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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. Muzzy I agree but some on this site believe hydro fracking never contaminated any thing. Check this out.Quote from: nyantler on July 29, 2011, 02:37:53 pmIf you check...there has not been a single proven case where hydrofracking has contaminated a water supply, well or ground area. And there has yet to be a proven case.. I didn't say it hasn't happened or I don't believe it happens... I said that there is no proven case... just alleged cases... if you want to state the facts.. that is the fact... not my opinion. Environmental and human health concerns associated with hydraulic fracturing include the contamination of ground water, risks to air quality, the migration of gases and hydraulic fracturing chemicals to the surface, and the potential mishandling of waste.[16] The potential costs associated with possible environmental clean-up processes, loss of land value and human and animal health concerns are undetermined. A 2010 EPA study discovered contaminants in drinking water including: arsenic, copper, vanadium, and adamantanes adjacent to drilling operations. The EPA said a broad range of sources are being investigated, including agricultural activity, but noted gas drilling as a potential cause.[17] EPA administrator Lisa Jackson recently told Congress that there have been no "proven cases where the fracking process itself has affected water." [18] New technological advances continue to be developed and appropriate state regulations are working to ensure the process is safely implemented.[19] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_fracturing
  2. Liberal positions are only valid if you can prove them valid... something you haven't been able to do.. just stating your opinion does not make it valid
  3. I didn't know that it was Bow hunters and Muzzleloaders (us) against the gun hunters... Yes, whether you like it or not this proposal does put bowhunters and muzzleloader hunters in competition for DMPs with the regular season hunters where such a competition never existed before. Sorry, I didnt know it was a competition
  4. I didn't know that it was Bow hunters and Muzzleloaders (us) against the gun hunters...
  5. Chesapeake is fined more than $1 million in Pennsylvania Click on above full article Read your own article before you post maybe Dave.. That was a well drilling insident not a hydrofracking insident.. I'm not saying hydrofracking is a good thing.. only nothing has been proven... just alleged DEP said improper well casing and cementing allowed natural gas to seep into groundwater and contaminate 16 families’ drinking water wells in northern Pennsylvania’s Bradford County. The department began investigating the complaints last year. In November, it won approval of stronger well-casing and cementing rules that a top DEP official has said would have prevented the gas migration. Joe, someone on this site told me it's a waste of time trying to have a discussion with a lunatic.He was absolutely right. Dave Tough admitting you don't even read your own links?... Have a good argument once in a while Dave...maybe something true instead of something you create out of thin air
  6. Bubba, I think they should have a thread for just Politics period. Not to confuse hunting and politics being lumped together. That way if you see a post under the politics section you know it has nothing to do with hunting. And we know who we can put in charge of that thread. Just my humble opinion.Dave What about the political stuff that does have something to do with hunting? It's much easier for us not to have to babysit you Dave and you can just avoid the threads you don't like on your own... or maybe John can rebuild the whole forum so that it meets your needs... and then after that he can check with you to make sure it meets your approval... It must be terrible not to be able to resist the temptation to click your mouse on a thread that doesn't even interest you. Joe, thanks for supporting me in this matter , I didn't know you cared so much. Never see you go out of your way for the rest of the members. You must truly like me. You are my new best friend. Lets do lunch one of these days.Dave Well I certainly don't dislike you.. I don't even know you ... I'm not real keen on your opinions, but that doesn't mean you aren't a good guy...Lunch would be good.. my treat
  7. Chesapeake is fined more than $1 million in Pennsylvania Click on above full article Read your own article before you post maybe Dave.. That was a well drilling insident not a hydrofracking insident.. I'm not saying hydrofracking is a good thing.. only nothing has been proven... just alleged DEP said improper well casing and cementing allowed natural gas to seep into groundwater and contaminate 16 families’ drinking water wells in northern Pennsylvania’s Bradford County. The department began investigating the complaints last year. In November, it won approval of stronger well-casing and cementing rules that a top DEP official has said would have prevented the gas migration.
  8. Bubba, I think they should have a thread for just Politics period. Not to confuse hunting and politics being lumped together. That way if you see a post under the politics section you know it has nothing to do with hunting. And we know who we can put in charge of that thread. Just my humble opinion.Dave What about the political stuff that does have something to do with hunting? It's much easier for us not to have to babysit you Dave and you can just avoid the threads you don't like on your own... or maybe John can rebuild the whole forum so that it meets your needs... and then after that he can check with you to make sure it meets your approval... It must be terrible not to be able to resist the temptation to click your mouse on a thread that doesn't even interest you.
  9. I believe discussing politics is a no win situation. I do have my opinions and keep them to myself. Maybe you should do the same, I hope you don't consider that an insult. I don't remember insulting you, so I don't know what you are taking offense too. Or do you need Joe to step in and defend you, we all know he is never wrong about anything. He knows the answers and the meanings to the questions.Dave Dave Because you have nothing useful to say ...instead of just keeping your political opinion to your self you can keep your personal insults to yourself as well. Oh.. unless you have an intelligent arguement to back up why I am wrong about what I say... Unlike you I only answer the questions and talk on the subjects I know something about.... you might notice I don't comment on a lot of the threads because I have nothing to offer there... you should do the same... but then again if you did that we'd never hear from you again ;D
  10. It isn't so , Algore.. there I said it
  11. That would only be because other surrounding properties aren't passing on bucks... if all areas of NY passed on young bucks.. the population of big mature whitetails would rise significantly in only a few years... for example.. if you have 100 one year olds, 10 two year olds and lets say 2 three year old bucks and a four year old in all of ny (it's an example guys.. relax).. If no yearlings where killed that hunting season and (1) 3 year old was taken along with (2)2year olds... the next year you would have if all the deer survive the winter... 100 new yearlings, 100 two year olds, 11 three year olds, and 2 four year olds if the same happened the following year you could possibly have 75 or more 3 year olds and better.. when you only had 3 older bucks in the first year... then i promise you everyone would be seeing mature bucks... and remember if you start using numbers in the thousands in each WMU we're taking no time to produce a stable age structure of older bucks Because of the increased competition amoung those older bucks you'd be seeing far more than only one 140 or better buck in most deer hunting areas
  12. If you check...there has not been a single proven case where hydrofracking has contaminated a water supply, well or ground area. Having said that... I find it strange that they need to use such a toxic chemical when hydrofracturing for natural gas... hydrofracturing has been used for years for increasing the water volume in well water systems... but only water and high pressure are used to open the already existing fractures in the ground to allow more water flow.. why can't they do the same with natural gas minus the chemical????
