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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. All my practice this offseason paid off this morning!
  2. Nap thunderheads and muzzy, nap seem to shoot better out of my new setup 125grainers.
  3. Had 2 does come by, tried to shoot the lead one and knicked a branch, very little watery blood on vanes of arrow, think it hit her in front leg, marked area where arrow was found and going to look in am and make sure.
  4. Got a few daytime pics on the cam in front of the stand im in, its about time!
  5. Well I met with the judge on 10/17 and he seems like a pretty decent guy, asked me why I wanted a permit. Told him I want to get in armed security since I work unarmed now. He seemed pretty happy with that response and I was out the door in 2-4 minutes. He said to be expecting some mail within a few weeks.
  6. I bought a bow sling for my walk through the thick stuff especially in the dark, protects cams and strings.
  7. Hock3y24

    New boots

    Wear them and walk around in the dirt, mud grass, leaves
  8. I used 20' ladder sticks, I set my stands at like 16-17 feet and it allows me to get up the sticks and step rigt over on the platform.
  9. Was going to mention both of these! I have paracord bow sling and gun sling, waterproof matches! Cotton balls dipped in Vaseline.
  10. Small doe 2008 with dads ithaca deerslayer 12ga, dad had double pneumonia with a pic line and still walked into woods to help me gut it, I can still hear my stepmother yelling at him. Best shot to date I've put on a deer, the heart was blown up from a federal fusion sabot.
  11. My bad, stew meat, however cutting across is sounds like a good idea also.
  12. I usually leave the hind quarters in roast size cuts, if i feel like steaks I'll cut one up later. Same with stew meat.
  13. The recoil is due to the lightweight stock , I put a boyds stock on my 308 and its much more comfortable now.
  14. I got hooked on easton h series arrows the last 2 years, you can get a dozen aftermath shafts for 50$ on archerytalk and there tough as nails. I bought the nemisis arrows because I thought they look cool and are nearly identical in weight, just as tough. They also give me a little bit more clearance
  15. I'm so confused, I've never had a drought of not seeing deer this long, I have the usual rubs and scrapes. Setting up over a new spot with a large scrape tommorw
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