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Everything posted by phade

  1. Too time consuming. It's hunting season and I can't make time for it. Tried to do my best and I just can't. Instead, the "hunters" at work do a last man standing - you pick a team to win each week. If they win, you move on. Can only pick a team once. You lose...you're out. We've done this for 10 years or so and only two of them had years where the pot was split. One two ways, and one three-ways. All others we've had single winners. One year - and I think it was the Bills, they upset on week one and it knocked out half the players. We were done by Week 9 as a result. After that, we did a re-buy up to week three but you still couldn't re-pick a team used previously. That's much easier to manage for me, lol.
  2. older cams had internal memory but not many cams do nowadays. I'd struggle to name one off hand. Stealing cards is worse than the cam IMO. They wanted info or to keep their identity. Stealing a cam is because they want the cam and more of a singular purpose. Stealing info or keeping identity private means they'll be back in that area or using adjacent for some specific reason. Questions that might not get answered if you don't have an encounter. I'd be looking at people close by, personally.
  3. I honestly couldn't tell you my philosophy because it's a mish-mash of many. I couldn't paint it a color...because it's camo, if you will. I'm not that simple - at least that is what my wife says.
  4. it's not unusual to see an S curve after positive earnings - some of the cues that people worry about crushing earnings is: Crushing earnings is seen as bad planning/forecasting - indicates leadership doesn't understand their market/opportunity/business Delivering a much higher than expected earning can be viewed as "emptying the tank" and not sustainable, so investors divest believing it is time to profit take, driving the price down, even if temporary. If business is good and momentum continues you will see investors re-enter in short-term - (within 90-day window). The street loves companies that have it right - like Goldilocks...not too hot, not too cold. Just right.
  5. Quality, cost, speed of service, aging/turnaround on production, scaling, and ability to expand quickly...list goes on when you consume a vertical path with a wide range of networking/ancillary lines that they pull synergies from. Amazon is going to test the Monopoly theory at some point, but what they're really focused on is ancillary and vertical models that dilute the assertions of a monopoly. Their goal is to be too big to fail - and that includes via Monopoly.
  6. They're already entering the carrier market....what is Amazon doing? Controlling the entire supply and service chain. They will make $$$$$$$.
  7. The Tesla stock performance is an enigma. The valuation is off the charts from historical norms to keep growth going. I'm not bearish on them, but they are a stock that puzzles the community. I get the Apple split. I also get an Amazon split - taking advantage of the pandemic and timing would be phenomenal. I think money would flood in post split as earnings should be solid in the short-term due to pandemic. Mid-term earnings expectations will be super high though as they'll start baking in the pandemic bounce. Once the pandemic ends, money might pull out for fear of a reduced online shopping appetite - potentially the first pullback of that kind since online blew up. I'd probably still hold, personally. Amazon isn't getting any smaller any time soon - I think the only question is how fast can it grow and expand. FAA approval for drone delivery FTW.
  8. Sent image size is 640x360. 2019 model allowed for much larger sent image quality.
  9. Agreed. Large cap seems to be carrying the market.
  10. It's made by Boly. Boly uses wider sensing zones so their trigger and recovery times are longer than the industry norm to match the sensing. It'll still work out OK; they can be trigger happy a bit in sun and weeds blowing. But they also aren't the worst cam ever made, either. You're fine for the discount you got on it.
  11. what is your goal for the following year - IE the clover. That is a factor for the answer. If you're tossing down annual red clover with no long-term plan for that plot, the rates will be different than compared to a more traditional perennial clover that will become the primary cultivar.
  12. Just for old times sake. Buck beds. Learn it. Love it.
  13. Good luck Rattler. If it weren't for my wife, I'd be out of NY as well. I'm still many moons from retirement but I'd like to think that retirement involves not being in NY. I certainly peruse this site much less now but have been on it for 10 years. Other forms of social media seem to be more of a participatory platform - and no holds barred, so bad and good to the experience. I check in once in a while but IMO the hunting related content is about as few and far between as I've seen it over those years. I guess if I am Rattler, there's probably not much reason to still participate after picking up shop and moving to PA; since this is a location based forum (NY) that does box it in somewhat.
  14. My Spartan has sent me 6500 images on a set of batteries from September to April - and I pulled them and have used them for months now in a regular cam. Batch send uses much less power vs instant one by one.
  15. Good to hear! Let me know when you want to add on to the fleet and I'll get you squared away! This time of year I am doing weekly Browning orders. They have a new cell cam out in ATT this week and the Verizon version arrives next week. But the vids are still top notch on the Spec Ops line.
  16. You need more Brownings in your life...just saying! Hope all is well sir!
  17. Not listed because they'll be gone by end of day and the website requires I list at MAP. PM if you would like to buy one.
  18. We have almost no apples this year and what trees do have them are almost down already.
  19. Slightly move the cam angle down a touch to bring the trail closer to center frame where the lead goat is - finding the sensor prefers a slightly higher trigger point.
  20. They seemed to hit our actual food plots early in season and almost entirely post season. Not alot of hunting pressure on those plots in November's bow season, either. Such a weird set of observations. Sitting in a stand where I could see two food plots - one one acre, and the other almost 2...I watched during multiple regular season evening hunts deer come out of the bedding, walk through the plots, and hit the destination food source (this late planted cover crop). Midday, deer would come out and nibble on the plot and back to bed. We ended up hunting the field edges and encounter rates went up dramatically. Broke almost every cardinal rule to pressure... Get to January time, and they hammered the plots - still plenty of food in the cover crop fields though.
  21. With the brassica, starches converting to sugar being the trigger for the increased draw, I actually think the location of the food source has as much to do with it, too. Snowpack too as LEG noted. I guess what I learned is that even a late planted plot can really be effective, beyond most of what we commonly believe. It is really challenging us this year to not do everything as early as we have.
  22. I have a few minutes now so I will post up a good story relevant to radish planting. Last season, one of our farms that we hunt on, had a pretty poor crop year and scooped up what beans they had during the usual timeframe in late Sept/early Oct. They cover cropped those fields a week later with an interesting mix of some clover, some triticale, and daikon/tillage radish. It was really present to me how late it was for the radish to make any useful gains (soild aeration, decompacting, etc.). To my surprise come late season, they were not huge mountains that we like to see in our food plots, but they had small 6" leafy greens and small needle-like radish. They competed directly with our food plots of August planted Radish that were magazine worthy. In some cases the deer spent much more time on these later planted radish with thick snowcover in specific areas because they felt more protected. The clover and triticale helped, but it was clear the deer were eating radish first based on physical observations in stand and glassing. We were able to commit many common sins of hunting pressure on a field edge late in the year because that draw was so powerful. We got away with alot and eventually it resulted in a great buck going down. All that with a cover crop planted somewhere between 10/1 and 10/7. The tonnage might not have been comprable, but the draw was at or greater.
  23. You run the risk of not being able to use the cam normally without plugging that gap. Opening air entry to the cam is a killer. Also knew this would happen. A company did this in the 2G days. And, for the record, I bought one, and you guessed it. Cable was bad.
  24. I don't think it is late at all for radish. I actually think it is the sweet spot over the next 2 weeks IMO.
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