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Cabin Fever

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. Don't forget to update your "Hunting Gun" in your member profile, with your new rifles too! Woo-Hoo!
  2. And you guys thought that your mothers were just kidding, when they told you to leave that "thing" alone or you would go blind!! OK, I can't see it either....
  3. Huh... An Outdoor Sporting Center! Interesting! The place is only ~5 min from my house, but I've only been there 1x, and that was years ago. If you're a farmer, that's certainly the place to go! Might have to go and check out the Outdoor Sporting Center this year! Might get lucky and meet a local farmer there and get permission to hunt too!
  4. I also have a 7mm Rem Mag. That recoil from that is a pussycat compared to the .300 Mag! Have fun!
  5. +1. Dead is dead! That deer isn't gonna know the difference if it was hit with a 30-06 or a .300 Mag!
  6. From the Pro Hunters Journal http://www.prohuntersjournal.com/article/?a=27
  7. If I was going to be purchasing a rifle, "specifically for deer here in NY", I probably wouldn't get a .300 Win Mag. My Dad used to use one in PA and I used it on several occasions. We probably took 50+ deer with it combined. It kicks like a pissed off mule and I remember us both crindging before pulling the trigger. Seems like no matter where we hit the deer, or what load we used, it made one hell of a mess! Sure makes for an "extra messy" gutting/skinning/meat processing job! On a positive note, I don't recall having to track any deer! They usually just drop in their tracks from the shock! My Dad had a .300 Win Mag, because he also used it in Wyoming and Colorado for elk, mule deer, and antelope. I plan on blowing the dust off my Dad's .300 Mag this fall though, since we'll finally be able to use rifles in Wayne County! He's been gone for 7 years now and I'm looking forward to letting the .300 out of it's cage!! I'm thinking about looking into using the reduced recoil loads though...
  8. OH YEAH!!! Authorizes hunting in the county of Wayne until October 1, 2015Authorizes hunting in the county of Wayne until October 1, 2015. Details Same as:A7252-2013 VersionsS4980-2013 Sponsor:NOZZOLIO Law Section:Environmental Conservation Law Law:Amd §11-0907, En Con L ActionsJul 12, 2013: SIGNED CHAP.159 Jul 2, 2013: DELIVERED TO GOVERNOR Jun 19, 2013: returned to senate Jun 19, 2013: passed assembly Jun 19, 2013: ordered to third reading rules cal.450 Jun 19, 2013: substituted for a7252 Jun 5, 2013: referred to environmental conservation Jun 5, 2013: DELIVERED TO ASSEMBLY Jun 5, 2013: PASSED SENATE Jun 4, 2013: ADVANCED TO THIRD READING Jun 3, 2013: 2ND REPORT CAL. May 30, 2013: 1ST REPORT CAL.818 May 2, 2013: REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION
  9. The hickory's in my yard are loaded.
  10. I was in the same boat last summer, looking for a good pair of boots. Did a lot of research and reading reviews, and ended up buying a pair of Muck Arctic Pro Camo Extreme boots. Hunted with them all last season, bow and gun, and really like them. No complaints! They are rated down to -60 below, but even during bow, my feet never got hot, so they were very comfortable. They're not a heavy clunky boot either. Much more lightweight and comfortable than my last boots. I'll probably invest in another pair soon for my son. These are the boots, $139 with free shipping. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Muck-Arctic-Pro-Camo-Professional-Extreme-Hunting-Boots-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-/310585512957
  11. So it just needs Andy's signature?
  12. Don't you need a receiver for each TV with a dish? That's what kept me from going with a dish a couple years ago anyway. The ads made it sound like such a good deal, until they add the monthly fee for each receiver.... I have TV's in 6 rooms.... $$$.
  13. I got tired of paying TW $180/mon for internet, phone, and cable. We don't use the home phone much, but wanted to keep our #, so I got Magic Jack phone service for $30/yr. I pulled the plug on cable 18 months ago and have been using a streaming media player (Roku, WDTV Live, etc...) for TV. It streams from all the networks that post their TV shows online, soon after airing, so there's no fee associated with that. We've been able to watch all the usual shows that we did with cable (sadly, not the Outdoor Channel though). Our TW bill went from $180/mon down to ~$60/mon (internet and basic cable).
  14. Before jumping on them, you might want to find out what variety of crabapples they are. About 10-12 years ago, my father snatched up some crabapple trees from Lowes or Walmart that were on clearance. Man he was proud, getting them for so cheap. They've been in the ground ever since and grew great, but the variety that they are, the "crabapples" only get 1/4-1/2" in diameter! At first, we fertilized to see if that would boost the size, but after some research, found out that variety only gets that big! What a waste of time and space! Maybe that's why they were left over... I've never even see a deer around those trees either! Just a word of caution or suggestion, if you planned on planting them for deer..
  15. Noticed the crabapple and wild pear trees were pretty loaded a few weeks ago, while I was mowing.
  16. OUCH! That sucks! Hope everything works out for ya'!
  17. Sponsor: NOZZOLIO Committee: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Law Section: Environmental Conservation Law Law: Amd S11-0907, En Con L S4980-2013 ActionsJun 5, 2013: referred to environmental conservation Jun 5, 2013: DELIVERED TO ASSEMBLY Jun 5, 2013: PASSED SENATE Jun 4, 2013: ADVANCED TO THIRD READING Jun 3, 2013: 2ND REPORT CAL. May 30, 2013: 1ST REPORT CAL.818 May 2, 2013: REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/S4980-2013
  18. Any word on how this is moving along?
  19. It's a milk snake.... Thanks, that's just what I needed to see before I go to bed tonight!
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