I picked up a box of 325 and didn't realize it was lead point. I only use the plated variety. $20 is what I paid and will sell for the same Broome county Binghamton area.
mp 40 c thumb saftey model with 4 mags. Approx 300 rounds with 0 issues. Looking to trade for maybe a wheel gun or Glock 27/23 Don't want anything with a thumb safety. Let me know any offers. All state laws apply for transfer.
Incorrect about ccw and bow hunting. All New York permits are ccw although the some have restrictions printed on them, unrestricted still cannot carry while bow hunting.
Yeah sorry it's defensive shooting situations from concealment, they set up different scenarios and my friend and I are doing it to get some trigger time under light stress.
I'm the new owner of a Glock 19 and was wondering if anyone had some aftermarket sight suggestions, I'm not big on the plastic ones, going to ccw and use this gun for idpa
I went for a walk with the .22 today, no antlers or squirrels/rabbits, but I did see 7 deer bedded so I just let them be, will check that area in another month.