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Everything posted by phade

  1. Yeah, but if all you are using is Onyx, you're likely missing out on really important info. This topic is a mile deep so I am not going to dive in head first, but in general, there are different views, degrees of image clarity, seasonal imaging, etc. from various mapping sources. What Onyx may not show clearly another platform will - even if you think Onyx shows something well, you might be surprised to find out what you're missing from other views. One aerial or GIS source is not the same as another and none do it consistently better than another. You need to use multiple sources.
  2. I will use scent free detergent - I suggest everyone confirm those non-hunting brands do not incorporate UV brighteners. Some of the advertised big brands might be allergy free, scent free etc but still contain UV brighteners. I typically will by the hunting brands on clearance after season cheaper than I can get the non-hunting versions. I avoid DDW because it contains decaying vegetable matter, which will go bad/has a limited shelf life. I do the same with deodorant/antiperspirants after season. Pretty cheap at various places on clearance. I use the HS Scents green soap. Again, clearance buy post season. The stuff is actually good soap and doesn't dry out skin. It's made by one of the major soap manufacturers here in the NE US. I take care to wash my clothes often - mostly because I sweat alot. If I don't perspire, I'll re-use outer layers. Bases layers get washed each use. I store in totes and generally will change at the truck. Do I believe I can fool a buck's nose? No. But I do think at times, the prep can make the very smallest of difference and those margins for me are worth the effort. A leg moving forward or that half a second hold from a buck while picking you up can mean the difference between a release and a full quiver. I am a fan of getting an ROI for my time spend, but I cannot cut corners here because it leads to other corners cut in other areas, too. JE has done well for himself, and I think some of his tactics are good learnings, but his scent prep is bananas. Absolute bananas. It's just a good example that people can find different paths to the same pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
  3. One thing I will say about it is that there are many more tools beyond Onyx for this. If all you are using are one or two phone apps, you might be missing critical info. Aerials and topo overlays can really present a strong picture of the land to hunt terrain and likely movement patterns. It has reduced initial scouting time significantly for me.
  4. Be sensitive to turkey hunting out of them. Turkey can and will see you in the see through style blinds. Not sure how, but I think they can see the shadows or silhouettes. We ran into that this spring and come to find out alot of others state the same thing in online forums. Deer, good to go.
  5. I will when I get back from our vacation this week. Used it 2x this weekend and went apesh!t with more of the seasoning grease that is blackstone branded. I can't figure out for the life of me why it's such a poor result.
  6. Yeah, I've used a whole jar of the Blackstone brand seasoning stuff and went crazy with it. Plus also used oil, still getting it in places I haven't cooked on, and in places where I've cooked the most (The right side burner for example). The middle seems to be best seasoned so far, but I'll have to keep at it with another shot.
  7. I swear, I am having such an issue with seasoning. I've cooked on the thing three times now, and seasoned the heck out of it and still getting rust. It's frustrating
  8. phade

    The Itch

    I had an ER nurse friend tell me to carry hand sanitizer and to use it quickly after contact. Apparently it does something to break-up or inactivate the oil somehow. My friend tried it a few times and so far he has not gotten it.
  9. phade

    The Itch

    My hunting partner is horribly afflicted by that stuff. I'm lucky in that I am not allergic to it but then it usually means I get to do the work when we need a set in a tree wrapped in the stuff, LOL. Blessing in disguise I guess.
  10. I have blight again, second year in a row in a raised bed garden. Frustrating. 2021 our garden was a new one, with soil. Got blight and it wrecked the garden. Couldn't figure out why and trying to fix didn't work. Fast forward to this year, I replace the raised bed with a nice farmhouse metal style, new soil mix, and blight is back again. About the only thing doing well is the kale. And that is about my least favorite leafy green there is.
  11. phade

    The Itch

    Same, I don't typically wear long sleeves and pants when doing summer work. That said, we do now on one of our farms in Ohio because of the tick population there. We take for granted how they're not as prevalent in some of our areas here. Quite a few places we've never seen one on us, here. Otherwise, shorts and shirt and just getting stuff done.
  12. phade

    The Itch

    Your smirking and the decision/action to tell others you are smirking says otherwise.
  13. phade

    The Itch

    If you need to think you are better than some other person, then so be it.
  14. phade

