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Everything posted by phade

  1. Which part of doing or saying nothing meets the definition of support? It's pretty basic, and not very bold if you really think about it. Definition of support : to promote the interests or cause of : to uphold or defend as valid or right : to argue or vote for : ASSIST, HELP : to provide with substantiation : to pay the costs of : to provide a basis for the existence or subsistence of : to keep (something) going
  2. This year's squares are up to 50+ trail cameras. Closed out the first 100 square in less than 50 minutes. The second one was almost full in an hour. After that will be 10 and 20 spot squares for higher end cells and what not. People are flat out crazy.
  3. The area federation picked up the contest and is holding it. Not supporting is coming out against it - that's the problem WNYB, Grampy, me, and others have articulated. Neutrality is being complicit due to failure to act; questioning it as a whole because of your moral/ethical compass benefits only one side. And, that side isn't hunters. There's plenty of "in or out" stuff I don't agree with in the hunting community that is legal and/or respected in certain hunting circles, but I'm not going to raise awareness to that premise and certainly not by questioning it. This is a butterfly-hurricane effect - we should all recognize this. It'll hit home sooner or later.
  4. Understood. I'm kind of in the same boat with watches - more a necessity in my line of business but I want something that reflects who I am. Tag fit that and I am happy to keep wearing the few I have. It's blasphemy but every single Rolex I've ever seen or looked at stylistically is just ugly to me. I couldn't and wouldn't want to own one.
  5. Oh, you're a salesman. That changes things, at least historically it has. I think recent trends have been toward middle of the road watches in Sales. Consumers are wise to the fact that if the high end watch or MB/BMW is present with the salesman, it's likely because they are funding it, and can create some obstacles to overcome subconsciously. That part has been talked about alot here at my company. I'm an Ops guy and when I have one of my Tags on, sales leadership gives me less crap at introduction. It sounds funny, but it's actually true. Plus it opens a door for us to have something more in common. Once I demonstrate some knowledge they tend not to push back on usual Sales tactics to get deals done. An Omega might be a good one to look at for you.
  6. With all due respect, neutral or ambivalent stances is exactly how we got to where hunting is today. See your example about bears via the elk hunter.
  7. Some possible examples: Recognizing the greater good and opting to keep one's mouth shut. Donating to the cause being supported activism, voting, signing, reaching out to politicians or other officials, etc. Indirect support via logistics, set-up, communications direct participation Remembering the first bullet when one gets the urge
  8. Rolex is the only brand recognition that watch fans and non-fans will recognize as a status symbol nearly across the board. Some might argue that based on a few others such as Omega, etc. I'll probably get tomatoes thrown at me for this, but go get a $1-2K Tag Heuer Formula One and be done with it. It's entry level luxury and while the high-nosers will try to point out the flaws and that it is not luxury, it'll keep time and still retains brand recognition to the overwhelming majority of people - non-watch fans. Trying to impress people into watches is impossible because of one-upsmanship. Someone will always whip one out and set it on the table that is bigger, badder, and more expensive. I've found that most people recognize Tag Heuer as a luxury brand. I have a few and I'm shocked at the number of people who recognize it. Take the savings and go do something else with it.
  9. WNYB nailed it. Failure to support contests is supporting anti-hunting. No different than choosing not to place your republican vote in the ballot box in NY because the state always ends up swinging blue. Inaction is unacceptable. Honestly, I'm rather disheartened by some of the people and posts in this thread.
  10. I completely forget where I saw this, but I was watching a news piece (can't remember source) but it was a recent one (meaning 2-3 years ago). A co-worker of the claimant said she had a discussion with her in between the initial meeting with Kobe for the tour and then the second encounter, that the claimant said she was "going to have his baby." Apparently the co-worker was concerned about getting involved and that it never came out in early parts of the investigation due to the EEs fear of getting involved in a high-profile case. It was the actual co-worker on the news piece - a female; and she said it was verbatim. Going to have his baby.
  11. Short of the big saplings, I'm now of the mindset of just buying cheap mowers on C-list or Marketplace and beating the absolute snot out of them and replacing every third or fourth season. You can find pretty well built used riders for 2-300 with prudent shopping. Run it til she dies and if its not an easy fix, turn her around for $50 and pick up a new (used) one. Repeat. We do alot of mowing for trails but also for plots using the spray, seed/fert/lime, mow method. We accomplish some stuff with a very basic mower this year that amazed me. From a cost basis and time basis perspective, it's about as cheap as it gets.
  12. I think that's exactly the point - the main cause of this is the mayor who seems like a poor leader. Not the antis, not the FD, not the hunter, but the mayor. Bad leader.
  13. The mayor killed it off after the signatures and anti-campaign. FD was not expecting that to happen. FD was upset with mayor. Here's the kicker...same said mayor was on FB groups less than 60 days prior asking hunting-specific groups how they could increase hunting-related tourism in their small town/immediate area.
