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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. Same brewer? This beer was excellent
  2. I did. And i didn’t see what you were talking about. Nyc does not have the biggest crime, poverty and education problems in the country from what I researched. Thats why I want to see your facts.
  3. I work in the city. I work uptown. they cracked down at 125th St. metro north station a lot as far as the homeless. It was bad a couple years ago but they’re not there anymore. And the ones that are there get bumped out after a night or two. The neighborhood I work in seems to be changing for the better imo.
  4. I’ve gone over this in other threads. New York City does not carry the state as far as elections go. People upstate just don’t get up and vote. However you want to characterize Giuliani and Bloomberg they still beat out the Democratic candidate. If New York City is as blue as described they dems should win regardless of who they run. I’m not sure im following the garbage dump part.
  5. Bloomberg? Giuliani? What are you talking about always go blue? That’s 20 consecutive years of republican mayors in nyc.
  6. Equilibrium is batting a 1000
  7. Ehhhh. Probably wouldn’t order this again.
  8. Equilibrium Intermediate Dance Moves. They hit it out of the park once again!!!
  9. Ratt. What you said is correct (minus the lightning bolt) but let’s really place the blame where it belongs. The people of NYS I did some quick research and if I am wrong please correct me. New York has 20 million people living in it. Cuomo received 3.6 million votes last election. Molinaro had 2.2 million. Well????? Thats a shade under 6 million votes casted. Where are the other 14,000,000 people?????? And according to one article I read New York has 4.5 million gun owners. Well???? Where are all the gun owners? Gun owners alone could have defeated Cuomo So on the surface what you are saying is true. But the blame falls directly on the people.
  10. Where are you getting the sloops? You are upstate. Do they deliver these uo there or you have a connection down here lol
  11. In all fairness I’ve been splitting them with people. But i had my fair share. I got a little mahopac reunion in DC for the weekend.
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