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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bkln

  1. Hang on fellaz, need some more pop-corn, this topic is getting interesting by the minute....:-)
  2. That's a nice deer bro, hope you can show us his mount....
  3. if ain't got a collar its a coyote....
  4. Spaten all they way, nothing replaces good old German recipe..... maybe Stella for a change or good old Franciskaner... Bud? I thought we are talking about beer...?
  5. Joe, 3-8 yards? seriously? At that distance you better fart and kill them that way...LOL
  6. Gortex hands down.... I actually look for a rain..... :-)
  7. nice work... yeah this show is great...
  8. I love it bring on the cold, I have nothing against it...it was 38 last night no frost yet....
  9. Seriously fellaz, I moved out of Brooklyn 10 years ago and only one thing was bugging me: "why I didn't move out earlier".... plus I never looked back..... Do yourself a favor and move..... you wont regret it.....
  10. Like Elmo said you are good to go Frank, just remember that AirGun that shoots more than 600 f/ps is a hunting implement and all the same rules apply as to rifles that includes 500 feet zone and everything that comes with it.....
  11. Already did, but not the energy dept. it was a transportation, it's called a car...LOL
  12. Sept 16 bow season starts in CT for those of us who live close to the southeast border... :-) that's 14 days people...:-)
  13. bkln


    Jets and Giants, that's my real dream.... Remember that Yankees Mets subway series??? I know there is a slim chance of that but it would be so cool, especially when they play at home...
  14. Does still kinda skinny, they better fatten up soon :-) Good spot Grow!
  15. No special rituals here, just plenty of water in my backpack and getting there extra early as in earlier than o'dark hundred, since I can't sleep the night before anyway :-)
  16. Isn't crossbow class online these days? I thought I saw something about that....
  17. http://www.cthuntingnshooting.com/vBforum/showthread.php?15708-New-regulations-approved Cool! confirmed on another CT website from the horses mouth ... I guess I'm going shopping now :-)
  18. Biz when did that happen just today? Nothing on the website yet....that's a good news actually....
  19. Same here I see them every other day on my front lawn, but when the season starts they are long gone and nowhere to be see go figure....
  20. One can build blind like that for a fifth of this ridiculous price.... Typical overpriced cabelas
  21. What's a frontline? care to share a link?
  22. bkln


    Well, I'm done with the boots it works but they turn a shade of white.... Not sure if this going to wear off or what but the full Waterhose blast did nothing and they do stay dry..... Time will tell .... I will try to video this thing...
  23. Whitehall, NY is close to Vermont, not CT, not even close, its a hike... Where in Cornwall exactly, that's kinda close to me....let me know the location and $$$
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