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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by phade

  1. Those bars are probably using cash accounting and not even accrual if that gives you impression on impact; we're talking impact on a personal level vs. material revenue from large landholders, industry businesses, license buyers blowing money on associated costs, and significant amounts of excise tax - that oh by the way, Cuomo uses like a piggybank to take from when he so desires. At the end of the day, will snowmobilers make a stink - yep. But relative to lift and shift or added days, they both have an impact on when trails would likely open on private property. I just don't think it's enough to curtail a decision - heck, even license sales are up big this year. State going to stop that foraging cash cow?
  2. No, because all you negative Nancies will have the season closed so we can’t even hunt!
  3. This thread is all over. People see deer late, people don't see deer late. People think the herd will be decimated; others think they'll be just fine. Same with snowmobiles vs hunting economic impact and their voice. Our deer will be fine in our area; plenty of food, not enough access, and a few days in frigid December will result in a few more hunts and punched tags, and hopefully some more memories made. Relative to going after bucks, it really is a great time to be successful. Low pressure hunts using the bed-food-bed pattern can be more effective than waiting on a pinch point in November. My hunting partner and I took these between the last day of regular and last day of MZ this past season. There's some real world experience as to why I've sent in my support to the DEC.
  4. The 2.25B number is explicit to hunters in that one study. Hunters trips are no different than snowmobilers trips. Many hunters live in NYC and come upstate and spend money. Many go to the Dacks and spend money, etc. I found one line from the DEC that said 500K deer hunters bring in $1.5B but that line is pretty old from what I can see and we're ballpark 600K now. All indications are that deer hunters are still higher than what the snowmobile data shows. Again, just actuals reported in studies and not using what bar owners say or infer.
  5. Personally, I'm pretty comfortable digesting and interpreting numbers from a financial perspective and pulled from reputable sources - NYS comptroller, SUNY Potsdam, NYS DMV. I don't rely on what a bar owner says, and that might just be a personal difference. Found this older one, too. In the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation quinquennial study, it is estimated that New York’s hunters contributed over $2.25 billion ($2,732.57 per hunter) to the State’s economy in 2011 which directly supported nearly 24,000 jobs (Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, 2013b). Hunters purchase trips, tree stands, rifles, bows, arrows, ammunition, fuel for their vehicles, etc. to engage in their pursuits.
  6. $2.25B vs. $868B using some details I was able to glean elsewhere. Alot of snowmobile revenue is focused on the northern zone; alot of the revenue for hunting is focused on the southern zone (I think we would directionally agree on that). This scenario is focused on the southern zone.
  7. And, at this point, I'll bow out of the back and forth. At the end of the day, I firmly believe data indicates hunting community has a higher valuation and voice when all said and done. Most hunters are not just deer hunters, but high majority of NY hunters deer hunt.
  8. It's hunting and fishing detail. But again, what the data points is that even in your most scaled back assessment of deer hunters alone - the hunting industry has a larger voice. All of snowmobiling is worth less than a billion. Here is the line from the comptroller: Spending on hunting- and fishing-related activities totaled over $5 billion in New York, 5.6 percent of the total expenditures by hunters and fishermen nationwide. Nearly $1.9 billion was for trip-related purchases including transportation, food and lodging. Such expenditures, which rank the State second in the nation, play important roles in local economies in many rural parts of Upstate New York, as well as some communities on Long Island. I did some back of napkin math based on that report - hunters worth $2.25B in NY in most conservative measurement.
  9. NY Snowmobile industry in its entirety is worth $868M (SUNY Potsdam valuation). There are 122K registered snowmobiles in NY as of 2019 (SUNY Potsdam/NYS DMV). NY is a top three state for hunting/fishing revenue - several multiples larger than the revenue generated by NY snowmobilers' entire industry. If we want to talk deer hunters, there are usually between 550-750K deer hunters in NY. NY hunters spent $1.9B in hunting-related trip expenses alone as of 2015 (NYS Comptroller) - that doesn't include their entire industry. Meaning hotels, bars, restaurants, etc. Keep in mind, just the money sportsmen spend on trips alone is double the entire value of the NY snowmobile industry. Add in the entirety of the top-3 state's worth...and it's not close. Thinking the snowmobile industry is going to shoot down a season to better help control deer numbers, especially in areas where needed, seems questionable. Will they put up a fight? Yep. Will it have an impact - probably not as much as the hunter input, full well knowing the DEC has been trying to expand seasons with a bangstick for 15+ years.
