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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. Im in as long as i got nothing going on
  2. So someone asked to hunt your property. You said no. And basically that was it. Positioned yourself for a confrontation???? Lol. You’re not a millennial are you?
  3. Ok. I figured since you spoke on the matter you would have been well versed in it. Thank you for your reply. Unless this is a liberal tactic you are pulling. Being asked a simple question and then sidestepping the answer.
  4. Can you please clarify the difference between the acronyms isis and isil?
  5. Is it a fact that they make 20 cents an hour? Just making sure we are spreading facts and not fake news. I trust you did your research cause i like the meme if its true. But if its false i will never trust another meme you post.
  6. Now this is awesome!! Someone should make this go mainstream if these are facts.
  7. To be real. Nike isnt catering to you guys. They probably dont care much for the older white rural male demographic since you arent their consumer base. Thats just the reality of things. Maybe you bought a pair of air monarchs and cut the grass with them. And rob just laid it out too. Your constant talking of kap has lifted him to this place. If you despise like you say, stop talking about him.
  8. I know what you were saying lol. I’m not sure how I feel about his claims about being blackballed by the league. On one hand. He definitely has the talent to be on NFL roster. And by your replies it sounds like you follow football. And I’m sure you know that there were some garbage quarterbacks last year that he would have been an upgrade over. For christs sake. Nathan peterman is starting for the bills. Im not Well-versed in the contracts he was being offered or what he actually was seeking. But to see someone of his talent not be on the roster is fishy. The reason I say that is because the NFL has no morals. They will give anybody a chance to play no matter how terrible their background is. When Greg Hardy is on NFL roster that will tell you all you need to know. I know he worked out for teams and was not offered a contract. And those teams employed far inferior quarterbacks. Its foolish not to think that teams dont take the public opinion/media/etc into account when offering him a contract. But like i said earlier. Greg hardy was employed and is a true monster. Kap is not a monster by any means regardless off what you feel about him politically. Once again, his public service resume speaks for itself.
  9. Hes not selling shoes. And if linking up with nike and making a profit in a capitalist society means hes a shoe salesman then idk how that equates to al bundy lol. He is probably in the 1% as far as people who can play football in America. Lets be real. He might not be a nfl caliber starting qb anymore. But he can for sure play football. His resume speaks for itself.
  10. Nike might have just cost themselves some dough. That’s for sure. But they did what they wanted. Cant fault them for that. Its America. Now we let the chips fall into place.
  11. True and false. Your comment on if you can play there's nothing you can do off the field that will cost your job couldnt have been said better. But kap was kneeling way before the media shed light on it. And he never openly complained about his job. Im a niners fan so i know he didnt start kneeling once his job was in jeopardy. People cutting up nike apparel? Lol. Give it to a homeless vet or donate to charity before you do that. Gotta give nike some credit. They are playing the free market how they see fit. They know the risk and reward associated with this type of move. This is the way capitalism works.
  12. Haaaa. I was at disney last weekend. $14 for a six pack of miller lite lol.
  13. Hahahahha. Listen to this lol. Ive NEVER had porn just pop up on my phone. Especially not transgender porn. BUSTEDDDDD
  14. Spot on analysis and is the exact thing the leading conservative Alex Jones was caught doing. Railing against the evils of transgenders but enjoying their sex. Sounds like jones is following the lefts playcard to a t. Hmmm. Makes you wonder what side hes really on.
  15. I went to j. Wakerfield brewery in miami yesterday that had a special beer release. Picked up a couple 4-packs. And while i was there sampled one of their other brews which was awesome so got some of them as well. Dropped like $90 on 16 beers. Smh. But the ipa i sampled and bought was banginggggg.
  16. No problem. Hes not going to court so what due process are you talking about? He had tranny porn on his phone. Its not illegal. He broke no laws. He enjoyed it. Im totally ok with that. The problem is that when you rail against something and then go enjoy it behind clised doors that makes you a hypocrite. And it is magnified because he is a prominent conservative who runs a huge business.
  17. Basically it’s this. If you support Alex jones, you support a man who likes transgender pornography. So by supporting jones you support tranny porn. A man can become a millionaire by preaching one thing while practicing another. America is truly the greatest!!!!!!!
  18. The man had a transgender porn site up on his phone. What judgements are you talking about? Since you know nothing of alex jones im curious as to why you commented on this thread or voiced any opinion on him or the matter? Not trying to squash your first amendment so lets not play that card. The hypocrisy lies with jones openly talking out against transgenders yet he visits trangender porno sites. You claimed it was for research on the enemy, yet know nothing of jones. But yeah. This was his first and only time on a transgender porno site and it was for research. Rightttt
  19. Alex jones has an extremely large voice for conservatives. His ratings speak for themselves. And he needed to view tansgender sites to know the enemy??? Hahahahahhaha. Ummm. We all know how it works. Erection into a hole. You choose the hole. So you are insinuating that he needed to see a man transformed as a “woman” performing sex acts to understand transgenders better? You cant actually believe that. Im sure antis do view gun sites because they are totally clueless about firearms. The man has kids. He knows how it all works. The website isnt even informative. Its just a porn site. Not a hub for information. Just for pleasure.
  20. Leading Member of the conservative movement found looking at transgender porn on his phone during live air video. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/alex-jones-trans-porn-phone-infowars-marissa-minx-a8510801.html?amp i wonder if it was just for “research”????
  21. Zimmerman initiated this by following him. Not the other way around. Trayvon felt threatened and attacked him which was deserved. If someone was following me down an alley i would defend myself. You would to. And Zimmerman is such a big pussy that he couldn’t handle a legit fist fight and decided to shoot him. This guy gives men a bad name.
  22. How many of you guys have been in a fight and lost? Did you pull a gun and shoot that person? Zimmerman started a fight then started getting beat so he shot a kid. He is a low life and his actions post trayvon martin have cemented that. Like it was said. Their paths should have never crossed that night but That kid was murdered. What makes trayvon martin a POS? The kid did nothing but defend himself when he saw some guy creeping on him at night. Im sure most of us have faught for a lot less than that
  23. I love wild grapes. There was this spot growing up i would fish that was hidden from the road that had wild grapes. I could smell them in the air. I could eat them all day.
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