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Everything posted by b3h

  1. b3h


    Goto WI & IL DNR websites and see what they do for testing. Most hunters debone, package and freeze then wait for testing in the CWD zones Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Did u guys borrow my Dads barn jack? Looks just like his. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I'll take em. Pm me PayPal info Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Anyone ever see any drawings or plans for these? Got a couple places I need to build these. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Take a read of Zinkes press briefing from yesterday to get a better idea of what the "Trump adim" is proposing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Get a consulting forester to help Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. That was a pretty good article bashing Trump from what I would consider the hook and bullet crowd but I smell the enviro BS as I read it so ... I'll ad my BS to the pile: Millions of people in Maryland and Virginia pay at least a $15 "Chesapeake Bay" charge to their water bill every quarter or ever how their billing is setup. This is state law and the water suppliers collect it and of course goes to the state(s) and is distributed. Point is that there is tons of money for the bay paid for by the people who are directly using the resource(s). Now I'm not saying the fed shouldn't help but taxpayers in the midwest and west probably don't give a shite about the E coast anyway so why should they have to pay. Same way for what they do out west - why should we on the E coast have to pay. Except for NY and PA who contribute to the bays problems directly no other states really have a dog in the fight so I look at this as a regional issue that needs to be solved regionally and without the feds it probably could be solved quicker. Bottom line is I don't really agree with the article as written, don't appreciate the Trump bashing, would like to think that F&S would be able to smell check an article for BS before they ran it, and lastly - don't rely on the feds to fix anything because they may be using our PR/DJ funds that we all pay into as hunters/fishers as a bay cash cow.
  8. The safe act should prevent sales like this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Uber tanning in WI Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Planning to go next sat or sun Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. If anyone is going to a banquet or event post it up. Might be a good time to meet up in a regional area. Might even be able to fill a table and win a gun Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Ward and vanscoy in Owego but there has to be somewhere closer Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. What's in it? Edit- must have missed it: PlotSpike Forage Feast food plot seed is a combination of small grains, legumes, forage brassicas and clovers. Mix germinates quickly and performs in a wide range of soil conditions PlotSpike Forage Feast is proven to attract deer and will yield an abundant, nutritious food supply Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Thanks Grow. Pics gave me a better idea of what u have there. We have a bunch of tops to cleanup so instead of the normal brush piles thru the woods I think a "fence" along parts of the property lines and other strategic areas would work well. After/during the tops we have some TSI and hinge work todo.
  15. Grow, do u have any pics of ur brush fences? Would like to see what they look like. Are they on ur property boundary? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Compression test Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Sorry for your loss. Prayers for strength, guidance and comfort Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Minimum requirement for the contractor to get a draw Ol dog on a stray
  19. Does that setup hang from the bottom of the stand when ur in it? Reason I'm askin is on windy days the backpack straps I added to the stand for long travel would blow around so I would have to remove them. Ol dog on a stray
  20. Where did that come from? Ol dog on a stray
  21. Thought these were pretty coolhttps://vimeo.com/182645587https://vimeo.com/182645647 Ol dog on a stray
  22. If that stuff went to seed brush hoggin will spread the seeds everywhere Ol dog on a stray
  23. My first thought was bindweed but was way off. Might be fall panicum or witchgrass? Ol dog on a stray
  24. It's got a funny name, not coming to me but it's a pia to get rid of Ol dog on a stray
  25. Sorry was replying to marcoluna's post. I'd like a 7S for 7R.
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