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Everything posted by phade

  1. Oy....I could assuage you of stories/articles/studies. The point is that riccochets are not controllable, kill just as easy as a straight on shot, and relates to the basis of the OP's fear. You go let your kids play in his front yard while that guy is hunting one acre and less than 500' from the OPs house. I bet your tune would change. Again, I hunt small parcels some as small as 3 acres...if the neighbor is not being legal...it's black and white and the fear/concern is warranted.
  2. Gun season has not been good for me this season. Just not seeing much moving during hunting hours. I've switched up quite a bit. I base my success on buck encounters, which have been minimal thus far. Hoping to key in on one I have had in the distance twice since opener. Bow season was short for me here, and Ohio was decent.
  3. Dude, all you have to do is look at the news....riccochets are the ones that get press. Remember the baby a few years back that got hit by a slug riccochet that went into a house? How about the trailer that was shot by a riccochet in Wayne County (Arcadia) a few years back, 2009 or so? An uninterrupted bullet is most often (MOST OFTEN) shot in a safe direction by most sportsmen. It's what happens after it meets an object that becomes uncontrollable - and is the REAL risk on non-hunting people from hunter shootings. Thus, tracing this back to the point of the thread - that's where the real danger lies here. You are discounting the hunter in your thought process. I hunt small parcels - if the guy is breaking the law, then it's a black and white issue. If not, nothing can be forced and the hunter is hunting by the law.
  4. Wow....some people. Just as easy....a bad riccochet kills just as easy. Doesn't matter if it loses energy, fragments, etc. A piece of metal flying several hundred feet per second up to several thousand feet per second...will wreck havoc on a human body. That's like saying getting hit by a train doesn't kill as easy as getting hit by a speeding car. Both are deadly. Beyond that, there's not discussion...because both people are dead.
  5. There's a similar thread here you can search. Cantrell, Carol Graham @ Dream Season, or True-to-Life...
  6. Turkey hunting is pretty good in that area...Lots of them off of Rte 5 (I think that is road). Never really deer hunted much there...seemed like deer numbers were much lower than I was used to seeing here in wNY. Saw a few good ones though. I used to work at the old Herbie Phils in New Hartford when I lived there.
  7. Iwom...I think it is better designed than the Warmbag and HBS.
  8. Lots of good info there from ADK. I'd abandon the use of perimeter scrapes as a name...secondary is more accurate. Primary scrapes or community scrapes will be in areas of cover that can be hit in daylight with protection. Field edge scrapes are not often productive for hunting unless it is extremely low pressure or has cover (say a switchgrass field, standing corn, etc.). I really like hunting a primary scrape between the third week in October and into the first few days of November. Most of my cam sets show the mature bucks peak visit between Nov. 4-6 and then they start to cool off as they halt signposting and starting finding the receptive does. I do like to hunt the scrape after a rain that has kept the deer bedded (ie a very stiff wind and rainy day or night). I find they'll visit those scrapes, probably because they haven't done so in a while and to refresh them after a rain. Look for slight trails downwind of the scrape, as mature bucks will often scent check the area. I find this the best place to have your set.
  9. Ricochets kill just as easily.
  10. Oh and two different people have dropped their shotguns opening day in the past four seasons.good thing i carry my backup too. fil dropped his this year....fell barrel first into the mud 8 inches. He was happy i had my backup in the truck.
  11. I once dropped my new elite on my blacktop driveway...bottom cam first. Ugh. 2 ft drop and it cost a penny or two...i think everyone on my street knew i was mad that day. I just flat out dropped it....stupid.
  12. I shot a doe last evening with my backup mz at bow range. I should have just brought the bow.
  13. Im snake bit this gun season. Not one but two of my guns have been knocked off....one by me (hit my scope so hard with my knuckles i bled on two of them...while trying to clear a mz load) and then idiots at gander that dont know how to put a scope on....i can spin my scope around.... Bow season seems so much more simple.
  14. Vortek UL 250 gr SST Low Drag 90 gr. Volume BH209 CCI 209M primers. Great combo.
  15. phade