    The Itch

    I am in the same boat, but started the process of a big $ sleeve on my left arm. Sessions are in NYC. I'd like to get a leg done too but I don't think I can given what my legs look like doing this stuff each year. As it is now, I'm sporting a forearm band with some rigged up briar proof denim on it. I normally look like a torture victim at the end of these late summer prep days.
  15. I’m am very behind running cams this year due to work. That said, starting to get them out.
  16. This is a tough year for us. We got one till (turning in some clover and corn from last year), and one spray at all of our places we plot. We may try to do one more spray this weekend at the NY farms, and then it'll be two weeks after that before we can finalize prep and plant due to vacations and being out of town. We really did not have good luck with corn this past year - we had an amazing 2-2.5 acre plot and the corn within the immediate one-two mile radius was gone quickly in archery season, leaving our corn the only corn for miles through late season. The amount of spoil and lack of deer on the property was something never encountered before. We'll be turning to clover, oats, radish/turnip mix, and likely some ww...all between second week of August and Labor Day across NY and Ohio. Should be interesting. Gly and fertilizer are very very expensive. Thankfully we have a good supply of Cleth and 2-4DB to last a few years. Seed still seems very affordable - knock on wood, but most of the buck on bag seed prices are not more expensive than last year. I bet that hits home next year though when costs from today are built in.
  17. All cannon fodder for why a recession is looming. Almost none of this is built into Wall St. expectations. Not sure why the street thinks that earnings will continue to fly sky high against this type of across the board headwind. Any company leadership that even hints at it, gets their shares hammered. It's contributing to this run-up that will have us in recession into 2023 at least, once the dam fully breaks, which I think times with student loan repayments restarting or shortly thereafter. Housing isn't going to cool in the way we need and doesn't do so, super fast without the interest rate hikes. About the only fun thing here is thinking the potential to buy stock low for a rebound 18-24 mos out.
  18. I think alot of it has to do with the general reduction in talent level for those seeking employment. Having those people new and starting out to be in office appears to lead to improved speed to competency compared to full remote onboarding/early career. It's just my personal observation. I think the average bar for employees getting hired has been very low requiring increased ramp up and corresponding strategy. I'd go as far to say that an employee hired in 2019 or even 2020 was 1.5-2x more effective/skilled out of the gate than the average counterpart in 2021-2022. Only very recently have I seen it get a bit better. Time will tell. Execs are fighting that money vs culture battle right now. Reducing fixed liabilities is a major win, but the disconnect of working remote challenges the best of companies. Even leading edge tech ones - see Tesla, Apple, etc.
  19. United has been way worse than American for me. They've been absolutely miserable to fly with on the last 4 trips I've had with them dating back 4 years now. Consistently bad. Had to take them to EWR in June only because there were no other airlines with evening arrivals into NYC that day. Got through security, and they canceled my flight. Sat around for three more hours, finally got into Koreatown around 12:30AM and cost me way too much in Uber due to the time of evening. They're also holding $1K of my money on credit for a flight that needs to be used by December. Have to use it all at once, with extra funds going bye-bye. United makes American look like Delta. And SW sucks due to their boarding process. Pure nightmare. Delta has been at least a bright spot. Flying them next week for personal travel to STT and a bit nervous based on the challenges airlines have had with that route the past month or two. Delays, cancellations, and diversions due to fuel storage levels on STT. Hoping we at least get there on time. I can deal with a delay coming back, lol.
  20. I plan to stockpile for the time being, which is rare for me. Usually I'll buy enough to last my hunting needs (IE I'll buy 10-15 boxes at a time for Accutips or a specific caliber) every 2-4 years. But outside that, I don't generally stockpile for 22, plinking, recreational, etc. My wife also out of the blue told me to go buy whatever I want for "lifetime" pieces, lol. Talk about something I never thought I'd hear her say. She knows I'll not likely have time to jump through hoops if it's too challenging. Always wanted a Kimber. The non-lead risk is real and that one is bothersome given the ability to screw stockpiling.
  21. I have a friend who pro staffs for them and got me free product for a while. It's good stuff. I'm not a buck on a bag kind of guy but I also respect the simplicity/convenience factor. We've done well with their seed. They appear to treat their staff well too.
  22. I don't know how you do American. We're Delta or I'm walking. Dulles, Philly...horrid. Charlotte at least tolerable. Used American for the first year or so and switched and was mad I spent a year with American. I'm so Delta now, I'll pay a premium to fly them on personal travel when I have to.
  23. With Covid I haven't had to travel as much, but just did two back to back trips end of June. Phoenix Monday and a redeye Thursday night and arrive home around 10:30 AM Friday. Had three meetings Friday that was from home thankfully, one day in the office Monday, and then 6AM flight Tuesday to Tampa until Friday. Thankfully back home around 2:30 Friday and I tapped out for the rest of the day and told people at work to stop reaching out. I enjoy travel for work but definitely post-Covid I find that the back to back stuff sucks way more than it used to. I'm in office 90% of the time on a normal day, but we have alot of WFH people now. I'm going to WFH this afternoon though...this thread helped me decide that. I'm going home at lunch and will take meetings there. Bring on the weekend.
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