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Everything posted by bkln

  1. Slow in 3F, took a doe opening week, besides that haven't seen a buck in weeks... late rut maybe due to weather? I hope MZ season will be better....
  2. "I dig a hole, I don't give a F%#$@, It ain't first hole I dug..." :-)
  3. I get it, you forgot to take your meds today Eddie....
  4. This is getting old people, relax and have a drink or something.... I'm officially signing off from this thread....
  5. True... I would call this one monster but it was a decent 11 last year... :-)
  6. wow that's a monster for 3M... nice buck....
  7. Condolences to the family, this is a sad news. Life is a like damn DMV, when your number is up, you are done. Enjoy what you do everyday people....!!!
  8. "de-Rail"??? this thing went of the tracks by the page 3...LMAO ....
  9. Tell us how you really feel fellaz... LOL
  10. I bought it online somewhere I don't remember, google it I'm sure you can find it....
  11. May or may not deflect, the story I read on the dupleks website could be true, half of Europe is shooting wild boar on the run through the twigs and they are getting meat on the table. I tested it cause I thought it smelled like BS and was nicely surprised, these weird steel slugs do recover in flight and hit the target. Case and point this morning....... :-)
  12. Doc, lose the keyboard and hit the woods already, That's what I'm doing now...LOL Its 5 AM for crying out loud...
  13. I guess I will stick to process my own deer as much as I can, at least I know what I'm getting... pun intended...
  14. WTF is this Doc? Deer Slaughter, the grass is soo green and people wearing short sleeve... you sure its a deer season? I mean I like meat but c'mon...
  15. The thing is how this guy (the shooter) will be able to go to work after shooting his bud from work.... geez...talking about peer pressure... Not that I care about this bozo for what he did, but just saying from the human perspective....
  16. That's what I thought too until I shot it, for some reason small twigs don't bother the target line and it gets there like there is no tomorrow.... go figure, buy and try, that's all I can say... they ain't expensive either....
  17. I use this... http://ddupleks.com/index.php/en/1270-cal/monolit-32.html I thought it was a BS but I tested it and now I believe... My 11 pointer on the wall can confess to that... :-) lead free too...
  18. Tree hunter here while I'm on my land, state land or a road-trip and I walk and stalk... Actually I got more deer from the ground when I think about it....I sit most of the time unless I get sick of it then stand until you get tired, rinse and repeat...
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