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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. LOL.. thanks for bringing that to my attention!
  2. I have 3 pages of bigger 2012 NY Buck photos for those of you that want to take a peak http://www.nyantler-outdoors.com/2012-new-york-whitetails.html and some here as well if you scroll down some http://www.nyantler-outdoors.com/ny-whitetail-deer-photos.html Enjoy...
  3. It came from surronding land, but was not cut by me .. it was cut by the company that sold me the property. My cabin is sided with the same lumber...I hand picked boards with the best character.. some of the boards on the cabin are pretty knarly! I have started trimming the inside of the cabin with similar thinner boards. My baseboard has the same bark side just cut thinner.
  4. It's no different than telling parents of children killed in auto accidents that we are going to continue making and selling automobiles... the truth is there has always been and will always be death and murder... while it is tragic and sad... it is the reality... I am not trivializing anything just stating the facts... picking and choosing which deaths are more important and should be dealt with first by taking away the freedoms of the people should be far more disturbing to you than just putting into perspective the actual chance of an innocent person being killed by a gun. You also probably didn't know and don't care that nearly as many children die in pool related accidents each year...do you want to be the one that tells those parents we are going to conitnue making more pools... seems to me that you and others choose to trivialize those childs deaths by inferring that other child deaths are more important and need to be dealt with first... again it is using ones heart to try and "rationize" something that can only be dealt with by using ones head. I can separate my "hearts" feeling of saddness for those that lost love ones in CT from my ability to still have rational thought about the reality of what can be done about it.
  5. Great pic Eddie!.. love the VW bus... I had one as a kid complete with no heat and all the rust..lol
  6. We're talking about roughly 14,000 gun murders a year of which better than half are a result of gang on gang violence. So that brings us to about 7,000 innocent murders per year with guns, which is almost the same as the amount of deaths by weapons other than gun. So, of 313 million people in the US .0022% of innocent people have a chance of being murdered by a gun.
  7. You got it!! I think that is the reason I never learned to sit very long in one place... I would have froze ot death.
  8. would be as simple as not allowing any comments to any of the posts. Just a "twitter" like statement restricted to so many letters... be even better if you were restricted to just a 10 word or less statement.
  9. LOL.. those wool pants were the best back then... but they were like wearing lead pants... the new fleece stuff is so much lighter and just as warm and waterproof... some of the youngsters today don't realize how good they have it as far as the quality of the hunting clothes these days... I would have killed for a pair of warm boots and gloves back in the day.
  10. I am surprised to find that the attitude of some on this forum is the same as what LaPierre said would come from the anti's in response to his statement.
  11. The NRA's cause is not gun violence... it is the protection of gun rights... and they did unveil a meanful contribution to make sure this doesn't happen again... I think the real sensitivity comes in the fact that they didn't make any statement for a week out of respect for the victims, which was far more sensitive than the barrage by the media and anti gun crazies and there continuos exploitation of the tragedy.
  12. This is about 1987 I believe... nearly walked by this buck on his track.... you know how you get that feeling something is watching you? well, I did and turned to my left to find him staring at me.. he circled and was bedded literally five feet from me in a brush pile. I manage to get a bullet in him as he started to get up from his bed... he ran off and I chased him not sure if I had hit him.. I got to a clearing just as he was coming out of the brush and into the clearing... I raised my gun and he fell down... he tried getting up... I fired as he was falling again and my slug burned the hair on his neck and put a hole in his ear... he started getting up again and I gathered my composure and shot him in the chest... he shook his body and let out a loud grunt just before dropping to the ground dead... the image still makes the hair on my neck stand up. That was my first tracking kill. If you look close you can see the hole on the edge of his left ear.
  13. How much more sensitive can you get when speaking about the importance of bringing our schools to the same protection afforded our elected officials... the insensitivity lies with those elected officials charged with keeping the American public safe that would protect themselves before affording the people that same protection. Lapierre got it right when he said that the only way to stop an armed bad guy is an armed good guy... gun bans will do only one thing.. take the gun away from one of those armed men and from experience we know it won't be the armed bad guy.
  14. Yeah I think I'd be going out instead and buying up all the Hawkin style flintlock muzzleloaders I could find... can make your own gunpowder, patches, balls and flints. Might get to be a bit archaic but at least i'll have a firearm when the s%&t hits the fan.
  15. The only thing gun control changes is the weapon that will be used in future mass killings and the freedom of law abiding gun owners. So where is the change for a safer America?
  16. Here is something many have yet to consider... making new gun laws or any laws for that matter does not change the attitude or personality or mind set of any person hell bent on killing... dealing with the people or persons and even the culture in general with better morals, ethics, faith and hope lessens the need for more and more laws. The short of it is that no law can lessen the criminal mind of the bad man, but changing the mind of the bad man can lessens the need for the law. I think the focus is on the wrong thing for most and the NRA is at least on the right track..
  17. Nearly 6000 people a year die from accidental drowning each year, thier were also 32,000 auto related deaths last year.. 6200 of which were kids. 36% of all murders are committed with a weapon other than a firearm... so.. of about 20,000 + murders committed in the US each year... over 1/3 are committed with something other than a firearm. And the 30,000 gun related deaths in the US.. more than half (17,000) are a result of suicide. just some interesting facts.
  18. I think it has been clearly established by the medical examiner and police that the AR15 was used in the killings... not sure where you are going with this thread.
  19. I was going for a whimsical look so I made the roof look a little skewed... I haven't quite finished the inside yet, but when I'm done it will look better than many people bathrooms in their home..lol I am working on a cool door for it with a carving of a deer... hopefully have that on next spring.
  20. LOL.. Yes he did!! And.... I never knew that the earths core was a million degrees.. He is brilliant isn't he??.
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