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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by phade

  1. His head will pop off. Irish - look at Buckeye Cams, they use a style of transmission you are talking about.
  2. See, if success was defined...we'd all be chipping in, via the parameters. Now look.
  3. Moogs tip: bring a tarp so you don't get blood on the purty truck.
  4. You can enjoy nature without a bow/gun in your hand. You can't hunt without a weapon. Enjoying nature is a by-product when hunting. Hunting is not a typical by-product when enjoing nature, because you wouldn't have a weapon. I get what you are saying. I've seen some fun/cool stuff that I really enjoyed, but I could have easily done that without a weapon.
  5. For good reason, defining success is critical to this thread. The OP should have set the guidelines clearer. Either that or every person has to define their success interpretation with each response. Why heed advice on a success comment from someone looking to fill a tag when the person reading it is after antlers? Does more damage than good imo because this thread promotes miscommunication/misunderstanding.
  6. What is success? Filling any tag? Seat time without cheating the wind. Killing a mature buck? Hunt where they live and the above answer. Enjoying nature? Stop hunting. Find a new hobby like bird watching. Spending time with family/friends? Somtimes you have to sacrifice personal goals for the better of the group/experience/time spending. Don't worry about it. Before you know it, the people you want to hunt with won't be around or can no longer do it. Always give the best stand to the elders. Kind of hard to provide a single answer.
  7. People have been able to "buy" hunting success since recreational hunting began imo. That makes zero sense to say it applies only now because it's ALWAYS been that way with recreational hunting (not saying you said that, just in general). Whether it came in the form of a new, modern (at the time) firearm, or ammo, or gear, etc., to buying the right ground, to nowadays buying almost anything. Sure, you could say people grabbed the gun off the rack in the dining room and walked out back, but trust me, they were equally as sold on the "latest and greatest" at the time, too. That's nothing new...snake oil has been around a long time. Bottom line is defining what success is to a new hunter. Outside of "enjoying nature/time with family" - killing a deer, filling a tag, killing a matue buck, whatever - can indeed be bought. Great ground makes even the most poor hunter look good - in my book it's the one mitigating factor that overcomes a hunter's abilities. You can have a great hunter, one who kills solid 100-115" bucks on public land every year, and one who's a putz on great private ground he bought, and that guy falls into P&Y simply by happenstance. I've seen it too much, but it is what it is. The problem, is that what's on the wall is valued more than what the hunter knows. A wall will never justify my ability as a hunter - it may help me reason as to what has worked for me and what has not - but it won't justify my ability. I'm in the minority, however, and it seems like success measured in inches is the new norm. I can't do a thing about it, and nobody else here can, it's a moving target that simply reflects a societal shift. With that, comes a new level of all kinds of tools to assist in the process. Before, buying success was more of a "get a deer down" advertisement...today it's "get the biggest deer down."
  8. phade

    Deer and Cows

    I've seen some adverse reactions from deer with cows around. If cows are immediately around the spot, then deer seem to use it. I've hunted a few cattle farm pasture edges, and when cows move in, the deer never showed up. After they leave, do doubt.
  9. phade


    You whine worse than a woman with sand in her hot pocket.
  10. LOL, that finger is nagging me. Still not comfortable yet, been 8-9 days. Taking the climber as I can't grip much without the left pointer. Lucky I can draw my bow somewhat now.
  11. Truck is ready to go at 4 on the dot. Hoping a buck has returned to using one of his beds after quite a bit of disturbance and a bleeding finger last week. The wind is right for it, but I'm going to have to sneak in and use the climber since the stand was never ultimately set. Wish I was done with work at 3 and not 4.
  12. Didn't you post that you saw him or a big bodied deer in that thicket in the p.m.?
  13. I'm not talking about whether you are genuine or not. I have to assume you are vetted as pawle has noted. What are you trying to accomplish in the documentary? Is it lifestyle, is it technical, etc.? Not really sure what you want to film either - the act of hunting or the discussion of it? I think that may help people participate a bit on it.
  14. I'd back in that spot tonight b and q. never pass up hot, fresh sign. He probably beat you to his bed this a.m. but you can still get a shot at him this afternoon.
  15. phade


    Here's the problem with most hang-ons, that double ratchet strap - if placed at the bottom - likely contributed to the mishap, even if wet and the hook put on wrong. There's a reason the stands come with one strap. By cinching down the post at the bottom, it can cause the upper to fail, and if the upper fails, you are still going for a spill - and that's apparently what happened. The lower strap does nothing, really. It's one of those things where less is more, because the lone strap cam locks to the tree set, and it can't do that with two straps.
  16. phade


    Very good to hear that it ended better than it could have.
  17. If G-man can't help you out, I'll be glad to do what I can. I'm just south of Rochester, so about an hour away give or take, but we can make it happen. If we can line up ground, I'd even be willing to scout hot sign then hang/hunt or climb, depending on what equipment you have. Scouting isn't just an out-of-season thing.
  18. Next time, hope it never happens, but you could have used the web strap in the pic to get down by yourself.
  19. Next time, hope it never happens, but you could have used the web strap in the pic to get down by yourself.
  20. I haven't seen target bucks yet, but haven't had the needed wind/time/conditions to make any serious plays when I can hunt - except for one afternoon hunt. What stands have been hunted thus far have been "outside in" stands with the least amount of ground burn and quick, easy access. Thus far, in two morning sits and three afternoon sits, I've encountered 3 bucks and more than 20 doe/fawn/bb. The morning hunts total about 3 hours of hunting time (not including walk-in/seat time before dark) and about 9 hours on the afternoon sit. Average-wise, thats ballpark 5 deer per sit, at a rate of 2 deer per hour of hunting time. Not excactly burnout material or too slow of action to not make it worthwhile. Yeserday was the closest I've been in a while to thinking it was too hot in the stand - not for deer action, but the fact I was sweating like crazy. Burnout will come in November if I don't have the tag filled. If I don't, I didn't hunt hard enough and lay everything on the table and that will bother me more than the physical drain.
  21. I use a three arrow quiver. I have on a couple instances wished I had more with me. I've also killed bucks and does on the second and sometimes third arrow - not something to brag about or be proud of, but at one time or another, a miss or a bad hit will happen and the arrows are needed. I have a bow mounted quiver that I detach once in a stand and hang on a hook. Can you buy some rain gear? Even cheaper stuff is better than a poncho.
  22. Take a pic of the laptop showing the photo and post it, or email it to someone here to post.
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