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Everything posted by phade

  1. It's just the IR showing the lines where her coat is changing over.
  2. This buck bed was in a good spot, but super easy to locate. Harder to kill because the bed is in a good location to watch what he can't smell and smell what he can't see, as most mature buck beds are. You act like finding a bed is impossible, and quite frankly, I'm not sure why. Climbers are silly sometimes. Always love thinking I have the right angle on the platform and get up to stand height and be angling down.
  3. Not yet. After yesterday's debacle, my wife made chicken wing dip and I claimed my spot on the couch with a beer to watch football. I am going to try to shoot tonight.
  4. His bed is about 20 yards behind me in that pic. The whole place is tore up with his rubs. Good buck and I don't need a cam in there to tell me that with those new rubs, lol. I'm irritated because that's a good set-up that will need another intrusion to fix (getting stand up again and clearing lanes). Debated trying to fix it then and there, but common sense eventually settled in and went to urgent care. I was about 5-6 feet off the ground too. Moog was holding me up army style (foot in hands). Man did it hurt. Next time I'll be brighter. I couldn't imagine poison ivy in this heat this week. Yuck.
  5. Yeah, not one of my brighter moments as of late. The idea seemed fine at the time, lol. Amazing how afterward I knew that was a really stupid idea.
  6. LOLOLOLOL. Oh to be 16 again... Have fun Joe. I say have some inner loins from a fresh new doe and get some pizza to eat.
  7. That cam has what is called the flashlight effect - the circle in the center, leaving the edges under-lit. I'd really send it back if it were me, but if you like it, that is all that matters.
  8. What's AR on pens? 25 points?
  9. I'm sure everyone has, I just chose to do it the Sunday before season. Was on a parcel I got last second permission on and it's a great piece. Found a good buck and his bed and was setting up a stand and had my finger crushed by the stand stabilizer bar as the stand slid off the tree. Looks pretty gross. Docs said I was extremely lucky not to have had it broken from the crush and the tissue exploded out two points of my skin and stopped the bleeding. Good thing it is my bow hand pointer, but have to try my grip tonight. Dumb. Dumb Dumb. I also did not have a first aid kit with me or in the truck. Lesson learned. Couldn't finish getting the stand up, too.
  10. Didn't some crazy guy in europe try the same thing with a super race?
  11. Can you hunt in Greece? I thought there was a discharge law?
  12. Some good advice. This is about a discussion and communication. I strongly suggest you read the book crucial conversations before having the chat with the both of them together in a safe environment. When you are ready, schedule time ahead with both and meet at a coffee house if there isn't a comfortable private spot at the business.
  13. Fs...just a simple question and im being genuine in wanting to know. If the herds and genes are superior behind fences, why hunt those mangy diseased deer down in the bowels of letchworth? Seems a bit conflicting.
  14. No lie, had a truck slow down on me while glassing tonight. I had a real sense if the deer were out, I would have been ducking and praying. They couldn't see me, so I was resigned to my luck it was a slow night.
  15. Me me me! Glassed for a good while tonight. Looks like acorns are hot.
  16. The study I pointed to came from MSU. You talk about anger and look who is using swear words not once, but twice on a public forum with minors on it. That goes a long way into showcasing your character qualities when someone places an argument against your opinion, and quite frankly you should be ashamed of yourself for stooping to such a level.I don't care how old you are, or how long you want to spout off about being some pioneer. Your belief system isn't universally held and it appears to rub you the wrong way. My research on the topic led to my work on AR being published in NY Game and Fish, so trust me when I say I'm not pretending or making up where I am coming from. You aren't the only one with a background. AR has fatal flaws as I mentioned - its not a quality option for public mandate and private owners are much better off with age restrictions. The safe act isnt a hunting legislation? Ask turkey hunters and deer hunters in rifle country. But again, you asked for legislation that made hunting worse...duh. not being able to use certain guns or obtain certain guns that were used for hunting last season...sheesh doesn't seem relevant does it? Fact DECALS was a mistake. I broke the story about decals having a fatal flaw while discussing it with the Dec person in cbarge of its third party acquisition. Fact...the pheasant facility was darn near shuttered. I could go on, but I don't want you to sink even lower with more anger filled swearing tirades because the world doesn't revolve around your belief system.
  17. Legislation? SAFE Act...opener move to Sat. for youth yet a youth season is in place, a complete mess up with xbows, AR, not to mention the required use of Decals - a horrible system, the recent change in bonus tags for areas that get them, the attempt to instill a mz season in bow backhandedly, the pheasant rearing facility that took darn near riots to keep open,, and so on and so forth.Face it, I have no anger about AR. My position is backed by science, biologists I have spoken to who are experts in the field, and more. AR is a poor decision and is not 100 percent succesful as you call it. Hygrading is a major issue as is causing a class of permanently protected buck that compound amd consume resources without the prospect of their numbers ever being controlled. The latest info on hunters shows a 9 percent increase in the past 5 yrs or so. Hardly a small amount but not huge...slow and steady is fine by me.
  18. Red squirrels no doubt. Horrible creations.
  19. Now that explains it all with him...ha. So many deer, so few hands.
  20. Your bedroom must be boring, Steve. LOL.
  21. I'm starting to think water might be a good tactic, esp. if windy. Nice name btw.
  22. I usually wear blood in most of my pics post-kill. If I really want a nice field pic, I may do so, but still, I'd rather have memories of what the experience was like, not the Disney World, Bambi fantasy land version. I've never shot a deer that didn't bleed. The mount is what it is. The mount captures the deer's qualities...the pics capture the experience, the sharing of success with a friend, the hard work, the journey completed. But, if you like cleaned up pics and hiding blood with leaves, I have no issues with it. I've taken a few hero shots in my time, too. I just prefer otherwise.
  23. Hardest time of the year to endure. Food sources may change, some deer may change patterns or habits. Some deer won't change habits or patterns. It's just a big wrecking ball in one's plans sometimes. Glassing is important at this time of year to help fill in the gaps of information.
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