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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. AR compromises the DECs ability to control population because they have let it get so out of hand over the years... If in fact the do population has to decrease to make room for a balanced buck age structure , then so be it.. the need for guys to fill permits shouldn't supercede whats right and natural for the deer herd.
  2. I guess people say a lot of things until they actually see an example of it. Politics is an art. Candidates have to have some natural talent towards it otherwise they can do far more damage to their cause than they ever intended. Paladino simply was not cut out for that kind of work. It's too bad, but someone should have recognized that fact before all the attention and support went his way. We certainly were left with a couple of real ugly choices. Like I said, the Republicans and Conservatives gave away what should have been a simple win for them. However, on a positive side, Paladino did highlight the anger in the way government is conducted. No, he didn't scare anyone by making the election close, but I think the liberal NYS politicians did recognize a force that has the capability of growing. I think they are all pretty happy that they dodged the bullet by having a politically challenged candidate to run against. I think it is also true that he successfully got his message across and forced his opponent o pick it up and carry it forward. It is my belief that without Paladino and the Tea Party, a lot of the more conservative rhetoric would not be coming out of Cuomo's mouth. Well said Doc..
  3. I don't look at my marraige "contract" as laughable at all.. I absolutely look at is a committment to be honored by continually making an effort to make the marraige as strong as possible... I suppose if you take the view that you take.. then morality really doesn't matter in any aspect of life.
  4. Well if you are asking me personally... I just know what a big buck looks like..so I wouldn't need an AR... if you're asking how the state should do it... I guess, just for the sake of argument.. 4 on a side would be better for protecting yearling bucks. The idea of the AR is to try and take more mature bucks, and leave the younger bucks alone to eventually balance age structure. Generally (100% of th time ) your younger bucks aren't big bucks. So in reality hunters really shouldn't be as concerned with how many points but more the size of the rack and the size of the deer... I'm pretty sure most, if not all, hunters know the difference between a big buck and a small buck.. the problem is that fellas are more worried about how they will be able to shoot a buck that is close to the limit... than a buck where there is no question he's a shooter.
  5. I'm 51 and have no trouble getting a deer out long distances... the only reason you aren't physically able is if you let yourself go and aren't in shape or have a disability... My good friend Jim Massett the adirondack tracker is 73 and still hunts miles in the woods alone... I doubt there is a young guy that I know that could keep up with him...
  6. the "92 is my second buck, and so forth.. the '94 buck scored 169-9 gross 155-3 net I shot him in his bed at about 30 yards.... the other 2 score just under 100... the '92 buck is one that my dad and I hunted for 3 days.. i shot him in his bed at 8 yards... the temp was 5 degrees that day... it was so cold that he hung tight in his bed (which was tucked away in a thick blow down) until it was too late.
  7. Loves those old pics.. great buck , great pic!
  8. thats why the 3 pt on a side AR isn't the best standard.. point restrictions isn't the way to go
  9. I don't see how having crossbows will have any impact what so ever on NYS hunting... Especially in the Regular season.. I view it as just another weapon that I'll have the pleasure to try and take a deer with... and I definitely will try! When will we get a hammer season??
  10. Wth the type of gang criminals we have today vjp's post sounds exactly right... and really, you don't need to carry openly to have a gun for protection.. concealed works just as well... why take a chance?
  11. Back, to back to back years '92..'93..'94
  12. The hunter is Mike Biernacki..an Orleans County Buck.. score 189-2 Non-typical .. 17 pt.. taken in 2009
  13. Damn.. and I just threw out 10 of those ammo boxes.. >
  14. Hey I'm kinda proud of the kid and he isn't even mine..lol
  15. I think there is an element of learning about yourself as far as hunting is concerned.. but I don't think that I am conscious of it necessarily... It's possible I reflect on the beauty of nature and my love for the outdoors... but I don't get any deep meanings of life... I'm too busy trying to make sure that my foot doesn't land on a twig...spooking the buck that I've been tracking for 4 hours..
  16. I agree that there are some areas that simply get hunted hard.. I try to hunt off days during the week when possible... and I realize that is hard for some guys to do.. My least favortie time to hunt state land is the weekend when most hunters are afield. Unless the weather is miserable in which case i make it a point to try and hunt... the worse the weather the fewer the hunters usually. Sometimes its a lot like a chess game trying to outsmart the other fellas moves
  17. "I often say that I learn more about myself in a day afield than I learn in a year of doing anything else." Not to sure where this statement applies... it would appear to me that this individual doesn't do much during the year... I am not learning anything about myself when I hunt... I am too busy hunting and having fun... and I definitely learn more outside of hunting about myself through my interactions with family, friends, and the world outside of hunting... I understand that this guy is trying to drive home the importance of personal ethics but it is far too shallow minded to believe that somehow my hunting ethics teach me more about everyday life and what I gain from my everyday experiences... Just way too deep and puts far too much importance on an activity that I do for enjoyment.
  18. Yes, but I haven't watched it yet.. i did see portions of it at the show though and was impressed.. i think its very well worth the $10 price..
  19. Personally i find that stuff is way to deep for me... if you have to think that hard about your hunting ethics then you must have a reason to... I absolutely come home every day after hunting with a clean conscience and can go right to sleep without any worries because I don't have a concern about my ethics... Lecturing on ethics is like preaching to the choir... the only guys that are listening are the ones that don't need the lecture... some people are just cheaters and will always find a way to buck the system to give them an advantage. Those may be the guys who you are speaking to, but they probably aren't the ones listening.
  20. Met the guys from Venatic Outdoors today.. great guys...good to see young guys so enthusiastic about their endeavor.. I think they'll do very well.
  21. I don't look at hunting just the county that I live in.. I travel all over to find places to hunt... I hunt state land all over the state as well as property that I lease and own. Literally for a couple hundred bucks and a few tanks full of gas I have a ton of good hunting spots all over the state... there is almost no state land close to where I live in central NY.. so much for lucky.. you have the option to hunt other state land, just depends on how badly you want to hunt.
  22. I very seldom use any scent control..In fact, I usually have a cigar in my mouth when I'm hunting.. but then again i hunt from the ground where I can play the wind most times.. I have killed numerous (11) big bucks without any scent control what so ever... that doesn't mean I'm against using scent blocker products.. they definitely have their place in hunting.. especially treestand hunting with a bow... and I cannot say that I might not have killed more big bucks if I used scent control.. I just have never found it a problem going without..
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