  13. Actually, it wasn't. People were not this apathetic years ago... they also were hard working and didn't expect a handout instead of a days pay for a days work.
  14. The day is soon coming when everyone will ask.. what the hell just happened? While they are not paying attention and feeling all fat and happy... all of a sudden in 2 years... gas goes from $1 a gallon to $4... monthly health insurance premiums rise 50% ... the national debt is out of control... unemployment is 9% from 4%... yet... all the government people that are suppose to watch these things... are still employed and most very wealthy, get free health care, don't pay for gas but travel instead on our dollar, and refuse to stop spending so much money keeping the country in debt... and there still are some here that don't see any of it as a problem... I think maybe that might be the problem
  15. His father was from Kenya.. so I'm sure thats where the Kenyan part came from.. nothing to do with racism... he would have been more correct to have called him the Indonesian Socialist... he live there from age 2-8... I believe. Either way.. it was not a racist statement... only a liberal minded person would pull the race card based on someone using the word Kenya... great spin virgil ???
  16. Joe why do you always assume that people are ignorant and you have all the answers? How do you know what people think? I guess TONTO JOE knows all and the rest of you are ignorant of what is going on. Astounded that you can make such a statement with nothing to back it up. You under estimate people that's your major fault.Dave If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck... My statement is backed up every time you post Dave... it's not about having all the answers... it's about understanding the question... something you rarely do... so it would be hard for you to have any of the answers... that is YOUR major fault... along with only being able to resort to 2nd grade name calling when you have no intelligent response to offer... I don't assume anyone is ignorant until they prove that they are lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified... I believe that is the definition of ignorant... and if the shoe fits... oh well
  17. I think people pay just enough attention to get part of the information... and make themselves dangerously ignorant to what is really going on...
  18. They are being used to locate the Emerald Ash Borers... the traps are just set to find out where the beetles are present... so that they can be dealt with appropriately in those areas... the traps are not designed to kill off all the beetles just used as a locater for now... info direct from one of the guys setting out the traps.
  19. there is no example anywhere in the US that deer management and AR's haven't worked where they have been applied properly, the question really is.. Can the NYDEC apply any of it properly? I think not! As you all know I am all for deer management with antler restrictions in some circumstances... I'm just not confident that New York State could pull off a proper program statewide that would be beneficial to all or most WMU's
  20. LOL.. well you are kinda right... yet there has been naturally occuring herds up until just before the 1900's... until overhunting with no hunting regs or harvest limits almost wiped out the entire NY whitetail population.. and we're not looking necessarily for what mother nature did before man started erasing most of the habitat... just a better age structure than there is at the present which does in fact make some of the herd healthier... especially fawns which will be born earlier and have a much greater chance of survival in low food areas... the age structure right now is the same as having a small percentage of adult male humans 30 and up...with most of the male population being teenage boys ... and we certainly don't want that!
  21. I won't hold my breath. The next time I see Mr. VJP posting I will pass it by.Dave Why didn't you just pass it by this time?.. There are tons of other threads on this forum... you certainly don't have to read the ones you aren't interested in... and as long as VJP keeps them civil and posts in the appropriate place.. he has every right to post his opinions... You don't want anyone telling you what bucks you can kill, but you're ok telling him what and where he can post.
  22. When speaking of herd health... deer management plans are refering more to maintaining optimum herd health not necessarily repairing an unhealthy herd... the health of a deer herd contains many factors... nutrition being only one part... optimum breeding, body wieght, age structure, stress management are some other parts. AR's are primarily put into place for age structure and to create a hierarchy in the buck herd so that the better or dominant bucks are doing most of the breeding and allowing young bucks a chance to grow to their potential. AR's in conjunction with doe population controls help create better buck to doe ratios which help to get does bred earlier to reduce the number of late born fawns. AR's alone do not necessarily make a herd healthier... AR's have rightly gotten a bad rap because most hunters see them as a means to just produce trophy bucks... which inherantly they do... but the truth is that having more trophy bucks will always be the bi-product of having a more balanced buck age structure... If hunting was not the only proven population control for whitetails and mother nature could do it alone... all yearling bucks would be spared each year and the age structure would be such that there would be representation in all age classes... hunters shooting young bucks are the only factor that keeps that natural age structure from occuring and they are also the only ones that fix it. Unfortunately, most hunters don't see the importance of a balance age structure for bucks... if they did there would probably be no need for us to be talking about AR's... hunters would be dong it voluntarily.
  23. Thats my first full sneak mount.. I have a few right and left turn semi-sneaks.. so I thought the full sneak would be different... I caught this buck after following him all afternoon crossing a huge grass lot... I grunted him in from about 200 yards and this is the last look he had before the lead flew at about 60 yards!! I kept swinging my son around as I tracked the buck to try and get him a shot at it, my son was just out of sight of the grass lot in the woods.
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