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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. I got a screemin reels ipa from saltwater brewery hidden underneath this gem.
  2. Im not a stout guy but WOW on some of these.
  3. I’ll be in miami this week. Hello J Wakefield!!!
  4. You go to jersey for that (kane)? My fam lives around the corner from them. Tried their stuff out and was really happy.
  5. Make sure you are within striking distance of a toilet for the next 24 hours post meal.
  6. As of now I’m in. Just keep me posted
  7. Not really but you’re kind of right. What they tried doing was lumping in local college players with that specific regional team. For example if you look at the Birmingham roster they have a lot of players from the SEC. Trent Richardson’s on the team for example. Orlando has a lot of Florida players. Etc. So I think they were trying to corner that fan market a little bit where the local college players are on that local team. I watched some of the highlights from yesterday and it wasn’t that bad from what I saw. Clearly not NFL caliber but definitely watchable
  8. This is from brooklyn. Last time i was at OH there was someone from upstate telling us about the new site they opened. Im not big in stouts but this ine was awesome!
  9. @aboa13 the equilibrium brews were banginggggggg.
  10. I wish I could get these pics straight lol.
  11. If mike rossi could only see this......
  12. The one finger salute is always a crowd pleaser.
  13. We just walk upstairs or we tell somebody something?
  14. No lox lol. I’ll bring what I have and of you like it, cool. Other half is having some big release tomorrow. Im not gonna make the trip down but it looks legit.
  15. I got a bagel nd shmear from other half and some from nod hill if your interested
  16. Lets not move the goalposts. Thats a liberal tactic that you guys seem to be using. Why cant the catholic church be bad for harboring child molesters and we all agree its bad? Saying “well islam is bad. And Hollywood is bad” to downplay the rapists that are hidden within the church is sad. The catholic church needs to start doing the right thing. Not wait or sit back because other groups and people are doing bad things.
  17. I disagree. I do not believe that the church is made up of homosexuals from the top down. I do not think they are hiding these criminals because they are in some plot to do the same. I do think they are hiding this stuff because they want to save face. Because how could Gods servants ever do such a thing???? Its hypocrisy at its finest. There are sick people in all walks of life. The way they chose to deal with these crimes are the issue at hand. Nobody would have an issue if they were brought to law enforcement People have an issue when its swept under the rug Political correctness in america isnt covering these issues up The vatican is. This isnt isolated to america. As far as the american public and the catholic church goes...... i dont think they care about the catholic church as much as you think. more people are upset them as the days go bye. The american public does not protect child molesters Thats a silly statement to be honest. The catholic church protects child molesters
  18. I read both articles. I kinda fet like they were almost giving excuses or sidestepping the fact that the church harbors and protects child molesters. One article names them something else. The other says that homosexuals commited these acts. IMO it seemed like they weren't blaming the church for the handling. Yes the individual did these disgusting acts, but what the church has done after their knowledge is what is repulsive. the fact is that regardless of if you’re gay/straight the church covers this up. I cant imagine how long this has been going on prior to the new age of social media, internet and the way news is spread these days. The fact that the church calls out anyone on hypocrisy is disgusting. I grew up in the catholic church and as i got older i have been turned off by this amongst other things. The catholic church needs to clean up house and really think about what they need to do before callong out anyone else Thats my opinion on the matter.
  19. Wonder why they never ex-communicated child molesters instead of moving them from church to church? Now thats long overdue.
  20. Damn. At least your honest about being ready to shoot women and children. Is there a reason you havent been to the border as of yet? It seems you are very passionate and motivated. Idk if i would have the gusto to do that. I pray i would never be faced with that because i dont have it in me. I can say that i wouldnt be able to kill an old woman unless my life was in serious danger by her.
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