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Everything posted by HectorBuckBuster

  1. What county are you in you need to take a course? My county issues only Unrestricted and premises no course required.. I would check into a 9mm, as the ammo is plentiful, .380 ammo is harder to find.
  2. I never knew the leaves where worth money.
  3. Doc, Ginseng grows slow, it takes 10 years just to get a root and the large roots are 20-30 years. Also cultivated roots do not bring the same price as wild, as they say that it is not as potent.
  4. I wonder over the years how much ginseng I walked past and did not know anything about it. I believe you can't dig it till Sep 1st
  5. Hey, don't always count on your parents lands being yours just because it is your parents. Things come up and can change everything. Also keep in mind can you afford the land and the taxes that go along with it.
  6. Wow not knowing the area, but boy that seems cheap to me for land only $650 a acre to $1400.
  7. Tractor Supply carrys a brand called Pronto Big & Tuf that works and is onlt $70 for 2 1/12 gallons.
  8. I think all members should talk to all family members in their house about what to do if the police show up at your door. If they show up and knock and want to check out anything in the house, unless they have a warrant DO NOT LET THEM IN period, not warrant np entery.
  9. One of the first things that should be done is Term Limits. There should be no more career politicians and revoke there lifetime pay and benefits and get rid of lobbiest.
  10. They need to look into to treating mental health. It seems to me 30 years ago or so we never had the mass killings. But what we did have was Mental Hospitals where people that needed help and supervision where committed too, because it was determined that they where a danger to them self or other people. Now they have closed most of these places and just dumped them in the real world to try and fend for them self. I know someone that works in the Mental Health Field and because of all the Government cuts to Mental Health treatment, he has been over run this year with patients. It is so bad that his budget for 2014 to provide housing is gone for the year already. And he has had to tell patients after getting them a place to live, that there is no money to pay their housing costs. Sorry all people are wired different. Some people are book smart, other common sense smart, and some people just are slow at learn. Its not there fault its just everyone is different. Some people just need supervision, to help them with maybe taking there medication. But the big problem is you have all the bleeding hearts saying he are discriminating against them because them my be slow or have a mental defect, and it is wrong to put them in a mental hospital. Well sometime all the patients want is someone to be there, and they don't get that when the State just dumps them back in to society !
  11. NFA-ADK, how do you not see the government as a enemy? They have passed so my illegal laws that take our rights away. Like the EPA wanting to control all water in the US. They are trying to get a law passed that the EPA will own all water rights. If a farmer installed a drainage ditch, the EPA will own ditch and the water.The government is becoming the enemy, because they want to control everything.Why could I have to have a permit to own a pistol ? Why can't I have a 30 round magazine in NY? Because they (the government) says it for the children.But then they give rebels in other countries guns, that end up being used against us. The Government has created a lazy society that is dependent on the government to live. So what better way to control the people. They can pass a illegal law in a matter of hours, but then it takes years to fight it and try to get it repealed, but since the Judges are appointed by the Government most of the time, they rule in favor of the government.
  12. I wonder if they will go on sale earlier as the license is now good from Sept 1st instead of Oct 1st.
  13. I had a Shwacker just shatter the rib cage (on exit side) due to the angle of the shot. The shot was at about 8 yards from my tree stand.It looked like it was gun shot on the exit side, and like I said the blood trail looked like someone took a 5 gallon buck of red paint and painted the ground, trees and everything else on the ground. I have used Grim Reapers and love them, but could not find them and after researching the Shwackers I went and bought them to try them. This was my first year with them and only shot one deer, but I am very impressed with them. Only think I don't like about them is the little batter band to hold the blades in place.Had problems with them breaking after taking them in and out of my quiver. So I just replaced them with a o-ring, and it worked find for me.
  14. You may want to look into a used bow, but I will tell you in bows you get what you pay for. When I was looking for a new bow, I wanted a Parker. Well after shooting it, and then some one at the show I knew said try a Bowtech. Well after shooting the Bowtech is was like going from a Yugo (Parker) to a Mercedes (Bowtech). Go to a bow shop get fitted, and most places will let you shoot a bow first.
  15. Tom H, Not sure where you are at on the FLNF but you are not in Himrod, Himrod is on the West Side of Seneca Lake. Maybe you are thinking Hector, which 98 percent of the FLNF is in.
  16. I would craigslist them, or looks for Yard Sale groups on Facebook in your area.
  17. There is a new lawsuit coming out against the NY Safe Act, and I will be one of the many plaintiff's. So there are lots of NY Firearms owners willing to put there names and their guns, Magazine on the line against this law.
  18. I have used Grim Reapers and they work great. I tried Rage broadheads and failed to get a good blood trail. I could not find any Grim Reapers last fall so I went with Shawackers and they made a blood trail like I have never seen. It looked like someone just dumped blood on the ground by the buckets.
  19. I have joined in several of the lawsuits agaisnt the NY Safe Act. Some that have been filed already and some that are about to be filed. If Cuomo gets relected, just wait and see how fast the Background check law goes in to effect. Also I find it kind of strange that the Registraion date has come and gone, and NYS has not released and numbers on the total amount reigistered. That right there seems to tell me that the numbers are low and they don't want to release the numbers to show that people are not complying with the NY SAFE ACT.
  20. I still can't believe people like Sogaard (not trying to pick on you), but you stated I can still own them. Yes and no I can still own them if I register them (until I die and they must be sold out of state or turned it, can not will them to my family), or I have to spend more money buying different stocks, and barrells, and other stuff., when all these weapons where legal. First it is the evil AR type rifles, you watch the next thing will be Semi-Auto guns. So all you hunters that say it does not effect you, it will some day in the near future. They will come after your Remington 1100.
  21. I love how all these people say I would comply. Sorry what gives the state the right to force me to either sell, or dispose of legally owned property of mine. Anyone that says the Safe Act does not effect them, better hold on it will, and when it does it will be too late. Also one other thing there is NO SUCH TERM AS ASSAULT WEAPON. That is a made up term by the gun grabbers. AR stands for Armalite Rifle. Also I find it funny how when the government orders what they call ASSAULT RIFLES, they call them PERSON DEFENSE WEAPONS.
  22. I think that the Auburn Bass Pro Shop will be closing. The mall its in is dead.Alot os stores have closed up. If it was not for the Bass Pro that mall would be history.I can't see them having 3 stores all with in a 1 1/2 to 2 hour drive max.
  23. First-Light it depends on what county you are in if you can leave the day you buy your pistol. In Schuyler County they give you a coupon and you leave the same day with your pistol from the seller, as long as you pass the background check. Also right now 390 ammo seems alittle harder to find, 9mm Ammo is all over
  24. I have seen farmers planting corn in my area still. I seen fields they just planted last week that are only about a inch or two high.I am seeing more corn planted then soybeans, I am also seeing a huge amount of fields that are not even being planted. They have not even been plowed yet.
  25. The paper to fill out is with your county clerk not the state police. Its a opt-out form
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