    bow/ml tags

    I don't know about down state seasons, but here, once regular season opens up, you can only use DMPs and regular tags. The Bow/MZ can be used in the late season in the SZ...as can the regular tag and DMPs.
  16. LOL, so how'd he know this buck was 2.5?
  17. I use Larry's every so often. Can't say they are great...but generally, you do get your deer's meat. They process a large number of deer. They also work REAL close with the DEC just based on proximity alone...the DEC Regional Headquarters are almost in SIGHT of Larry's. The ground meat...no doubt it's a bulk mix of deer, but you do get your deer, they use a ton of freezers, and it takes a while to locate your deer because once it is processed, it is boxed and each box has the name on it...digging through chest freezers, etc. to find a name takes a bit. I assume the "delay" is ground meat...which they don't do every day, I think. I think they usually do that in batches. I bet your deer was processed fast, but then the ground is where the delay came from. But, as I said, they are certainly not my favorite....I'll avoid them if I can. Only time I use them is if I NEED to due to time or some other issue. Opening day is impressive because they'll stack up the deer to proces as fast as possible....when it's warm out...I sort of cringe at that. Their prices also SUCK imo.
  18. I like my Grim Reapers...only mech I'll use.
  19. Wow, I couldn't remember how bad my drop or L/R was and so I checked it tonight. I shoot 250 gr. SSTs and 90 gr volume of BH209...I fired, loaded, fired, loaded, and fired without a rest or cooldown and no swabbing. Shot 2 was 1/2" to the right. Shot 3 was 1/2" low of Shot 2. No complaints from me on that! I couldn't imagine having that tight of a tolerance you have to fight for a third shot.
  20. Park every family vehicle in the immediate area to indicate pressure when it's not there. Yes, I've done it with as many as four vehicles.
  21. I will only buy NY land I plan to live on. Control is huge here with all of the hunter numbers. I'd consider buying out of state in certain places of Ohio, and then also maybe further midwest. But, then you run into the whole "getting enough value" out of it. Ideally, I'd buy acreages in Ohio as a camp and then some acreage to live on here.
  22. I've participated in the Archery Talk X-mas each year, but they are not doing it this year. I figure it'd be neat to do one here. Hopefully the Site Admin will oblige and sticky this with their seal of approval. It is a really fun thing to do. Basically, it's a Secret Santa gift exchange. I'll offer to do the Administrative legwork for this year. Here's the rules - proposed and can be modified if need be to fit member needs: 1. Must sign-up by December 1. You can do so simply by posting in this thread that "I'm in" and I will compile a list on December 1 and randomly match members. I will then message you to request your mailing address to provide to the matched member here. Gifts are sent directly to the matched member. You will not be matched with the gift giver/gift recipient...so as to keep the Secret Santa goal intact - unless the random draw matches you, of course, ha! 2. There is no minimum or maximum $ amount needed to be spent - this is a big one because quite frankly, keeping a dollar amount on it ruins the interest and well, some people are better off than others. So, do not fret if you cannot afford a dozen arrows, a game cam, etc. 3. You can remain anonymous or let your matched member know at the time of giving. 4. All gifts must be shipped by December 15. This will allow us to not have to worry about shipping around the actual xmas so we can all be with family instead. 5. Don't sign up and back out, or sign up and not send a gift. If you enter, be a man or woman and stick to your word. 6. Gifts can be anything hunting, fishing, trapping, or outdoors-related. One AT member sent me a gas card....knowing I travel to Ohio to hunt every fall. What say ye'?
  23. The older I get, and I'm not THAT old, I look less and less forward to opening day of gun. The only thing that'll bring it back is going to be acreage ownership, which is being saved for. The thing about it is, that is has nothing to do with the hunting or the guns....it's the people behind the guns for the most part. No doubt, some real quality hunters out there that are honest and respectful...but just as many slob hunters. Either way, I'll be hunting smart this season.
  24. Sure it didn't blow away? Blinds are notorious for that...I found one of mine a 1/2 mile away from where I set it up...wind blew it the whole way.
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