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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by HectorBuckBuster

  1. All I can say is all the people that keep saying the the Original Safe Act does not effect me better wake up and realize that it might not today ,but it will very soon, and then it will be too late.
  2. Well you don't need a NICS check to buy a crossbow.
  3. I would have set right up where I jumped him especially during early bow season. Spooking him once mostly likely would not make him move. I jumped a really nice buck several years ago during gun seasons in this small patch of woods. It was about a week later the wind was perfect, so I walked that same woods again, but this time instead up just slowly running off, he snorted at me and that gave me the couple seconds I needed to pick him up and shoot him before he took off. He ended up be a awesome 14 point. The only wrong way to hunt this deer is not by being in the woods.
  4. I believe there is a co-op in Cayuga County http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/71870.html
  5. Sampotter, Cayuga County has lost of big dairy farms that could be driving the price's up. I seen a auction for Iowa and they where paying $350-$500 per acre.
  6. Alot has to do with the soil type. I rent my farm out and was getting $35 per acre, then 2 years ago I had person that was farming in Weschester County and moved up to my area and was looking for land to rent. He gave me a up front offer of $70 per acre. So I called the current farmer as his lease was up and gave him first refusal and he matched that offer.I also had another farmer stop me and said he would rent my farm anytime. I have a couple of things going for my land as 1 - it was right next to the current farmers land, so no travel to get to it, and 2 - there is 167 acres all attached in one block that can be farmed. I know in Cayuga County they where getting around $60 a acre just for pasture land.Also I have it stated in the contract that payment is to be received by a certain date, because of taxes. If my taxes are not paid by this date, I get a penalty and that cost me money. Also I do not live on this property so I run it as a business. Also if you get a lease you need a 5 year lease to get the Ag assessment for taxes , but need more then 7 acres. The larger the acreage you have the better the contract you can get.
  7. Wow, I I though I was getting a deal at $3.43 today LOL
  8. Yes 200lb deer are rear in NY, but if they have the right food its possible. I shot a 6 point about 20 years ago from the farm. The farm is corn,soybeans, and grains. I shot this 6 point with a bow the second day of season in a soybean field when it started on the 15th. I weighed him in on several different deer boards and he topped the scale at 185lbs. So if they have the right nutrition anything is possible.
  9. I am betting he is not even in that area anymore. He planned this, I am sure he had a couple of different escape plans. I just feel sorry for all the hunters and business's that are suffering because of this.
  10. I hope everyone reads this. We as gun owners in NY need to Vote and get Cuomo out. If he is re-elected just wait, I am betting he has a few nice little bills ready to get passed to really put the screws to the legal gun owners of NY. Just wait in and when the ammo background check goes into effect, and you have to fill out paper work, just to grab a single box of bullets. What about the the Rugar 10-22 with the beautiful wood thumb hole stock, that is now considered a assault weapon that a family member owns, and one day they said it will be yours, but with the NY Safe Act it can no longer be transferred to anyone in NY. Again all Gun owners of NY better wake up, and stop saying the Safe Act does not effect me.
  11. I understand this hunter being very careful when finding this guy. http://www.grandviewoutdoors.com/articles/4902-video-bowhunter-stumbles-across-naked-man-near-hunt-site#sthash.8VC04xea.dpbs
  12. First-light you could have just used a shotgun shell. Since they are either 2 3/4 or 3 inch.
  13. Steve863, you should have just got your ear gauged. I just use a zip tie in the ear or on the antlers. I remember when the DEC had DMP that where like a sticker and you had to put them through a slit you made in the hind leg. I have noticed a lot of picture on FB of deer from CNY Big Bucks and other groups, and I have not seen one tag on any of the bucks.
  14. I agree check on the deed restrictions and then if there is local zoning.
  15. OK, i have a could of just basic climbing stand with the metal base, and small metal seat. I was in a hurry the other day and moved a stand. It has old bolts and you need a wrench to get them out. Went there the next morning to sit for a few hours, and hook my bow to my rope to pull it up, then get ready to hop in the treestand and realize that I put the seat on the bottom and base on the top. So I ended up moving the base up the tree a couple feet and then bend over and bring the seat up a few feet up the tree. After about 5 minutes I was up the tree. Other dumb thing was one time I had a rope connecting the upper and lower climber together and it broke never fixed it, was climbing up a tree one day and the base slipped off my feet and went to the ground. I had to bear hug the tree to get down.
  16. I never split the sternum either anymore, when I took my first deer to a butcher, he pretty much yelled at me, saying I wasted alot of meat because it drys it out and showed me the correct way he wanted it done. A few year later I took a deer to a different butcher as the other butcher retired. When I went back to pick up my meat, he made a comment about this is the first deer he has seen that was field dressed the correct way, and asked me where I learned it from. I told him from a old butcher.
  17. The United States is the only country in the world where the people own the minerals under your land, every other country in the world the government owns the rights.
  18. There is a company from Canada that is using Propane instead of water and chemicals and sand. http://stateimpact.npr.org/texas/2013/03/27/waterless-fracking-makes-headway-in-texas-slowly/
  19. The units are different sizes depending on how deep they are going to drill. I found a old lease my grandfather had on the farm I own now. The farm is 200 acres and they wanted to drill in the Queenston Formation and those unit only need to be around 40 acres per well, so they could have drilled up to 4 wells on the property. Lucky they never drilled as this lease was all for the gas company and not for the land owner. The lease stated they had the right to 100,000 cf of gas per well before they started to pay a royalty .
  20. I have seen a couple farmers in my area already harvesting some soybeans, well other fields are still green.
  21. Wow, NY is number 1 in the worst state to deer hunt in. http://www.wideopenspaces.com/top-10-worst-deer-hunting-states/#_gus&_gucid=public&_gup=Facebook&_gsc=M2Ag73J
  22. I have use Tinks before I I believe it has to do with timing. I used TInks one year, just put my lure out, and with in 15 minutes of getting in my stand I had a 5 point down. I also used a local lure called Fritz's, and have seen alot more activity with that stuff, I was hunting in a gulley with Fritz's one year and just got to my stand, I put my scent out when I got to my stand at 4pm, I then got in my climber stand, and was starting to pull my bow up, and there was a buck at 30 yards and closing. I was getting a arrow out of my quiver when he was at 6 yards smelling the cotton ball, and shot him right there. My hunt lasted a total of 10 minutes that night. Was back home with buck by 4:30. It seems to me the doe's spook alot more then the bucks. I started trying antler ice last year, and have had several deer come in, with their noses up, and just a smaller buck. I would say 99 percent of my stands are in nature funnels too.
  23. Nuisance permits can only be used up to Sept 1.
  24. I have seen people use DuraGlass to patch a tank.
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