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Cabin Fever

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. I sometimes spray vanilla extract or apple juice concentrate on some trees around the stand. I have apple orchards bordering part of my property and also have several scattered crabapple trees around. It helps cover my scent and the deer are attracted to the smell also.
  2. Has anyone ever had the "redirect virus" and been able to get rid of it? Everytime I try to do a search from search engine and click on a link, the redirect virus takes me off to random BS sites! I've done a lot of research, downloaded numerous anti-virus programs that have been said to work, but apparently nothing has removed the virus, as it keeps happening. Man, am I frustrated!
  3. I worked with Gary a few years ago then! Good guy and good Engineer! I had no idea he had cancer... very sorry to hear...
  4. OMG what a MONSTER!!! (Family site, so I better keep it clean and not say what I really said when I first saw the pic!!! ) Glad you finally got pics of him!! Now, to get an arrow through him!!!
  5. Sorry for your loss. By any chance, did he use to work at Xerox at some point?
  6. I use vanilla in some of my trailcam setups. It's not like it's a big draw, but it gets them to stop and pose for a pic instead of just seeing a blurred image at night with IR.
  7. I plan on taking advantage of the early opener to fill doe tags. I would much rather shoot one in the morning, so I can track it and process it ASAP (during the day), as opposed to shooting one in the evening and feeling pressured to track it after dark, for fear of letting it lay overnight and spoiling due to warm temps. I really hate tracking at night... I hunt alone and don't have anyone that I can depend on for a hand. I track, drag, hang, skin, cut up, and process all myself, so it makes for a long day once I have one on the ground.
  8. Maybe try some of these No Tresspassing signs, that mentions the property is under video surveillance and will aid in the prosectution of tresspassers. Even if you don't have trailcams out there, I think it would make someone think twice about tresspassing, fearing a greater risk of being identified and you having proof. http://www.safetysign.com/Security+Signs/Video+Surveillance+Signs.html?s_kwcid=TC|7684|video%20surveillance%20signs||S||7680838860&gclid=COLG4JKE-7ECFUJx4Aod31YA5w
  9. Watched the video and it is excellent! Very informative! I can certainly see the advantages of the Guido's Web vs. traditional stands. Certainly something to consider.... Thanks for taking the time to do this Sam!
  10. I think I would use trailcams. I would put something in the trail to get them to stop and look at it (empty beer cans, etc...), to take their attention away from the trailcam. Plus, you'll get a better pic! Maybe mount the trailcams up high in the tree, out of line of sight? Good luck! Man that would piss me off too!
  11. Won't be long until we start seeing some hard horns too!!! NICE!!
  12. Man, oh man, these cool mornings sure are getting me in the mood to hunt!!! Come on Oct. 1st!!!!
  13. Interesting topic. I've planted foodplots for the past 5 years or so. I've planted corn, soybeans, winter wheat, winter rye, brassicas, groundhog radishes, clover, chicory, alfalfa, and austrian winter peas. My property is bordered on one side by corn, one side by soybeans, and two sides by apple orchards. From my personal experience, on my property, foodplots were a complete BUST/waste of money!!! My hopes were to give the deer a place to stage up and start feeding, before heading to the ag fields and apple orchards. Nice thought, but it didn't happen. We don't have much of a deer population in my area, so they never go hungry. The deer have a buffet to choose from with all the surrounding ag fields! I can count on one hand the number of deer that I've seen feeding in my plots (5 plots totaling ~2 acres) over the past 5 hunting seasons! Pathetic, especially considering the amount of money that I've spent on seed, lime, fertilizer, gas, tractor repairs, equipment, etc... I decided this year, that rather than just abandoning my foodplots completely, I'll turn them all over to clover and chicory. If nothing else, they'll be nice to look at....
  14. WOW, what a buck!! I'd be dreaming about that one!!
  15. Excellent quality and great shots!!
  16. WTH??? That's one way to add inches to it's score I guess!
  17. I have one of these and they are HUGE! Very roomy to stand up in and stretch on those long sits! If you were local.................... Someone buy this thing, so I don't have to think about anymore!
  18. AND a hell of a lot cheaper than Tinks!! Before heading out, I usually stop to get some coffee or fill up on water to refill the bladder! Tough to shut it off sometimes when you need to ration it between multiple scrapes!
  19. That's absolutely my observation! That overhanging branch gets MUCH more attention than the scrape itself! One other scrape observation that I've made is that, very few does visit the scrapes. I don't think they go out of their way to do it either, but just causally as they are walking by. I always read that does urinate in the scrapes and such, but I have NEVER once in 5+ years of getting literaly hundreds of scrape videos, seen a doe urinate in it! They walk by, sniff, and keep walking! They don't interact with the scrape or overhanging branch at all to purposely leave scent there. From my videos, I have to question if the "doe-in-heat" scents that guys put in the scrapes are just a complete waste of $$? I can see if you're laying a scent trail or bomb, but actually in a scrape, it may be too unnatural if does don't even do it. Also, I've heard of guys putting doe-in-heat urine on the overhanging branch, which I think is crazy unnatural! As important as that overhanging branch has shown to be, I let the bucks scent that up for me! They just rub their forehead glands all over it and sometimes even put it in their mouth. At times, it's like watching a dog play with its favorite toy or something!
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