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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. I sat 600a to 630 p, not even a sighting, cam activity slowed way down, moving spots this weekend
  2. 5 if you use your doe tags and there antlers are less that 3 inches
  3. Morning sit turned into all day, it's just too nice out, havnt seen anything yet
  4. And now it's down to 10% chance, I give up on weather people
  5. Well the weather changes since this morning, now 30% rain
  6. I visited Roxbury in August, saw more deer in one day of driving than all of hunting season last year. 7s looks like sunny and 68, I'll be out.
  7. I fletch my own, mainly to try different things, I tried lr helical and offset vs straight fletched Blazers, the straight flew better for me to 40 yards with fixed blades. The advantage I see is I can pick my own colors, and fix a vane at home if needed.
  8. I'd like to try it this year also. Never have had it.
  9. I'd wait till around nov 1, let them get fired up first
  10. Bow early, if I have tags left I'll pull out the smokepole
  11. sounds like you'll find her tommorw, good luck.
  12. 150 plenty for deer, 180 for bigger game, or I'm sure you could find some 165s and have a comprise between the two.
  13. Nycredneck, what broadhead did that damage? Nice shot
  14. Got one oct 1st last year 730 am, was about 70degrees out
  15. Been seeing a lot of bear skat in castle creek( north of binghamton 10 miles south of cortland 20 miles) no bears though.
  16. Saw this happen before ( couple of teens in a supermarket stealing junk food) just acted Like I was on the phone with the police and they dropped those Cheetoes and ran fast!
  17. Trail mix bar, 5 hour energy for those all day sits, water, jerky, sandwich is the usual.
  18. That stock is much nicer that what comes on the axis, and you have a better gun. Congrats and let us know how it shoots!
  19. I dont think that's an axis in your photo, possibly a 116 trophy hunter? I have a 308 and 223 axis, savage makes great rifles for a great price.
  20. I tried out the rage titanium last year, I did not like how easy they opened up in my quiver. They fly great and I'm sure will do good damage, however I just have more confidence in my nap thunderheads.
  21. Also can try calling local clubs, sometimes they add new ones last minute
  22. I have been looking online for friends on dec site and your about 2 months behind the 8 ball, I'll keep looking though!
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