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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Your missing out on a good cut of deer.
  2. I have Googled this bow. I find nothing saying where it's from or who really makes it. You have some links to your comments? Not being a d$ck here, but, not liking something due to wher it's made isn't productive to me. Hoyt aren't even made in the USA! Made in Korea! Here's a link.........: http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1045463 So, if you have a link to the actual company it might be helpful. Not everything made in China is crap. That's sort of racist.
  3. Never? My first deer kill, the dude teaching me said it was a right of passage. No, he didn't make me drink the blood, or eat the heart raw, but my sister fried it up with as said, black pepper, onions, and fresh garlic. I still smell it to this day, almost 30 years ago. Man, my mouth is watering now..............
  4. Yeah, I did some sniffing. Just not legal to ship.
  5. Or use it for stew meat. I hope you had that thing on ice with the heat wave we are haveing.............
  6. No, she sold that back to the shop she got it from. Sorry. Like I said, she took a beating on that one.
  7. The lil woman bought a 20ga last year. Tried to tell wait to you see if you like hunting. But.....I digress. After an hour of scouting, she said it wasn't for her. She took a beating selling the Mossy. But, it is what it is. Now, we have $150 worth of unused ammo for the shotgun. Shot, Sabot slugs, and she doesn't want to just give it away. I told her to come in and ask, but she really doesn't want to. So, I am stuck. LOL Anyway she can sell it and at least get a good portion of her money back? Or is that against the law? I know a gun shop won't take it. But she wanted me to ask if anyone here knew of she could sell it to another person or even maybe on Want Ad Digest. This is why I like bow hunting. As long as the arrows are straight, you can get a little back.
  8. Not EBay.....The bow I am using now I got on CL. $50. Came with a sight, and an arrow rest/overdraw system. I put a new rest and sights on it. It's doing fine, for a '94 PSE. I am very happy with it, and very confident in the bow and my skill. But, we all look at new stuff. So, I wanted to ask people who have been bow hunting in the years I was not, what they think about a product. That salesman will sell you anything you want. Or, you can order anything you want from the web. Getting feedback from people who may know the product is better then going in half baked and getting stuck. Um, and I really don't mean this to be arrogant or rude, but please call me Rob or Cy. I will not get into what "Bob" makes most people think of.... LOL
  9. I am just looking at the big stuff, limbs, cams, string, etc...The reviews and price seem a bit to much to be real. I have the sight, rest, quiver, putting a new string stop isn't an extreme amount, just don't want the thing exploding in my face. Seeing this is the only hunting site I am a member of, I figured I would ask. As for the CL items, a leather jacket my g/f got me last X-Mas, and never fit. Too small. A Jackson guitar with some accesories. Sorry no hunting gear.
  10. I have some items on CL for sale, and if they sell, I am thinking about picking up this bow; http://www.amazon.com/Wizard-Archery-Lbs-Compound-Bow/dp/B00FATX878/ref=sr_1_3?s=hunting-fishing&ie=UTF8&qid=1413332632&sr=1-3&keywords=compound+bow Anyone know much about the company. Like the reviews say, not much info. I know that should be a red flag, but I also know that many a company gives quality products and it's hard to find real data on the product.
  11. Figured I would add a pic. This is me and my current set up. PSE Thunder-flite Express, Tru-Glo sights, WB rest, and CX Wolverine Hunter arrows. I have had the quiver for a long, very long time, but, it still works, so I am not swapping it out yet. My broadheads are also old, WASP XXL 4 blade 125's. Never opened the pack till the other day. Still razor sharp and shooting well. Shooting with fingers. It just seems to be better for me. The furball is Miko, our Siberian Husky. She's a handful! She's a pure bred, and she has the "Alpha" personality for sure! She just could not let me have a picture taken without her in it.
  12. Two hunters were dragging their dead deer back to their car. Another hunter approached pulling his along too. He says; "Hey, I don't want to tell you how to do something ... but I can tell you that it's much easier if you drag the deer in the other direction. Then the antlers won't dig into the ground." After the third hunter left, the two decided to try it. A little while later one hunter said to the other, "You know, that guy was right. This is a lot easier!" "Yeah, but we're getting farther from the truck," the other added
  13. I agree. The beer is a must have! I would use a sleeping pad in the area from the pics, but, I have a bad hip and back, and nerve damage in my neck and shoulder, and my buddy has a really bad back from a fall on Gore Mtn.. So those cots make sleeping a lot nicer. I sleep better on my cot then the matress on my bed at home. With injuries and age come pain you didn't think you would have. It sucks to wake up at 3 AM in severe pain. So, I like my cot and my big old air matress when we use drive up camp grounds. I do have a set up for hiking with just a small pup tent. I just don't use it much anymore. Here's a pic of this spot 4 years ago, it's the backside. We set up, and because of the leaves we didn't realize we were sleeping on an old logging road. I could barely walk for a month after this trip. So yeah, I got me a bigger tent and a cot. LOL
  14. Got ya. Kind of a Bed & Breakfast, but dinner included, and for hunters.
  15. Replaced the old noching points, retuned and shot a few arrows with broadheads. Still getting nice groups out to what I feel is my effective range. Weather will be crappy for a couple days, so will use that time to shoot more and make sure I am comfy with the bow and my gropus over that time. Planning on hitting the woods Friday morning for the first time this season. Already have those pre-hunt gremlins in my belly.
  16. Seeing how a neibor complained about me shooting my bow in my yard, and I had to give them the facts on what's legal and not legal. I don't think they will be too happy to see me cutting up a deer or two on my picnic table, so I need to know of a place to take a deer. Anyone know of such a place?
  17. I am considering a small wall tent for the private land camp. I think that and a wood stove would help by buddy be willing to camp in colder weather. Would have been nice for this season if had the time, seeing the deer I scouted all summer bed down 100 yds from where we camp, and like to use our "potty spot " just as much as we do. LOL
  18. Good going. Two in the book and still early i the season.
  19. I love it. I keep trying by buddies dad into letting us make some form of real camp, maybe even just an old extended vav, insulate it and get a generator, that way I can use it as a hunting camp too..I will keep trying..LOL The lil woman and I have thought about getting a small camper, just so we a place to get out of the elements. July week long trip was hell the first 3 days. Two small hurricanes came through. I still don't know how I kept the fire going...
  20. Still use a tent. Have three set ups. One for backpacking, don't do this much anymore. One for car trips, big tent and a queen air mattress so as mentioned, the little woman is happy. So am I to be honest, I like that air matress! One me and a buddy use on his parents land, large tent and we both have a cot. We ATV in, so we can have a few comforts. We call it Camp Nowhere. I will try to get a few pics in from last summer at Camp Nowhere. It's about 3/4 a mile in, and the only big issue is the dang coyote pack that likes to wake us up in the middle of the night. This summer we remade the fire pit, a little bigger, and higher on one end to help feed wood when cooking and to help with smoke.
  21. Using what? Easton or CX?
  22. Ya don't! But, if I am paying for a guided hunt, I would expect some amenities. Not just "Here's a tree, sit by it, and you might get a deer.".
  23. Been showing her that stuff for the 5 years we been together. Right now, we want to buy a house with land. So the 4-wheeler I have will be just fine. The boat can wait, my Jeep is just fine for now, and my boots are great. I did mention, a bow that made in this decade would be nice.....But, I ain't pushing my luck. LOL LOL bkln, She might......Depends who has to take the dog out last tonight.
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