  10. Snowmobile industry value...$9B per year for Canada and US Hunting industry value...$23.7B per year in the US only with $11.6B of it related to hunting trip expenses - IE gas stations, restaurants, hotels, etc.
  11. While I worry about the shed buck issue - whether we want to dicker on the impact severity, I think all of us agree it is an impact....I'm going to throw my support behind these added days. If someone asked me about a truncated and backed-up regular season...well, call me Ohio.
  12. See my prior post - they could have literally taken that and put it in their press release and people would have understood it easier. They are horrible at communication - no way to defend that. They gave a snippet and used superlatives instead of speaking with facts. The code amendment proposal is literally maybe 35-50 words and has the whole package in there...
  13. This is the actual proposal with code.
  14. That's an alternative. Not the actual proposal. The proposal clearly indicates this is an addition too. Everything you posted is an alternate. Like being second runner up in Miss USA.
  15. This was taken from the official source. I highly encourage everyone to read tail end of page 7 and page 8 of this: https://www.dos.ny.gov/info/register/2020/090920.pdf Gives alot of background. This is HUGE evidence the DEC sucks at communication.
  16. Found it. This IS NOT being proposed as a lift and shift - the DEC sucks at communication. Season Season dates Youth Firearms 3 consecutive days beginning on the Saturday of Columbus Day weekend Regular 23 days beginning on the 3rd Saturday in November Bowhunting Early Season: October 1 through the Friday immediately preceding regular season Late Season: nine days immediately following the regular season and December 26 through January 1 Muzzleloader Early Season: closed Late Season: nine consecutive days immediately following the regular season and December 26 through January 1
  17. I'm reading this as early bow - xbow/bow - regular - late bow/mz/xbow - holiday break - late late bow/mz. It's an expansion as I am reading it and not a lift and shift of the late season. I suspect the holiday break is just to avoid ticking off the non-hunters to some degree. Many states do however have breaks in between seasons, so it's not unheard of.
  18. Late season bed to food patterns...Mmmmmmmmmm. Bow only probably a smarter but less risky and less successful endeavor (as a tool to control numbers). I can see alot (comparative of the harvest during that time) of dropped bucks getting shot with the MZ. In bow, at least it's more likely you can ID a drop buck. Highly doubt if passed I'd shoot a doe unless it was within bow range and physical ID is almost a guarantee. But this is a great move for people looking to take advantage of those late season patterns to get onto a buck. I've began to value late season more each year and this would only increase it's value to help us be successful.
  19. Anyone who has had an EHD outbreak experience hit home would majorly disagree with not having a huge or lasting impact. It's almost unfathomable that someone would say that, and even scarier IMO if that was a state biologist who was quoted. EHD outbreaks in any material volume hit herd structures hard and can skew the age of deer for several years beyond the outbreak. Look at midwest and SE states that had major outbreaks. Heck, even some of the "TV" shows have had that happen on their core or central properties and they talk about how damaging it can be. I've seen two outbreaks growing up and hunting in VA. I do not want to see it again.
  20. Daily test photo on? Last Sync time and date? One thing good about this cam is that it senses pretty darn well. It's nailing deer every time far enough out that the sent image isn't even useful. I'm picking up deer 100 feet.
  21. Out of stock until sometime mid month.
  22. Might not be an app problem. Sending 135 pics takes time. You might have hit on the app while it was uploading or the cam could have dropped signal and redialed. Could also be an app problem, but also might not be.
  23. 1. All cell cams sent compressed images. Some are better or worse than others. The pixel size that is standard for Stealth in 2020 is too small IMO. 2. The only cell cam with true tracker is Spartan Ghost. All other cell cam are not really capable of being any help with coordinates. I also believe cell camera thefts are much much less common. Antennas scare thiefs. 3. All cell cams sending on instant are that way - the modem is transmitting. You can batch send images at set times, which will allow the cam to recover and take images like a regular cam. 4. Apps are never perfect. You'll just need to get used to that. Even the very best app has problems. Can't speak to the CS piece though.
  24. Camera Settings - Scheduled Event - Batch Send
  25. You don't get 1,500 notifications or buzzes on your phone if you don't want them...they go into an app.
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