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NonTypical last won the day on January 27 2019

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About NonTypical

  • Birthday 04/16/1971

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    :Way Out There

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  • Hunting Location
    Out There
  • Hunting Gun
    Savage 110T 6.8SPC
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    Bowtech Carbon Icon
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Thanks. Not Medford. It was at a private club in Cutchogue. I was a guest today. But I do shoot in Medford quite often.
  2. Bumping an older thread and thought that I’d share a few cool pics from the range today with the 9 and 45.
  3. Ableammo.com .45 abguns.com 9mm and .40 reedssports.com 357 SIG
  4. I’ve been buying most of my Ammo online lately. The places that I shop don’t charge tax, and even with shipping it’s usually much cheaper than any local shops. In fact, I even found some 357 Sig ammo on GB that I couldn’t find anywhere for a great price. The pics showed the retailer’s name. I called them up and purchased directly from them. No tax and no CC fees normally associated with GB.
  5. F&S has had a good supply, but their prices have been quite high as of late. A big difference from a year ago when stuff was really hard to find and they were the cheapest around, at least for 9mm.
  6. If you’re still looking, I just came across these and they look good. They also make many different types for all kinds of guns. Nightfision.com
  7. All of the current P365’s come with Sig X-ray 3 sights. It has a green front post, and the rear is just a pair of tritiums. I’m not sure if the older ones had Sig lites, but if they did, it would have a white front post, with 2 white ones on the rear.
  8. I found some Federal 3” 12g trophy solid copper slugs at Walmart yesterday. I haven’t seen them in almost 2 years. It’s been pretty slim pickings though at the few Walmart’s around here. Mostly just 22LR. I did grab a box of Federal 22 $21/325. They run pretty good in my pistol.
  9. Every gun shop that I stopped in didn’t have the sights that I wanted. My go to shop said they could order them, but couldn’t tell me when they might get them. So I asked if I could just order them myself and bring them in to be installed. No problem! Go right ahead. I think I did them a favor actually. With so many options for sights, and probably very little markup, I’d guess that most shops won’t keep too much in stock. Maybe I’m wrong. IDK.
  10. I like the X-ray 3 sights, but I’m not sure if they’re available for Glock. Meprolight makes a fine tritium sight as well. $25 at my LGS to push them in. Money well spent.
  11. This yearly thread was always started in September right before the season started. It was actually called Live from the Stand years ago. Nobody ever had a problem with it. The thing is here on Long Island, the season continues until the end of January. And with a title that says 2021, some of us were posting in a thread from the previous year but the same season. So I propose that a new Hunting thread is started in September when the season is about to kick off and is labeled 2022-2023, to cover the entire hunting season. Like the way it used to be. Then members that haven’t been around all summer don’t have to wade through 100 pages of BS before they even get to the real deer hunting posts.
  12. When I converted my Savage last year to 6.8spc, I did some minor work on the bolt as well as swapping the barrel. Now that I’ve found a new hobby with pistols, I am obsessed in learning the ins and outs of how they work. I won’t get involved in polishing any trigger parts, but I will purchase better parts for them and swap them out myself.
  13. Definitely not cheap, but I wouldn’t be using it for plinking either. Have the 9 and a 22 conversion for that.
  14. Just released this week. https://www.sigsauer.com/p365-380.html
  15. The 365xl really fills the gap between the 365 and the 320. Now that the 365 is available in .380, I may have to reconsider a striker fired in the future. Lol
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