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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. Sometimes I think just plain old experience in the woods deer hunting is the thing to most rely on...
  2. ? Right, well all circular logic aside.... When your waiting with a rod and reel in hand I still call it fishing, when your trolling lines off the back of a boat moving at 5 knots I still call it fishing.... And you would be correct in calling both of them fishing... you might be waiting but your lure is not .. you are casting it or moving it through areas where you think there might be fish... when you are sitting in a treestand you are just waiting... no other real action except maybe eating a candy bar..
  3. You must do a heck of a lot of walking / stalking to get your deer ! That I do Eddie... I can do as much as 10 miles in a day sometimes if I'm looking hard for a buck... at the end of the day I am usually pretty whipped!! But I love it...
  4. Kinda what I've been trying to say... if someones own idea of hunting makes for a good hunting experience that great... I just .. like you.. have rigid ideas for myself when defining hunting... and don't expect others to have the same
  5. What is scary is they actually believe what they are saying.. YIKES!
  6. Well you yourself have a difficult enough time seperating it from the definition of hunting (or a hunting activity) so I guess even as an activity it still has a DEFINITIVE definition Following excerpt from Meriam-Webster Dictionary (any disputes of their writings can be taken up with them) 1hunt verb \ˈhənt\Definition of HUNT transitive verb a : to pursue for food or in sport <hunt buffalo> b : to manage in the search for game <hunts a pack of dogs> A more proper and slightly less confrontational statement would be- its not the way I chose to hunt. As opposed to- its not hunting to me. I'm not one for caring what people think about HOW I say what I mean... any hang-ups that people have with it is on them not me... the reason I choose to hunt the way I do is because I don't think hunting over food plots is hunting... it is waiting in my view... if you consider waiting to be pursuit according to Websters definition of hunting then I guess you have done a good job defending those that think it is hunting... I don't consider waiting to be pursuit... therefore waiting is not hunting to me... so I choose not to do it
  7. not a good analogy.. a car is an object... hunting is an action... what one person considers hunting is not necessarily another persons hunting... yet a car is always a car... now if you said I don't consider a Hyundai a luxury car.. that would be your opinion... luxury to one is not the same to another... hence my statement that how I don't see killing deer over a food plot as hunting is my own perspective so I choose not to do so... if you think that it IS hunting then you will choose to do differently... it's really quite simple... and because it is subjective neither is right or wrong.
  8. I must say I have seen your pics and what you have done looks great... to clarify a bit... some here think that when I give my opinion on a topic... that it has anything to do with what i think of how other choose to enjoy their hunting experience... not true... I really do not care how others hunt.. I just have opinions on topics based on my personal feelings on that subject... if I say I'm not into food plots.. that has nothing to do with how I feel about you being into them... my position on killing young bucks has nothing to do with me imposing my position on anyone else.. it is just my personal view on the subject... what others do in the way of hunting and the choices they make have nothing to do with me or my opinion on certain topics related to hunting... they are just my opinions... I can appreciate those that food plot, hunt out of a treestand, or shoot young bucks if thats what makes their hunting experience fun for them... they are just things I choose not to do and I have my own reasons for why I choose not to do them... in no way are any of my views intended to put down other hunting choices. If I reply negatively to a post on here it is most likely because the person is stretching the truth to make his or her point and isn't being honest about the real reason that they do what they do.. for example... if someone says that the reason they are against AR's is because they pay good money for a license and they should be able to take any buck they want.. I'm okay with that.. it's an honest answer... if they say it's because AR's don't work or they aren't interested in shooting bigger bucks... that is not honest in my opinion and deserves to be challenged. Other than that.. I just hunt... with no opinion about what you or anyone else does personally... I reserve my personal opinions to add to the forum for interesting and entertaining discussion and debate.. nothing more
  9. Very good point Pat.. if one wanted to truly improve the property... one could plant acres of plush grass... or better yet myrtle... that is great ground cover and never has to be mowed...but.. like you said... motivated by hunting... one decides to plant food plots to attract deer for harvesting.. yet again proving my point as to motivation of food plots... thanks for the help
  10. LOL .. I think you need to go back and read my posts a bit better... especially the part where i say that I don't think food plots are wrong.. just not my cup of tea.. ..and not what I personally call hunting... it is not an attack on people that plant food plots... and the Ted Bundy thing was directed at a post saying that you can't teach ethics and had nothing to do with food plots... I never said food plots were unethical... I never said people that plant them are like Ted Bundy... I did however say that regardless of what you say about why you food plot... the general motivation by the vast majority that do food plot.. is to attract deer to harvest... and I stand by that statement... whether or not it is "hunting" to YOU... is up to YOU to decide... not me... for me personally it is not.. therefore I do not food plot. If it makes your deer hunting more enjoyable, then that is what you ought to do.
