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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. They definitely are legendary trackers.. and good guys too
  2. Not to mention our tax dollars pay for their cadillac health insurance and pension plans... which most of the tax payers don't have. Pretty good pay for a 9 month a year job.. actually 180 days if you add it up... and 5-6 years of schooling isn't all that tough... seeing how most of it is spent partying... anyone who has gone to college would even tell you its some of the best years of their life.
  3. The people that comment on that website are primarily left wing nuts themselves.. and have the same stance on guns as Morgan... I didn't see anything in those clips that said total nut case at all... sometimes he can be a bit over the top but this time wasn't one of them.
  4. I have footage where I grunted in 4 bucks at once... 2 spikes... a crotch horn and a 6-point... they all stood right under my stand wondering what the hell was going on... the footage is on High 8 film... from 15 years ago.. one of these days I'll get the stuff digitized so I can upload it .
  5. Everything they do .. they do on a shoestring... they book their own shows, make their own videos and publish their own books... they are simple guys that live regular lives like you and me... they also work 40 hour a weeks at regular jobs. I believe Shane works for the town DPW. You also have to remember they are not looking to get famous.. they were well known before they started doing any promotion... they reluctantly started marketing themselves on the request of other hunters, friends and family.
  6. How about this... there are nearly 200,000 bowhunters in NY... about 2000-3000 of which are members of NYB.... there are 0 crossbow hunters in NY (well until this upcoming season) and the NYS Crossbow Hunters Assoc has been around since the 90's... without any crossbow season in NY. All they would need is 1 member and their % of membership would be higher than NYB. Just a thought...
  7. Younger deer respond more because they... like little kids ... are more curious and don't yet have the experience that the older bucks have... older bucks don't take chances... hard to get an older buck to do anything he doesn't want to do except during the rutting season... young deer are easily fooled... big bucks not so easily fooled.
  8. The Benoits are definitely larger than life... I know them as well as many other well known trackers... except for maybe Joe Dinito from NY... the Benoits are probably some the best whitetail trackers in the world.. the reason I say Joe Dinito is better is because.. the benoits hunt nearly every day during the deer season.. where as Joe only gets to hunt 3-5 days a year...and he has been successful in the deep woods Adirondacks every year but 1 for the last 18 years.. not sure many other fellas... would have that kind of record with that little time to hunt.
  9. Looks like their plan worked on her.. people will actually think that $3 gas is great after paying $4...Hmm .. we got them right where they want us!!
  10. I guess the crossbow issue is even bigger than the AR issue ???
  11. Ortho "Home Defense".. spray on foundation perimeter where it meets the house anll the way around and don't leave a gap.. then spray spots where you're seeing ants in the house.. it works wonders... i had the same problem few years back and i worked great haven't had ants since..
  12. I use the True Talker.. Not one from HS but an original from David Oathout the inventor... I can make every call you can think of with it.. except the snort wheeze... The one HS sells is the same call and works great.. the nice thing aboout the call is that it doesn't freeze in the cold weather...
  13. Agreed... even us healthy, in shape guys, have some limitations that keep us from doing things we'd like to do.... although for some that limitation would be their wife
  14. The bacon itself usually gives me all the gas I can handle ;D
  15. sometimes the call is the difference between getting the deer to move your way or watching him walk away without ever getting a shot
  16. It's always nice to hear a story about how excited a guy gets from his hunting experience... great job!
  17. I not sure that not telling on someone is really breaking the law... it's more like not offering up information unless you're asked.. there is no law against that... now if you were under oath and lied that would be different...
  18. I have killed nearly all my deer using a call at some point or another... sometimes to attract a buck that I can't see and other times to get the buck to come into range. I have called in deer from hundreds of yards away... I think they are one of the single best hunting tools to have for hunting good bucks. I never go in the woods without one.. and I have been using the same call for the last 16 years.
  19. Stiil looking for my first with the recurve... not an easy feat.. great job!!
  20. And you can't hang the meat on your wall.. sooo
  21. usually points that share a commom base are close to one another... if they were farther apart like you discribed.. it might be possible that the points could be separate and each come off the beam even with the web between.. hard to say.. would have to see it first.. what I see in the pic here is not the top of the beam between the two points but rather that little crotch that you get when an antler point forks... the fact that the fork is close to beam in this instance gives the impression that it is the top of the beam when in reality it isnt...
  22. If you look up state crime rates you'll find motor vehicle thefts included.. so again eliminating automobiles will still reduce crime.. just common sense. How about drive-by shootings? autos and gun!! Maybe there should be a law that if you own one of the two you can't own the other ;D ... that would reduce drive-bys... just common sense right?
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