil of a .300 Win Mag. I understood this "low end" Caldwell lead sled wasn't necessarily rated for magnum rifles, but by the sounds of all the user reviews, many have used this rest for even larger caliber rifles and said they felt "little to no recoil". I figured I'd give it a try. I shot the .300 Win Mag ~15x, using the Caldwell Lead Sled Solo. Instead of using/lugging around a 25lb bag of lead or other weight, I used a ratchet strap to secure it to the table/bench. I didn't feel ANY recoil shooting it at all!! If I didn't hear the gun fire, I might not have known! It is an absolutely rock solid fully adjustable rest too! The Caldwell Lead Sled Solo is probably the most inexpensive/low end rest that Caldwell offers, but I was extremely happy with it! Honestly, I can't imagine what more their $200+ rests can do over this model. Like I said, I got it for $30, but it's well worth the $60 that it's listed for.
  25. Happy Birthday! Yeah, what's one more... old is old! <grin>
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