  11. I would rather have a steak than veal any day!!
  12. I have considered it ... I was just making the point that it's a shame that it is even necessary... not that it's a bad plan.
  13. I forgot to mention to cwhite.. that all the things you mentioned in your post.. I have experienced myself and with my children on my hunting land... and I have NO food plots... just natural woods and open fields
  14. Propaganda in who's eyes?... someone like you that opposes the view?... It's like saying that because you don't like the teacher that says 2+2=4... then it must not be true... if you can prove that 2+2 doen't equal 4 ... then you have an argument.... just because you think the teacher is a biased propagandist... still doesn't dismiss the fact that 2+2=4
  15. I'm thinkin' Bill.. If more hunters were like some of you old timers... we wouldn't need mandates to get things done in the hunting world... my Dad sure never needed the DEC to tell him when to take me hunting
  16. We also have to remember that there is a huge amount of land over the years that has been eaten up by developement... many of the good hunting spots I had as a youngster are neighborhoods now... It's sad to say but it has gotten to where you really need to secure a place to hunt these days for the future... I am glad of the Adirondacks which will sustain me probably for my lifetime... never sure when the farmer I lease from will decide he wants to sell the property or just plain end the lease... these are much different times for hunters than "the good ole days"
  17. well that has become obvious... and not necessarily a bad thing... makes for a good debate
  18. Awww it's not that bad... they are very entertaining... kinda like watching a dog chase his own tail... I think it's funny how they never attack the content of what you post... just the source... I really don't think they even read the post... because they're too afraid they might actually learn something... it's easier to attack you... I'm sure it's just them mimicing how they got picked on when they were kids... you can tell by how childish their posts are... but they are good for a laugh
  19. They are absolutely the same if put there for the motivation of attracting deer... and all the things you mentioned above are great things about food plots... yet you know as well as I that isn't the norm for most that plant them... they are strictly for attracting deer to hunt.. just because there are some like yourself that have evolved from that idea to the points you made above doesn't dismiss the initial motivation for the concept of food plots... and that would be to attract deer for harvesting...
  20. And yet another 2nd grade response... your freedoms have already been taken you just aren't smart enough to see it... carry on puppet.
  21. No, I don't take shots at anyone's profession. We all do different things in life and any honest living should not be demeaned. He claims to post only irrefutable FACTS, so if he was an honors student as he posted in another thread, I would think that he wouldn't need to work in the blazing sun all day long either. I would have thought that all his smarts would have put him in a better position than that. I know people who weren't honors students and some that didn't even attend college who put themselves in better positions in life, and by the way I didn't hear any of them make claims that they have all the FACTS on everything like he does. So the fact that I'm a contractor means that I settled for a lesser job that puts me in the blazing sun all day?... All my smarts landed me in the job of my choosing that I totally enjoy, where I set my own hours and make more money in a month than you probably make all year and get the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of my labor whe I'm through with a job... It has allowed me to build a home for half of what it would cost to buy on the open market, it has put 2 kids through college, afforded me the opportunity to have a camp in the North, lease 1000 acres of land for hunting just around the corner from my home... Now tell me again how my smarts could have landed me in a better position... I would contend that your POSITION didn't land you with many SMARTS... like I said I don't have the facts for everything.. just the things I choose to discuss here... and its a fact that the more you open your mouth the less smart you appear to be. The only reason I can think of for attacking another mans livelyhood and choice in life is to make up for something that is lacking in your own that you might be less than proud of... or maybe you are just a poor excuse for a man.
  22. I wouldn't begrudge a landowner his right to deny access to his land for hunting... some I'm sure just don't want the extra hunters maybe because it will over crowd the area... or are uncomfortable hunting with someone they are not familar with... my problem would be more with those that don't want to share THEIR deer with anyone or are afraid that someone else might kill THEIR deer.. If I was selfish and thought I needed to kill a buck not of my personal standards just to say I killed a buck... my good friends 16 year old son John would not have gotten his first buck last year... a buck I passed on 3 days earlier after tracking him to his bed at about 20-25 yards... I didn't kill a buck last year... but got just as much enjoyment in hearing the story of how John got his.
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