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Fletch last won the day on December 14 2021

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About Fletch

  • Birthday 06/20/1967

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    Phoenix, NY

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  1. Did you lose blood due to rain? Now with permission you can use tracker.
  2. Where you at gbj? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. You said you watched blood come out of him. So where was the hit? It bedded quick so it's not a superficial hit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. 11/10 am 38 Sat for 2.5 hours down at Stone Stand. Very quiet morning. Nada Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. 11/9 pm 58 Sat on the field edge for the last hour. No sightings. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. 11/9 am 25 So it was 80 Sunday so didn't hunt. Back from a two day trip to NC and now it's 25. Man it's cold lol! I bumped one going in near my stand and it blew a few and did not go far. I got in stand and could hear it walking behind me closer for like 15 minutes before I could see we'll. Even with the big moon. Finally light enough and it looked like a lone doe. She wandered off after a while. And about 9 am I had four does behind me going into bedding about 75 yards out. Just easing and feeding. Would of loved to sit all day but work sucks lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Congratz Chris! Up and in 25 degrees. Bumped one near the stand and then think it was the same that came back in wandering behind me for 30 minutes. Finally got light enough to see flathead. Cmon bucky. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. 6 am or a few minutes after. Unfortunately I'm sitting in airport. Good luck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. North Carolina Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Yea it was 73 at 5:30 am I went back to bed. I will skip this. Quick trip to Charlotte tomorrow and back Tuesday afternoon to vote and be back in the woods Wednesday morning. Good luck all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I'm back in stupidly sitting in 75 degrees! Wind is frick all over. Jeeze it is hot. I've seen two big bucks in the last two days in mid 60's I think mid 70's might be too much. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. 11/5 am 63 Out behind the house this morning in my super light clothes! At about 8am had a small spike with a funky split on one side come in behind me. He was milling around and at one point was in a scrape 14 yards behind me. He wandered back a bit and I was not really watching him as I was scanning out front and glance back every so often as he was out 40-50 yards now. One glance back I am looking for him and see antler sticking out and hey that's no spike. Another buck had eased in about 60 yards out or so. I got turned around and glasses on him. A real nice 8 point he was angling off and into a thick bowl behind me. I tried some grunts and snort wheezes he stopped but just wandered into the thick slowly browsing. The little guy was still 30-40 yards from me and then he finally wandered off. Stayed 3 hours till 10 and it was getting real warm.
  13. 11/3/pm 62 Was down in my brush blind on state above the swamp. It was very warm and I was a bit warm when I got settled. I used more Evercalm than usual and even kicked up the dirt and rubbed some on my clothes for cover scent. At about 5pm I heard a deer walking towards me from behind in the thick brush. After a bit I saw deer, then rack, then big rack. He was coming directly at me. I had stood as soon as I heard the deer so I was standing, bow in hand and release clipped. My right should leaning into the big pine trunk that my blind is centered on. He is at 15 feet and still coming. He is a 9-10-11 point I know he had at least 5 on the one side and out past the ears and nice tall tines. He stops looking around then comes right by my right side at about 4 feet and stops on the opposite side of the pine. I can hear him breathing. He is right in my wind! My mind is melting at this point. He starts walking. I had turned my head to see where he was headed when he was behind the tree. So I see him walking away 7, 8 , 9 feet and I can see his right eye so I can't move. He finally turns his head and I ease around to face that way. He goes out about 10-12 yards and turns to the right and as he goes behind a tree I draw. He hits a lane and I stop him and put the pin right on the shoulder and hit right where I aimed. Stupid me was so rattled I put a gun aim on him not a bow. I got crap penetration. The arrow later showed 7-8 inches. He ran 30 yards down into the swamp and I watched him walk for anther 30 yards or so until I lost him. I knew with one hole, the arrow still in him and going into the swamp it was going to be a terrible trail. I pulled out and got ahold of a tracker for the next morn. I met the tracker Pauline and her helper Don and pups the next morn. He never bedded. We found the arrow, good blood for a couple hundred yards then poor. He left the swamp, crossed a road the dog figured that all out with no blood. Across the road we did finally hit a drop of blood and the dog trailed another couple hundred yards and we called it. We all felt the deer was not mortally wounded. I did stay and grid searched for 5 more miles just cause I needed to. The tracker was excellent and I would not have been able to advance the track near as far or well. Amazing how those dogs can get off track and circle around not even on the track and go back to last blood to restart! He was a great buck and I will get a cam out there and hope to catch a pic of him. I did everything right except aimed in the wrong stupid spot. rrrrrrr I have had a button sniff my leg one time but this is the closest I have ever been to a big buck. 4 feet pffft.
  14. Funky spike came up behind me to 12 yards then milled around behind me. Was kinda watching over my shoulder off and on. Look back and see a bunch of antler and heck that ain't the spike. Nice 8 point was back always. Grunted and snort wheezed he looked and fed into a bedding area. Little guy was still 40 from me but the 8 didn't care. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Not sure what is going on. 63 degrees ar 6 am on Nov 5.....Up and in regardless . Had something walk by in tha dark. Forgot my cushion seat. Good luck all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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