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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. What does yearling buck protection have to do with food plots and artificially-enhanced headgear? Again you're out in left field about what's even being discussed...lol
  2. The Constitution is pretty simple and straight forward except to the people who think it needs to be changed. Most Americans think it's fine and clear just the way it was written especially those who have risked and given their lives to protect it.
  3. Sometimes people just need to put things in perspective... there will probably never be a club that you belong to where you don't have some issue with how they do business.. but we're talking about standing together here for the freedoms of all gun owners and our 2nd amendment right... all the other stuff that you have issue with is is trivial compared to losing your rights as a gun owner... the NRA stands tall when it comes to your 2nd amendment right regardless of whether you are a member or not.. if they are willing to carry those that sit back and do nothing... the least we can do is support their efforts by funding the cause... it's 25 bucks a year well spent in my view... I drop that much cash on things that aren't nearly as important as my freedom to protect myself... just something to think about... as a life member I always know that at least I am trying to be part of the solution not contributing to the problem.
  4. You read all the books, take all the advice, hunt the best areas and that still will not gaurantee success. Many of us have hunted for decades and still experience years when things just don't work out the way you planned. It's th nature of the beast... it is much better to define a successful hunt by the amount of enjoyment you got from that hunt... if success becomes just about killing a deer... you may be more dissappointed than not as a hunter. I try to learn something new about where I am hunting everyday... over time you gather knowledge about whitetail habits that increase your chances of seeing deer. I might get a bit of slack for this suggestion, but if you are brand new to hunting and you're going to the same treestand on public land everyday (especially having not seen anything for a couple days) and expect to learn anything or see deer consistantly.. you are on the road to disappointment. Experimenting with different locations on public land, getting off the beaten path, doing a little walking, anything but staying in the same spot for days on end will serve you far better in the long run and add to your experience in the woods. Be patient, for some it just doesn't happen over night.
  5. For most the big reason for not joining the NRA is because they're constantly asking for money.. or they call the house too much... or you didn't get the magazine they promised for your membership... the only real reason for not joining is because they aren't doing their job. Which they do and do well... better than any other organization. Standing together as NRA members is are best option against this onslaught
  6. Good story Wolly... it does take a lot of practice to get proficient with traditional equipment.. one thing I have learned about practicing... if you shoot 10 arrows ... and you can put 9 of the 10 in a 2" group... but the first arrow you shoot is always the flyer.... the other nine don't count.. the truth is you could shoot one arrow a day each day for the whole summer... and until that one arrow is dead on and you can do it consistantly each day, everyday.. you are not proficient enough for hunting... because usually in a hunting situation you only get one good shot... and thats the first shot. LOL.. now I'm not saying that you should really go out and only shoot one arrow a day, but I am saying that first shot consistancy is what guys need to concentrate on... because that is really the only shot that counts.
  7. I don't understand how some on here can't see the progress already made to surpress freedom in this country by the left and our lefty politicians... the left screams about freedom, but picks and chooses which ones they think people should have. They love the freedom of speech, but stomp on religious freedom and the 2nd amendment... and so forth and so on... whenever the dems have control of anything you see the deterioration of society increase and freedoms are lost.. why would we think that martial law is so far out of the realm of reality... the real freedom libs want.. is to control who gets the freedom and who doesn't.
  8. I would go to a bow shop that specializes in traditional archery. They will help set you up with everything... most will have a place to try out the bows to see what you're comfortable with. I shoot a 60# Martin with cedar shafted arrows... I wouldn't recommend wooden arrows in the beginning simply because of the cost of the arrows.. start with something more durable.. because you'll need to do a lot of practicing to get proficient with instinctive shooting and that means a lot of damaged arrows..lol
  9. LOL.. that was exactly my original point. Just another "feel good" program to appease the ignorant loudmouths.
  10. Actually Steve that is a good question I guess "big big bucks" is probably a bit subjective and open to interpretation.. but I was speaking about bucks that score 140 or better based on the number of those size bucks entered in the record book each year plus factoring those that aren't entered. It isn't an exact science obviously just a number that I think is close based on my 20 something years of doing this stuff in NY. My point was really that of the 103,000 bucks taken on average in NY each year only a small percentage are exceptionally large antlered bucks for NY so I would not expect the average score of bucks taken to be very high... but again whats high or low to one hunter might not be the same for another.. what I do know for sure is the average score is no where near the recordbook minimums. Although my best guess would be that the average is slowly creeping upward in NY.
