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Everything posted by phade

  1. Not really...look at our forum. Plenty of people on this forum in my area. WNY is on occassion within a short mile from me in a stand...I suspect Culver is too. I bet me and WNY have seen some of the same deer. Now, focus that on PUBLIC ground alone... Also, that point is moot...."what are the chances they have the app" really isn't the question. The question is...is this a real-time electronic tracking device? I think it is in my opinion. I do think it is neat...no question about that. But, I also don't think it's the best way to hunt. That is all.
  2. VA laws are more lengthy than NY...shockingly...much of the hunting is regulated by county...even things such as rifle use at X feet off ground....seriously. The meaning and wording are not clear to describe this, but was put in place prior to the info age, but I would consider this, being REAL TIME, to be an electronic tracking device of sorts.
  3. You can post it to the global community I bet...meaning if 500 people had the app on a public parcel...that info could be shared on the global community. Those 500 people do not necessarily need to know one another. I don't know you, but I'm posting here. Same thing.
  4. No... "DeerLogic was designed to be used by single hunters, Hunt Groups, or by the DeerLogic Global hunting community."
  5. Taken from Deer Logic Website: DeerLogic brings technology into the hunting woods by giving hunters a hand-held ability to easily log information for tracking and patterning deer. Virginia Game Law: Hunters many not: Use radio tracking equipment, except on dogs or on raptors permitted by a falconry permit, to aid in the chase, harvest or capture of wildlife. From How Stuff Works: If you've read How Cell Phones Work, then you know that cell phones emit signals via radio waves, which are comprised of radio-frequency (RF) energy, a form of electromagnetic radiation. Not saying it is illegal...just saying.
  6. This app kind of bothers me ethically. I don't like the fact it can be updated and taken advantage of in real-time. I do believe in use of technology to kill deer...I just seem to draw my personal line at real-time info. Especially if this is open to be used on a public land - ie. anyone who hunts, has the app, and is within the "circle" of users in real time. Or, same goes for a private club. I think the OP is based in VA where I grew up...tidewater area. I know the socialness of hunting down there as compared to here, so I know what it would be like in a club setting. Between running dogs and this app...I'd know when to get the rifle up and which direction to point it. To me, I would think it is a tracking device - which is illegal in many states. I'd be much more comfy with it, say if it updated at night, so someone couldn't take advantage of it immediately. The current use makes it much more than an "electronic" log. Congrats to the OP on a fine buck.
  7. Nice buck, for sure. Caledonia has some good ones running around. Go Red Raiders. Same with the doe!
  8. Looks like it is legal here. Question: Are portable radios or cell phones legal while I am hunting in the woods? Answer Yes. Many states however, outlaw the use of radios and communications devices to aid in harvesting a deer. Heck, I think it is Wyoming or Montana that's outlawed cell-phone enabled game cams in-season. It's based on the premise that real-time info is used against the deer. It's legal here, so that's all that matters.
  9. My response is hardly nasty grow. My point remains, dont ask for advice and then discount EVERYTHING mentioned by posters here. She says her dad gets a deer every year. She has hunted the place for days on end, sees squirrels, and then says deer may just move at dark instead of day. She refuses to move to a new spot on public land or even on her nine acres after multiple people suggest it to her after she ASKS for it.Put 1 and 1 together....or dont....fine by me, hence ignorance is indeed bliss. You can try to defend, but you are in quicksand.... My final statement remains true. I hope she kills a deer and wish lucl to her and her family.
  10. The temps will be dropping for this weekend...Sunday should be good with the cold front and storms coming in early next week.
  11. Obviously deer will be up at some point with the fronts pushing through, but there's a line in the proverbial sand where it no longer helps you hunting because the conditions are too miserable...and I'll usually sit in anything. I think this may be one of those times that come around ever so rarely.
  12. Cool, have fun with that. You asked for suggestions, but yet seem not open to any of them. Ignorance is indeed bliss. Best of luck to you, the hubby, and the little one. May you get a deer ever year for the next 100 on those 9 acres.
  13. No second thoughts on lowering the boom. Fully body mount. Don't care if I have to sleep in the doghouse forever.
  14. http://weather.aol.com/2012/10/25/rare-hybrid-storm-predicted-to-slam-northeast/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmaing6%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D225511# Interesting to see how it impacts the hunting.
  15. I found a side to a 130" shed on Ohio public in April that was within 30 feet of a buck bomb, a tinks orange cansiter, and flagging tape. Amazing that thing lived....lol.
  16. Edge cover and not bedding = a long shot to hunt then. Buck could be bedding a mile away... With that many scrapes, I wouldn't bother with mocking or messing with it. Hang the cam on the best one, and look for time. If you get hits on the cusp of darkness (within an hour of sunrise or sunset), then I would start looking very closely at your bedding options within the immediate vicinity (say within a 100 or a few hundred yards). Chances are he's in there.
  17. Used to be the case, but the new trooper SUVs as WNY mentioned are unmarked. They light up like a airport at night, but unmarked and can be hard to pick out sometimes if you happen to be doing a mile or two over the limit. When I lived in VA, the type and kind of unmarked were insane. Seen F150s...and you'd think they were regular trucks. The lights were in the sun visor, they flip the visor down on the passenger side, and that's all it took. Mustangs, old person impalas, you name it....
  18. You are overhunting the spot. Plain and simple. My suggestion is to go to a new spot if possible. If not, I would take the chair, go sit on the ground where you have the best balance of vision and cover to break up your silohuette. Then, I would pray. I know hunting small parcels...most what I do is small parcels. Can't get blood from a turnip.
  19. Where are they located? Edge or in cover? If in cover, I wouldn't be screwing around with mocks, cams, etc. I'd be hunting it smartly, and right now. What do you want? A picture, or the head on the wall?
  20. If all you have is 9 acres, you may be overhunting the spot. Given your situation, not much you can do about it unless the hubby is willing to put up a blind for you on new ground. I wish you the best of luck with hunting and the little one.
  21. Do you hunt in the Atlantic down there or something? You may have some rutting action that far down state.
  22. I rarely use scent except when decoying or if I am out of state and burning that ground is of no concern. I have come to prefer the Northern Whitetail farm here in wNY. Commerical/Store scents are not worth it in my opinion. Last year, I left my NWS bag on a chair unde my carport while packing to leave for Ohio. Totally forgot it that morning...bought a buck bomb and that thing stunk up my glove something fierce, ha. I like the idea of aerosol, but I'd prefer a local option rather than mass produced. You may want to consider getting a cheap small spray bottle (like the size of a liptstick container) and use fresh local urine. I do that and spray it. You can get the same/similar aerosol effect, and not messy.
  23. About the only time I'll tolerate a diner breakfast before hunting is if there's a drive planned with friends/family. I like that tradition...but it's been 10 years or so since the last time that happened. Opening morning, I'll be doing breakfast for the first time in years with my FIL. I am pumped about it. He's such a meager guy with his wife...she's super nice, but the boss, no doubt. This weekend, while visiting with them, out of the blue he looks at her and goes "Opening morning is Novmeber 17. We will be getting up very early. We will try to be quiet, but we will probably make some noise. There will be breakfast, then we'll get cleaned up and head out. Don't even bother trying to yell at us to be quiet. Otherwise, I'll bang pans." One of those moments you try not to laugh out loud.
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