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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by HectorBuckBuster

  1. Greg51 they can't stop you from going to PA or any other state if you bring it back to NY. Other states do not have to follow NY laws in their state.
  2. This website will ship ammo to NY http://www.munireusa.com/new-york-how-to-ship-to-yourself-legally/
  3. How do we sign up a youth ? Since my daughter does not have a account on this site ?
  4. Replace a Lost Certificate Call 1-888-HUNT-ED2. You will be asked for your name, date of birth, type of course you took and when and where you took the course. Certificates dated earlier than 1980 cannot be looked up. Call this number 1-888-HUNT-ED2.
  5. Well it appears that Fracking in PA allowed Terry Pegula to make the money to buy the Bills. http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/washington-politics/fracking-saved-the-bills-and-some-dont-want-to-hear-it-20140918
  6. I made a call to Albany and knew where I took my course, and the guy said yep I found it and said he would send it out. I was on the phone for less then 5 minutes.
  7. I could not find my trapping certificate last year and did not have a old license, I just called the DEC in Albany, they looked it and I had a replacement one in the mail in a few days
  8. If ALL gun owners do not step up and start to make some noise and vote, all your guns will be restricted. They just keep chipping away at our gun rights alittle at a time. All the people that say oh it does not effect me, it will someday effect you and then it could be too late. http://bearingarms.com/came-bolt-actions/?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm
  9. There is already a Safe Act II written and just waiting for the right moment to be introduced and passed. All gun owners need to get out and vote, everyone that keeps saying the Safe Act does not effect me, just wait it will and it will be too late. We need to start voting out all the politicians that voted this crappy law and vote them out. When the back ground check goes in to effect, that state will keep a record of every type of ammo you buy. I am sure there is a reason for this in the near future.
  10. They have charged for them for around 5 years or so. I bought my lifetime license the last year where they offered the free DMP permits with the lifetime license. Now if you buy a lifetime license you still have to pay for the permits.
  11. Alot has to do with the farmer. The farmer who rents my land, most of the time he harvest's his beans before bow seasons is over.One year he harvested them the day before opening day of bow season, and I did not know this until I got there that morning.Pretty much killed my hunt that morning. A field the borders my property that farmer, most of the time does not harvest till after deer seasons is over with. I seen soybeans being picked in Feb & March sometimes. I seen corn being harvested this year, when other farmers where plowing and planting in April/May. I think a lot has to due if the farmer has the space to store them, and if he dries them himself or just sells then straight from the field.
  12. The Bloomturd and Brandy Foundation had the Safe Act all written and handed it Cuomo. Remember him going out and saying he did not write it.
  13. If what this Orange County Sheriff says is true, look out all legal gun owners. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIFLKqKxNPc&sns=em
  14. Culvercreek, I am not joking, there is no serial number of rounds, but if they back ground check goes into effect, they will have a list of type,caliber and amount of ammo you have bought.I have printed and read the NY Safe Act over a lot. Go to this link and then to S51 1a & 1b. http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/s2230-2013 1. (a) Any owner or other person lawfully in possession of: (I) afirearm, rifle or, shotgun who suffers the loss or theft of said weapon;(II) AMMUNITION AS WELL AS A FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN WHO SUFFERS THELOSS OR THEFT OF SUCH AMMUNITION AS WELL AS A FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN;OR (III) AMMUNITION AND IS A DEALER IN FIREARMS OR SELLER OF AMMUNITIONWHO SUFFERS THE LOSS OR THEFT OF SUCH AMMUNITION shall within twenty-four hours of the discovery of the loss or theft report the facts andcircumstances of the loss or theft to a police department or sheriff'soffice. ( Whenever a person reports the theft or loss of a firearm, rifle[or], shotgun OR AMMUNITION to any police department or sheriff'soffice, the officer or department receiving such report shall forwardnotice of such theft or loss to the division of state police via the NewYork Statewide Police Information Network. The notice shall containinformation in compliance with the New York Statewide Police InformationNetwork Operating Manual, including the caliber, make, model, manufac-turer's name and serial number, if any, and any other distinguishingnumber or identification mark on the weapon.
  15. If all parts of the NY Safe Act ever get up and running you have not seen anything yet. Just wait till the background check for ammo goes into effect and there is up to a $10 background check fee on a box of ammo.So if you lose ammo or it get stolen you have to file a police report. All I can say is every hunter needs to get out and vote in Nov and vote Cuomo out. If he gets re-elected I bet the back ground check for Ammo mysteriously gets up and running, and more anti-gun laws will be passed.
  16. I hunt and live right in that area. I travel through the National Forest almost everyday. I don't see the amount of deer on the National Forest as I did say 10 years ago. All the deer are lower down where the Vineyards and crops are. I live right on 414, and in one year there was 14 deer hit in one spot next to my house from the deade deer. Could be more that where not killed or where off in the brush. Problem is alot of the deer live between Rt 414 and the lake and alot of that area can not be hunted now because of the year round residents. Where 20 years ago, we could hunt almost the whole lake side from Tug Hollow all the way to Valois.
  17. I just got 2 DMP permits in the mail from the DEC yesterday. One for 8S and one for 8J. There computer system messed up so I had to call to get my tags.
  18. Not sure where you are in Tompkins County, but I have hunted Taughannock Falls State Park and have had good luck there. I love hunting the park because there is so many gully's, that there are tons of nature funnels to setup in. I now have alot of private land between owning and having permission, I have not hunted the Park in several years.Or check out the Cornell Deer Program http://wildlifecontrol.info/deer/Pages/DeerHunting.aspx
  19. Here is a updated article. It appears that the gun dealer needed to add Epoxy to the whole to cover up the screw. If this article information is true, then a big part of the NY Safe Act, just got beat by a $15.00 part and a dab of epoxy. The NY Safe Act is so vague that no one understands it. As in NY State there is not a legal definition of what a detachable magazine is. http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/orleans-county/owner-of-albion-gun-shop-runs-afoul-of-safe-act-20140903
  20. I have a red dot scope on my Remington 1100. I love it, I do alot of slow walking and love it because of how quick I can find my target and shoot with it.
  21. JJB4900, I believe NY changed the law in the last couple years, as I know now it includes black powder guns as a firearm, as before a felon could legally by a muzzle loader http://www.dec.ny.gov/regs/3934.html#13355
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