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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by chrisw

  1. I grew up "in the sticks" and I'm pretty sure it's still called poaching out there too. Same question to you? Do you advocate people taking wildlife control into their own hands as they see fit? What if I disliked deer for bringing ticks around my house? Would you be ok with me killing them outside of the season? Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  2. I'm not sure what I've "lost" but I can assure you that since you have no desire to learn, you have "lost" my attention. Keep waging that war against the Boogeyman. I'm out... Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  3. I'm not sure exactly but I highly doubt they could get away with taking all of your long guns also. After all, there are no criminal charges so what would you be charged with? A lot of variables obviously but just a bit of info for anyone who wasn't aware... Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  4. For the record, alot of counties have "sportsman's" restrictions on permit holders. Carrying a concealed firearm (with a permit of course) outside of your "restrictions" is not a law violation. It is simply an administrative violation. I'm not saying that getting caught won't result in a suspension/revocation of your permit but it technically is not illegal and you can't be charged. A gun is a tool. I carry tools in my truck for whenever/whatever they are needed for. If I don't need them, all the better. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  5. Do you approve of anyone else taking game populations into their own hands as they see fit regardless of game laws? As you do. Are you an advocate of killing birds of prey as a measure of helping the small game populations? Do you also target skunks, possums and other small mammals because they are disease carriers? If you're truly concerned with human safety then wouldn't it be more advantageous to control deer numbers better (reduction)? After all deer kill and injure countless people in this country every year and coyotes haven't killed a single person. Do you not draw a comparison to this debate that the left also draws with gun control? They take a broad view of gun violence, aim it at people that are uneducated on the subject and suddenly they've created a gun epidemic in this country when in reality it's a societal failure? You are taking a one dimensional view of wildlife management (one that has been refuted many, many times) and applying a control (coyotes) and then molding every wildlife issue around it to push a narrative (same as gun control). Do you agree or disagree with poaching? (It's a yes or no answer). Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  6. I'm starting to ask myself the same thing now... I think where the disconnect is, is that the younger generation has enlightened themselves to actual studies and biology whereas the older mentality is coyotes are the worst thing ever and a scapegoat for all of the natural world. Old habits are hard to break, I get it. But to refute modern day science is foolish and naive to me. I never had a chance at changing any of the old mindset people. What I was hoping to accomplish is enlighten people who weren't tainted by that mindset yet. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  7. How are coyotes an expense? It seems to me that most local municipalities have had to pay to have deer removed from cities and towns every year for the past several years. Let's not forget high deer densities are also high tick densities (Lyme disease). You did a good job at avoiding my other questions asked above I see... Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  8. Because coyotes are ruling our streets in gang like fashion and bloodthirsty. My real answer: because I can and noone needs to know or care why. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  9. If we're truly only starting to begin to understand these wild canids then couldn't a lot of your (Rattler) preconceived notions also be false? Wild canids have been here for 5.3 million years, they aren't going anywhere. Nature never supports a landscape without predators. How many deer do you kill each year? Why are you more deserving of a deer than coyotes? Because you buy a license? Anecdotal evidence is far more misleading than scientific in nature. I forget who posted a picture in the other thread but it was a freshly eaten deer leg. So are we just assuming that a coyote killed that deer? Why? Because it fits your narrative? Because a coyote utilized it after it had died? Assumption has no place in science. Another poster called out the reason that he so vividly hates coyotes is because they can spread disease. I wonder if this person also seeks out raccoons, possums and skunks? There are far more of these animals out there as carriers of disease than coyotes. So it begs the question.... Why single out one animal as the woes of your problems? The answer is because you put a value on ungulates greater than anything else. Because you have a reason to value ungulates. Because the government in the 20's and 30's viewed the coyote as another form of wolf and declared them a vermin that must be eradicated. Why? Because Europeans that first came to this country had no experience with coyotes, there were none over there. What they did have was wolves, and being primarily sheep farmers, wolves were the enemy. When they showed up here and started seeing coyotes, they were the new wolf to them. The generations of misinformation have led us to where we are now. Do you go to the doctors office and argue with them on diagnosis or treatment? No you probably wouldn't, why? Because those individuals have passed tests, studied, researched and had practical studies in their field. So to blatantly turn a blind eye to leading experts in the canids field is a reflex mechanism to something that could possibly change what you've always thought and the thought of being wrong for decades is appalling to most people. We know more at this very minute than we ever have about these creatures, why not use the most recent information? These are peer reviewed studies, they have merit. Someone else also mentions rabbits, squirrels, pheasants and turkeys as being wiped out by coyotes. I disagree but following that logic.... There are several on here who seem to wear their disregard for science, game laws and manners of take as a badge of honor as if it makes them crusaders on a righteous voyage. Do those same people also kill hawks? Eagles? Ravens? These birds of prey all prey heavily on small game. Do you pick redtail hawks off of telephone poles? If you do, would you come on here to brag about it? What if I owned some great riverfront property and loved perch. I also saw walleyes as the enemy and wouldn't listen to anyone who told me otherwise regardless of science. The walleyes are eating my perch. So, based on that alone I catch every walleye I can and dispose of them, with no regard to laws, bag limits or common sense. Would you also support that? I saw a problem and I'm addressing it. Same as you're doing? Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  10. Ok, I'll bite again. I watched the video. What are you trying to prove? We all know coyotes can adapt to just about anywhere? The video did not portray them as bloodthirsty as you do. It did not say they are highly dangerous. It did not say they should be eradicated. In an effort to keep this from an educational standpoint I highly recommend you listen to the podcast that Jeremy K provided a link to yesterday. In case you don't, it shows that coyotes are not actually invasive. They have been here since the earliest Europeans arrived albeit in smaller numbers due to the presence of wolves. Since the wolves were all but eradicated it provided the stage for coyote populations to grow rapidly. And staying with the science based facts... Yes, coyotes kill fawns, and the occasional adult deer although rarely. But do you know which animal kills more fawns than coyotes? Bears. And we have an increasing number of bears in NY State. A study was done in PA and found that bears kill far more fawns than coyotes do. Another study that was done in an area with no coyotes (Delaware) showed that fawn survival was at 45% without the presence of predators and remained roughly the same when done in areas with large predators. That tells you that nature levels the playing field. Another train of thought is that by better controlling the deer populations you also better control coyote populations and fawn mortality. It's a term called "predator swamping." In this case, a coyote kills one fawn per week during the spring. When you have a healthy deer herd and a short intense rut you cut the fawning period into a short window in the spring. When the fawning period is 5 weeks long due to an improperly balanced herd now you've given the predators 5X the opportunity to prey on fawns. In conclusion, there has not been a single response in any of these threads including my own that even hints at not killing coyotes. I do and will continue to. But if the reason you're killing them is to give yourself a big pat on the back for helping a fawn or turkey then your vision is a bit skewed. This coyote issue is not a single spoked wheel. To come at the issue with the mindset of "You just need to kill them all" is not being a steward of the land or a responsible sportsman. We have so much available, credible information at our fingertips now that it's foolish to keep our heads stuck in the sand when it comes to conservation. Sometimes if your on the fence with an issue you should ask yourself (I stole this line from the podcast afore mentioned), "Can I defend my actions in the name of conservation."? Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  11. Most coyotes all have the white chest Chevron. And the shape of the muzzle and the overall size I'm still going with coyote. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  12. Black yote, gorgeous color. That's a full mounter if I killed it. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  13. I was surprised how many machines were out there yesterday, I found 6" as a Max ice depth with a lot of cracks out of Chapman Park. My wheeler will stay in the garage for now. The walk is really easy anyhow. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  14. Yea, it sucks when they get lockjaw but it certainly happens. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  15. This will be my last post on this thread. You have yet to post anything science or study based and only rely on your skewed observations at best. Fear comes from ignorance. You tout that you know so much, from what? There isn't a person on this forum qualified to speak about coyote behavior or studies. There are hunters who sit in the woods and form opinions based on very little and speak them as fact. It's a good thing you don't live in an area with real predators, you'd never be able to leave the house. And I believe that you've convinced a few people following this thread now that you're willing to make up stories or facts to sell your narrative. There's a place for science, biology and studies and there's a place for BS. I'm afraid we're stuck in the latter because you dismiss any evidence that doesn't agree with yours. You go on spreading doom and gloom about the bloodthirsty coyotes. Coyotes are nothing more than a small wild dog that does what it has to for survival, God forbid they utilize the same natural resources that we exploit. Shame on them for wanting to extend their family lines the same as any species. Your right, let's condemn them and do our best to wipe out the animals we don't see fit for our goals. We all congratulate each other on this site when someone kills a deer or 7 during the season right? Then why is it the worst thing ever that another wild animal does the same? Deer aren't going extinct? The numbers are higher than they should be in a lot of areas. Who cares!? Some people just need something to complain and worry about I guess..... Happy Coyote Extermination. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  16. Really slow few hours but a mustard tiger dinner is served. Just nice to be on ice. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  17. You think?? What exceptional timing. Fear mongering at its finest. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  18. Man what a riveting story. I'm glad you escaped with your life from those snarling coyotes next to your truck. Is your alias Growalot by chance? The difference in you and I is that you're terrified of them and I'm not. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  19. My hero. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  20. As none of us are shocked that you're the only man to wipe every coyote from 1,000 acres AND keep them off... Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  21. The big girls love the thump of blades for sure! Plus the different combinations of spinners you can make is half of the fun. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  22. I too take every opportunity I get to kill a coyote but not being big into coyote hunting any longer they are more creatures of opportunity now. But what separates you and I is I enjoy sharing the woods with animals of all kinds. I enjoy being outsmarted, I enjoy having all of the technological advances stacked on my side and still being outsmarted by a "rat." I base my beliefs from people who are far more versed in actual science and studies rather than anecdotal evidence. I do not believe NY State has a coyote problem as a whole, I believe we have done coyotes an injustice by labeling them as the devil without understanding them. Coyotes are no more a bloodthirsty canine than your dog on the couch. I fully respect coyotes, they are pretty, elusive, highly intelligent, adaptable and great at living right under your nose with no evidence but howls and tracks. I find that most people that have such a dismay for anything is based on fear or lack of knowledge. I hope coyotes are never eradicated because I for one like those times when I'm walking out of the woods in the dark, and hear that eery, raucous noise and realize that I'm just another animal out doing what comes natural to me, hunting for survival. Perhaps you should take a step back and come at the species with an open mind and let science and studies form your "opinion" of these creatures a bit more than blind fear of them taking over the world... Just a cool quote I'll leave here. "When his body is killed, he simply puts his life forces together again, and comes back to life. “Coyote cannot die”, say the native people. In more then one legend, it is prophesied that the coyote will be the last animal on Earth." Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  23. Which is how many? Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  24. How many coyotes do you kill each year Rattler? Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  25. Making some pike spinners today. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
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