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GreenDrake last won the day on May 2 2024

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    Central NY
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    Obsession Turmoil
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. We got 60 plus pigeons over the corn bunker today. Short shoot as we had other obligations. I have 55 inches of snow at the land right now. My friend lost a barn last weekend from the snow. Complete loss. I ave not been able to fo a morning crow hunt and there are THOUSANDS coming yo roost every night. Most i have seen in years. My office work is insane right now and been putting in hours the weekend mornings.
  2. Happy Birthday snd good luck tomorrow!!!
  3. I simply don’t go out in the crap weather anymore. My entire way of hunting has changed since purchasing my own land. I have 200 acres in the northern zone surrounded by big woods and Ag that does not get hunted. My wife loves to accompany me…so we go out on dryer days and sit together in one of our several box blinds and enjoy our purchase and immense amount of hard work we put in all spring and summer maintaining the woods…fields…plots…and planning our next project. It’s less and less about killing a deer, though I am blessed to connect with a good buck every year. We sat last evening and had 17 deer feeding in our plots, not a shooter among them. It’s a pleasure to watch them interacting. Had about 20 bluebirds feeding around us as well. Once the southern season ends I will focus on crows and pigeons. I won’t shoot up the farms while guys are still out trying to fill a tag. If I get decent snow next weekend I will still hunt a bit if I haven’t killed one yet.
  4. We put another (third) box blind on the new property in the area we call “The Hole” its the farthest tip of the property. It’s a giant bowl. Simply beautiful area. I have 3 more to put up…just trying to strategize where to put them. Probably won’t put the others in until next year. We will see.
  5. My buddy bought one in January and booked an antelope hunt just to try it out. I have mixed feelings of its real utility but am very interested in seeing how it performs on game. Sure sounds like it is a fun distance cartridge though. I look forward to some reports. Good luck with it!!!
  6. When I bought my New Holland 60, I was told the same thing…since it exceeded 25 hp I needed a separate policy. I got a policy and also added all my implements. Mine is not used for commercial purposes….just managing my own property and woods.
  7. Thank you all. We all have to bear that one time or another.
  8. The moment I have dreaded finally came Saturday. I had to put my dear Dixie down. She was the sweetest most amazing bird dog I have ever owned or had the honor to hunt over. 15.5 years old. I am still torn up.
  9. This boy is patrolling my woods. Got a female being followed by a different but equally large male too.
  10. Nephew and I doubled up at 6:55 this morning. Fun hunt.
  11. Got a nice batch today. Cleaned and ready for blanching and vacuum sealing tomorrow.
  12. Shotgun. Mostly pass shooting in the winter. In the summer its tight shots over decoys.
  13. I got out for a couple hours this afternoon at a dairy. Birds were hungry. Killed 38 pigeons and 12 crows over a feed bunker. Solo shoot. If my nephew was with me it would have been awesome. We killed about 300 pigeons and 100 crows this winter. We weren’t able to get out too much. Im hoping our sumner pigeon shoots over decoys is better than last year. Last year the wheat was not in the good shooting areas so we did not do well at all. No big 200 plus bird mornings.
  14. My wife and I over-seeded 8 acres of clover today. Hoping we get enough freezing to draw it in good. We shall see. Was fun to get out and play. I have some wind damage in the woods. I have a bunch of junk poplar (I think) thats like cork. Very dark smooth bark. Twists and falls over. Most are hung up too. Ill pick around and drop them. Pain the backside.
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