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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by phade

  1. Images are floating out now about a potential record in WI around 244". I believe AT has a thread on it now. I wonder if NY is going to produce any giants this year.
  2. Ever run into them at a booth? They set up at shows and Bass Pro from time to time. Disagree with them and see how that conversation goes. Masked trophy hunting. Booners for everyone, right?
  3. There's one similar in the central area, too, I believe. Talk about jamming it down your throat. I also love the quasi QDMA logo deer.
  4. Even if you don't have college...there's plenty of time. I was 26 when I finished my B.S.
  5. Kudos to you for thinking about it. Not 45, but I can assure you, I went through a similar thing at your age. Make the right decision. It's usually the hard one with the longest period before the greatest payback of all your options that you are considering (getting a return on your effort). I hold an M.S./MBA and enjoy my job - but I don't love it, as noted, that's common. I turned down exclusive roles in the hunting industry because they simply didn't pay enough. Not a fun choice, but had to make that call. I'd be in my glory right now thinking and working in a deer hunting world, but I wouldn't have two nickles to rub together, and I'd be stuck in Georgia. Very few people love their job and make the money they want - I think it's one of the biggest successes a person can have professionally. Most people either opt for money or love of the career path. I'd also avoid saturated fields. If you have any technical or mathematical inclination...jump on it.
  6. The one who hasn't shown up on your cam yet, lol. Dominance is a tricky and misused term. You can have a dominant buck one day be the subordinate the next day on the same ground if a bigger/badder alpha buck shows up. It can literally change daily. That said there are plenty of bully bucks that can steer away loner bucks or subordinate bucks of greater antler stature. Those bucks in my opinion are more of a "cull case" than trying to shoot some deer in the name of genetics. I don't even think cull is the right term. I've seen some pretty wonky or wimpy rack bucks with bigger bodies and bad attitudes push around deer with impressive racks. Outside of that I don't really care if a buck is dominant unless it plays into my hunting (ie approach/tactics).
  7. That deer has a ton of pearling on its bases for its rack size. You don't see that on very young bucks. Nice catch.
  8. My wife has the razor edge. You should be fine with that bow model line. 40lbs is more than enough anyway. Good luck this season!
  9. A couple people have tinkered with some sort of camo adhesive film stuff on chasing game - I want to say either custom1 or t-post sells it. Also, there's one person who loves the Panda MMS cam - I forget who it is, but their cams are done up with that film. I remember some shots showing the cams work decent at night, but some loss in illumination. Not bad, but I'm of the mindset black flash cams need all the light they can use. They need to resolve it in stock form from the company in my mind. All in good time.
  10. Very nice daytime activity. Looks promising to say the least Joe. Also, very picturesque shots...well done.
  11. I expect as time goes on that more manufacturers will break up the Black LED array. A few do it now, but it'll happen as time goes on. Case designs are not changing as fast as they used to because of business financials (efficiency and cost), but when they do make the next round of changes, I bet arrays will be masked better It's funny, with black flash you worry more about the reflection in day time than nighttime illumination.
  12. A nice NY Strip and eggs and we have a deal, lol. There's no point in trying to breakdown that question more. It's a test in a magazine/site, similar to Seventeen asking teener's to determine whether their BF is a good one by asking questions and rating them.
  13. Black Friday usually has deals too..Dick's almost always throws the Axis line on sale then.
  14. To my knowledge Chuck has never conducted one simultaneously or in conjunction. I and many people think he doesn't do it on purpose because it would potentially invalidate his theory. I like him, but I think his reliance on this theory is too heavy on moon impact. A good example - the trickle rut. If the trickle rut is a real thing, fetus aging would show that, and they don't - at least the ones I have read.
  15. I don't put that in there to brag. It's in there for full disclosure so people can make up their own minds based on the responses they get.
  16. Go pound sand. I don't plug them other than what my real-world experience shows. In fact, I just posted yesterday about a cam suggestion - where I suggest Covert....AND at least THREE OTHER BRANDS.
  17. People take things like that too seriously. The moon topic is always interesting to me - because some people appear to go overboard, while others appear to dismiss it - both with passion. I feel moon relationships are very low on the scale of impacts, but I don't believe it has zero impact. I think the light reflection is the biggest impact of a full moon. This stuff Chuck proclaims seems to have a giant hole - fetus back dating, which shows that the majority of breeding generally takes place within the same few days each year, year in and year out. It's a bell curve for the most part and it doesn't really change according the the majority of such studies. Here in NY Nov. 15 is the average statewide - having said that, there are earlier averages and later averages based on location within the state. He's never once tried to validate a theory with such scientific proof - and it could be done easily, yet he declines. If you believe the moon actually kicks off or starts the rut somehow, I guess it is what it is. I'd just love to see a combined study. Nobody to my knowledge has done that - university studies would be easy enough.
  18. Hopefully you get some more daytime photos there. Good to see a few of those bucks hung around.
  19. phade

    Coon Trapping

    I really like coon trapping - I don't get to do enough of it because of my deer hunting. The dog proof traps (cage or coon cuff style) are expensive. They're good for those areas where dogs come into play, but otherwise, I like #1 and sometimes #1.5 cs...cheapies like Duke work fine for these guys. I like the #1 because they can't chew as easy. If you are worried about dogs, avoid things like cat food soaked in fish oil, meat based paste baits. Sweet smelling baits in my experience will attract them and not the dogs (never a guarantee, however). You can use darn near anything to catch them and darn near any type of set, dictated more by the land you trap than anything. If you have expansive areas to trap with road frontage or ditches, that'd be easy places to trap for them to save you time while setting and checking your line. A quick dirthole just above the water line, with a staked #1 under the surface and an eaten chicken wing from the night before dropped in the hole can be done super fast. If you are near an auction house or a buyer...talk to them and see what market channels they have. I no longer put up my coon - I simply pelt them out and sell them green. I sell at GVTA and get to me, what are good prices for green pelts, enough so that the put up fur difference hasn't made me think the time invesement has been worth it. (That's different than say pride in work - it's a time vs. money thing for me). Enough buyers now know that manufacturers are starting to want their fur put up in specific dimensions (like NAFA). These buyers sell to those manufacturers at times and if they have one that wants it X way - they'll put up the green pelts uniformly or the manufacturer's employees will.
  20. Rolling tires can be done the same way Culver, using cardboard in the rim well. Lots of guys in the club I belonged to in VA shot the crap out of that. Scary good. Problem is they were crappy hunters. Rarely is someone a good shot and a good hunter.
  21. The reason there's so many women and girls in those classes is partially due to the fact husbands and fathers put them in there for the extra tags. Sure, some new female hunters, but don't be fooled.
  22. The most asinine thing you've ever said on this forum, right there. You've lobbed grenades just as much as I have or anyone else has on this forum. And, don't bother asking for proof. It's so asinine, I'm not even going to look. I could close my eyes, throw a dart, and hit an example. C'mon, you're better than that. It's one thing to be a giant d!#k, it's a whole 'nother level being a giant d!#k and not knowing it. (saying in general)
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