  11. Well since there are only between 300 - 400 "big big bucks" taken each year in NY and most bucks taken in NY are yearlings.. the average score is probably pretty low.
  12. See... there you go putting owrds in my mouth .. I never said turning in weapons rubs me the wrong way... you said that.. I said exactly what I wrote in the post. You said my post was baseless.. I proved you wrong and in fact what I said was true... therefore not baseless... stay on topic here... if you remember I also said to do some research for yourself... but in true liberal form you refuse to do anything that might prove you wrong... so carry on... don't you liberals get kind of dizzy with all the spinning you do? You love creating your own realities that just don't exist.
  13. I shoot 180 usually but occasionally use 220 grain... its like hitting a deer with a truck... anywhere in the front shoulder and it takes the deer right off his feet. Most of my shots are from 80 and in... not sure I'd recommend the heavier bullet for longer range shooting.
  14. Probably won't hear much until the dry periods are over and people start getting them officially scored. I'll keep you posted.
  15. have them get in touch with me through the website... they are nice bucks to have the info on.
  16. Do some research and see how baseless it is... I think your baseless comment post is baseless. In fact many of the people that turn in guns still have guns at home which equates to just getting rid of some old guns without the hassle. Not to mention it's a no questions asked policy so criminals bring their guns for cash to use for a new gun purchase. Are you that niave that you think this actually has an impact on crime?? Like I said do some research... and educate that liberal mind of yours. http://articles.latimes.com/2012/dec/26/local/la-me-1227-gun-buyback-20121227
  17. I have 2 old rusty long guns that I aquired years ago that I wouldn't even shoot.. it might be a good way to get rid of them and get some cash.. that's really how most of these buybacks go anyway... very few people giving up any good guns.. just old stuff that someone will pay them to get rid of. It will make all the lefty's feel good, but will do nothing but cost the taxpayers money.
  18. I am for the death penalty for the purpose of eliminating a proven threat to the public... I am not in favor of it as a means of revenge. But why keep someone who can never be let back into society in jail for the rest of his life at the expense of the people?... eliminating the person.. protects people forever from that person.
  19. Merry Christmas to all... try to remember that this is a time for giving.. even if it is just a kind word or a smile to your fellow man.. God Bless
  20. You can see the same pattern illogical lunatic behavior with all those who have jump on the gun control band wagon... speaking about guns as if they have ever owned one or even understand anything about the real gun culture. To them gun culture is really criminal killing culture which doesn't need a gun to exist. Piers Morgan is the epitomy of this type of individual.
  21. As I thought... your response makes no sense. Since when has a gun every killed anyone.. I don't think you are hearing yourself... massive killing "BY" a gun? See there in lies the problem with this culture.. people like you thinking that the gun has a soul and a mind of it's own... that's not even logical.. it's nothing more than an innocent tool used in a senseless killing... it doesn't control itself... it needs someone to pick it up, load it, aim it and then pull the trigger.. stop speaking about it as if it sought out a deranged man and jumped in the guys hands and forced him into a school full of children... the gun is no more to blame than the car used to drive the guy to the school. Concentrating on the instruments instead of the people that do these killings is the reason they continue to happen... the gun didn't make the guy a killer.. that was in his head regardless of his weapon of choice. For some reason you aren't smart enough to understand that... and I'm not your buddy!
  22. Having seen the buck I don't think it is 170.. that was the score the hunter sent in..... looks closer to 140 to me.. I think it was wishful thinking on his part..
  23. Does it really matter how a child dies? Seriously..?? The point is you cannot blame the instrument in one death and not blame the instrument in another if you are being logical. Why is one childs death worse than another? The point is... it isn't. Some of you act as if it matters to a parent how their child dies... the grief is no less anyway you slice it... stop the "look how compassionate I am cuz I jumped on the anti-gun bandwagon" routine and use your head and maybe you'll comprehend a little better what I said. Tell me how banning a .223 long gun will stop children from being killed at the hands of any madman that is hell bent on killing innocent children. You can't. All you can do is continue giving the impression that if you argue that it can.. that it will make you look like you feel more for the families than those of us that know banning any firearm can't stop a madman. Why is it so hard for people like you to be compassionate and be truthful about reality? I don't find it hard at all.
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