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Everything posted by gundeck

  1. So right! Just kidding. Happy Birthday to all of you Jarheads out there. You can catch a ride on my ship anytime!
  2. Well done. Congratulations. (Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go get this 12-point mounted!) Just kidding. You have done hunting proud.
  3. Great job. That is a fine looking buck!
  4. I would support the "one buck a year" idea. I am all for expanding the bow season. Something like Oct 1 to June 30 sounds good to me.
  5. They are always so wary that I never would have figured he would stay that long.
  6. I missed that point. If he is bragging about it, that would show total disregard for the law.
  7. I guess I was just saying, without knowing the particulars, no one but you could make the call if this guy is a jerk or just made a bad decision.
  8. Hondo, I understand your frustration, but where do you draw the line? I don't know what size deer your neighbor got, but I got two buck this year. The first was a little spike. Not a little deer (in fact, at first I thought it was a big doe), but little spikes. Not legal to tag as a buck, so I had to tag as a doe. Certainly, I would have preferred to leave him for another couple years. Anyway, I guess it depends on your view. Do you turn in the people that pass you at 75 mph on the thruway? Do you order things online and not report the sales tax to NY State? Does this guy shoot ten deer a year? Yes. This is illegal. Probably done by many people. Only you know if this guys is a bad guy or just made one bad decision. Only you can make the decision to turn him in.
  9. I didn't see electrical for the widescreen TV??
  10. I would disagree about Bass Pro. They have some knowledgeable and professional people in there. Cody does a great job. You can also try Finger Lakes Pro Shop on Route 414 near Waterloo (just off Thruway exit 41).
  11. 34 years of hunting and have yet to lose one (knock on wood).
  12. Several mornings over the last two weeks, as I pulled into work (we have an office in my brother-in-law's house) there was a buck in the neighbor's back lawn. (Yes, a real one.) We have doe coming through the yard all the time, but I never tried to shoot any. Think a little, people!
  13. Pretty much ended my weekday evening hunts. I was sneaking home early from time to time to get a couple of hours in before sunset, but this has scrapped that idea.
  14. I would be happy to shoot the yote. They were making such a racket the other night. Driving the dogs nuts.
  15. Didn't know they grew them so large around here! Nice pic!
  16. The funny thing is I have shot so many deer with rifle and shotgun and never had one go more than 50 yards. Everyone said "that will never happen with a bow". Of course, I know my time is coming.
  17. Great stories. That is what it is all about. My boys from my first marriage are both out of the house and on their own, but when I remarried, I gained a third son. He is 12 now and loves hunting like me. He was with me when I shot my first deer with a bow. He was (almost) as excited as me.
  18. Have patience. He will be back.
  19. My son has been spending time with me in the stand this year (we have a two-seater). It has been great, but even when he decides to sleep in, I have had plenty of company (usually squirrels). Well, Saturday morning I work my way up into the stand around 6:30. I noticed a shadow in the tree about 15 yards from me, but thought it was a squirrel nest at first. As it got more daylight, I noticed it was a big old Tom roosted in the tree. He was about my height (in the stand) so I was looking right across at him. He sat up there for about an hour before he flew down and headed off. It was funny watching him walk around trying to figure out his flight path to the ground. I was amazed he didn't see me (or at least didn't let on). I was actually surprised he didn't fly out of the roost when I walked in. It has been a very interesting season so far, to say the least.
  20. I would also have to disagree with the "city folk" being responsible for the posting craze. I grew up in a rural area where things were much like you said, but after nearly 20 years in the Navy, I have settled in western NY. I think there are more property feuds here than the Hatfields and McCoys were credited with. The funny thing is that many of the people posting their property are the first to trespass on the neighbors land if it suits them. What ever happened to ethics?
  21. Nice post. I would say I hunt deer. I just want to fill the freezer. I have seen more doe than buck this year, but a lot of it has to do with luck. You can set everything up right, but sometimes it just doesn't play out the way it should. That said, I think buck are easier to get (especially during the rut) because they can be just plain stupid sometimes (even the older ones). Makes me better understand why we were such idiots as teenagers!
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