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Everything posted by halfnelson

  1. Check out the video I recorded while hunting from a natural ground blind. This young deer just stuck around and wouldn't leave...lol https://youtu.be/47VTlY6gQYQ
  2. A super trophy!!! You did yourself good!!! 138 guess
  3. Live from the easy chair! Not a good season so far...never saw a deer from stand the first 2 days. Got ready for work this morning and threw out by back. Been in the easy chair all day icing my back, can hardly walk so far. Hope it straightens out shortly. I think the snow shoveling got to it yesterday/
  4. What a nice buck and great hunt! Congrats!
  5. I'm catching up on the sleep. ..we got the bed heaters on...snowing like crazy. ..almost 6 inches
  6. It was slow here in Dutchess this morning...saw one going in and one coming out. Next to no shooting anywhere around. Going back out around 2. Good luck everybody!
  7. Biz, You sure your dad wasn't rubbin those trees with his pocket knife just to rile you up a bit? lol
  8. First deer with my new crossbow!!! Haven't seen a lot of deer...figured I had better move while I had the chance. 25 Yard broadside shot from natural ground blind. Deer went 20 yds and fell over...Thank God!!!
  9. This guy came by at 7:45...first deer with the crossbow. Hunting out of a natural ground blind on a small ridge, he came through at 28 yards, walking broadside...grunted and he stopped for the shot. He walked off about 25 yards, stood looking around for about 15 seconds, and fell down and passed. Thank God for a good hunt!
  10. Saw 2 bucks this morning ...passed on one at 10yds...neighbor started blowing leaves at 9:30- back at house with coffee. Eggs sound real good-gotta get the pan out.
  11. The only time I got bit by a tick was about 3 yrs ago up in Cicero. Came home from a trapshoot and had 104 fever for 3 days, broke out in blotches/rashes-not a bullseye. Doctor confirmed lymes. She put me on 21 days of Doxy, I asked her for another course of meds for another 21 days because I was certain I had just been bit. Whenever I go outside at home( southern tier) I have tick treated clothing and boots on- for some stupid reason when I went upstate that time I didn't. Thank God my case was caught immediately , and I've had no problems since. But I'm extra careful now...I always spray clothing and footwear with permithrin tick spray, which I've found to always work well. Hope you get the right treatment and get well soon.
  12. My wife is real good about it! We have a small ranch house, and she let's me put all the heads up on the living room wall. Got some more down in the family room, along with a grizzly mount that my Dad got in the Yukon back in the 70s.
  13. lol...better than " Say yes to the dress." What my wife watches quite a bit
  14. Thanks for the thumbs up and thanks for curing lack of "compooter" savy!
  15. No deer in the freezer yet...too busy wasting my time drawing cartoons. Sorry, but I'm a slightly better artist than computer whiz... couldn't rotate to a vertical view.
  16. Personally, I'd take the doxy for longer than 14 days---I think if you check it out, 21 days is usual deal. I wouldn't take any chances.
  17. Ooooh well! If you're gonna act like a turd, go lay out in the yard! Pleeeze Louize! ...my way of thinking...Thank God!!!
  18. The stuff going on in this country is scary!!! I'm thankful I'm the age I am (young-60s). I'm afraid we've seen the best of our country...it could change, but we need a generation of fighters for what's right! I doubt our parent's generation would have let any of this stuff go on that has for the last decade or so without reacting to defend our country...it's pathetic! A lot (not all) of our younger generation have no idea or clue as to what it's all about or what is at stake..."Socialism", forget it- probably most of them think it's something about social media. We need a court judge just like Scalia- a constitutionalist...could you imagine if Obama got Eric Holder or someone like that in there? Today we are at a critical time in history in our country! For the Trump bashers...my feeling is that I think I would rather have a guy that might border a little obnoxiousness, but tough, and a deal maker, and successful businessman to try to turn the country around. I kinda think anyone else in the mix will be politics as usual...promise anything , but deliver nothing. Could very well be that we might get a Sanders or Clinton...ever wonder why no mention of America in the end times in the Bible? These 2 would reduce us down to a 3rd world nation. I try not to get revved up on politics and realize the truth that it is God that has the final word, and sets one leader up and brings one down...hard to do sometimes. JMHO
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