  14. The second vid looks like the typical breathing pattern bucks use to bring in scent across the jacobson's organ. One fawn coming into estrous is all it takes.
  15. One report I listened to is that the mortality rate is just over the typical influenza rate, roughly 3.X% vs 2.X%. It is in the same family as SARS and MERS. MERS was 10% I believe. The long incubation period while asymptomatic paired with what appears a strong human to human capability is a bad combo. This thing shows how challenging the inter-connected world we live in today actually speeds up the pace of transmission. My guess is alot of these viruses spread like this but don't gain the traction of news stories. Similar in symptom to the flu.
  16. Here's a story - my mother was a 1:1 aide for a young man who had Duchenne MD. He loved two things. The Bills, and Kobe and the Lakers. This young man idolized Kobe. Mostly because he was capable of achieving what many people would agree are peak physical capabilities of the human body. This young man couldn't walk after 13, and died in his 20s after a long endurance. The young man wrote Kobe a letter in his teens. Kobe flew this young man and his entire family out to a game - gave him the red carpet treatment. And continued to personally text him for years after their meeting. Kobe then became a passionate advocate of Duchenne MD. Raising awareness and money. Kobe sent him personal Christmas cards, flowers when he had sick periods, etc. And these were done personally by him - not an assistant. We should abide by our social contract in the court system - straying from it to assign guilt for any reason is awfully leftist IMO. I will say no more on that.
  17. He gets in. The stats line shows he is in. The near 500 record is the only thing holding him back outside perception. Data usually gives the overarching story. There's only a few two-time SB MVPs. He beat an undefeated team to win one, and he's top 10 in alot of valued categories. He gets in.
  18. I forget the backstory on that - didn't he find sheds or something and has some publicity around it? I know he is big into shed hunting. Can't say the new replica deer looks even remotely good. Odd someone would like it. Probably a shed hunter thing.
  19. Same deer. Woof. Meant same, said not same. Need coffee.
  20. Same company that makes Bushnell, Tasco, Primos, and Simmons...
  21. Good cheap and fast. Pick 2 of 3. The saying holds true for cameras. Running alkaline in dead of winter is not often the best option in northern climates - even if the batteries are "alive" in spring, you've likely missed triggers that should have taken place. Cams with lower voltage at the time of game walking by can result in reduced trigger speed, reduced sensing distance, and missed triggers via voltage cutoff. All the while the user thinks everything is awesome. I run alkaline Spring Summer Fall for regular pics. Lithium for winter and video, and cell. Signs of this can be found in snow times - tracks will show in following pics from the camera that didn't exist in the image prior. Browning, as good as a cam they are, are susceptible to this in the 6-battery models. Any cams I run on alkaline in winter, I have night images where game have walked by with no trigger as proven by the images before and after showing the tracks. I run lithium in winter across most of my cams for this reason, short of cams I set up for 1-2 weeks to do something specific. This phenomenon can be seen in most any brand, but fewer battery cams are more susceptible. Cams with higher battery count tend to bank their batteries, allowing for higher voltage for a longer period of use. Same goes for cheap cams. They often have poor coding, high voltage cut-off, and inconsistent trigger capabilities. All that said, the bigger issue is QC, CS, or lack of a critical feature (IE the ability to take multi image shots in a WGI - important for hunting purposes IMO). People think cheap cams are the cat's meow but fail to realize the data that isn't there is what their missing and it would totally change their impression. Here's an image caught by an "expensive" cam. Seated on the same tree is a WGI. I'd show you the WGI image, but there wasn't one... The real answer to find a "cheap" camera is to shop smart and buy a good cam on a clearance price.
  22. This is social media as others noted. And, just like hunting, you can make it what you want. Tote the smoothbore and a box of sluggers or go all out with mobile set-ups and technology and land management. Social Media for me is a tool to A. Keep in touch with people I want to keep in touch with OR B. An avenue to grow my business and stay current on related topics. I try to not to over-complicate it. Works well.
  23. Likely fits a niche market of shooters or hunters who could do it themselves if they had the time, but don't. I never used to understand the high prices people pay for services or products that they could in turn do themselves at home for less. Then my career got going. And I understood. I use cell cams alot because I don't have the free time to glass every evening.
  24. They need to prove the ribbon cable will not cause a leak or destroy the cams. I did not like how they did not show it. Trail Lync did this during 2G days. It didn't stick. The other limiting factor is they cannot control the cam remotely. That becomes an issue - cam control remotely is the single biggest jump in cell cams since they were invented. Invariably, you need to change settings. W/O it, you'll need to visit cam and it'll happen at the worst possible time, as experience has taught me.
  25. It's never a competition. I shared just so people could enjoy some pics. I particularly also don't think these pics stand out compared to most everyone in the geographical area. Every once in a while a buck gets some age on him and the rest are all pretty typical 2/3/4/5 yo references that most anyone has roaming their woods. The only difference is I have more cams than most people run and thus more images. That's it. Nothing special.
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