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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wolc123

  1. I agree with Rob on the elk and pigs. The elk in PA are not Eastern elk, which were hunted to extinction in the early 1900's. They are from transplanted western elk, which are not really suited to the habitat on this side of the Mississippi. The biggest reason to keep then out of NY, is the threat they may pose to our wonderful whitetail population. There are few if any states, where the whitetail meat-hunter has it better than it is in NY right now, and I would like to keep it that way for as long as possible. Just last week, I heard reports of a disease down in PA, which causes deer to walk sideways and die in their beds with no signs of hunger or wounds. More than twenty were recently discovered in that condition. This is the type of thing that happens when "exotics" are imported. Moose, on the other hand, were historically native to NY, and they are now thriving again up in the Adirondacks. There are areas up there with more moose than deer sign. The time is right for a limited, lottery-type season on them. It would not hurt to take out a few bulls each season. Moose is also a little tastier than elk, which is another good reason to open a hunting season for them. As far as the pigs go, I hope they never establish a foothold in NY. I can tolerate an occasional meal of pork, but I would get sick of that real fast. Red meat is where it is at. Pork is on par with chicken, and just a small step above vegetables in my book. Our cold climate has been what has held them off for so long. The current warming trend is going to make it easier for them to spread north. When it comes to deer hunting, enjoy what you have now, because there is no way it will continue after the pigs make it up here in force.
  2. The wall will be built, because the Republicans currently hold 5/6 of the power in Washington (Executive branch + 1/2 Legislative branch + Judicial branch). The best way for the Democrats to save some face, would be to roll over on this issue ASAP. That way they would get some credit for ending the shutdown. What do they expect to gain by dragging out the inevitable ?
  3. Speaking from experience, the women would like it a lot better if it was tender. The best way to do that, is age it (like is done with beef) prior to processing and freezing. Red meat is red meat, and it is all subject to rigor mortis. That starts forming immediately after death. If you process and freeze before that breaks down, then the meat (especially the lesser cuts and/or older deer) will be tough. If you can find an old refrigerator and tear out the shelves, that works ok for aging skinned venison quarters. If you get the right temps (like we had opening week last season), aging them with the hides on in an insulated garage works even better. The hide insulates and keeps the meat from drying out. If you don't like aging the deer, it is best to just kill fawns, because they are the only ones that are tender without aging. A 1-1/2 year old should hang one week at 33-43 F, a 2-1/2 year old about 10 days, and older deer, about two weeks (not that I have killed many of those). Another good option on those tough, un-aged cuts is using a crock-pot to cook them, or thawing and canning them. My buddy did that with an 8-1/2 year old, un-aged moose and that made those almost un-chewable roasts delicious and very tender.
  4. In 35 archery deer seasons, I have used 3 vertical (compound) bows and one crossbow. A limb broke on my first vertical after about 10 seasons so I junked it. I still have the other two, but have not hunted with them since getting my entry-level crossbow in 2014. I will keep using that until it breaks or until full-inclusion occurs, which would give me the incentive to upgrade a tad. If that don't happen, I hope to get about 5 more years out of it. It is showing no signs of wear yet and has dropped all four bucks that I have shot it at within 40 yards from where they took the bolts. If I had more days to use it, I would want a second one just to have back-up. So for me, the answer to your question is a nice, even ten years. I expect several lifetimes out of my guns, God willing.
  5. Thanks for not banning God entirely. I will try to stop wolc'n folks.
  6. A traditional (vertical recurve & longbow) deer season October 1 - 15 would be fine with me. One particularly bad thing, about the way the rules are now, is that northern zone deer hunters only get (3) days to use their crossbows, prior to the guns coming in. Extending that to 7 days would be a lot better, then the total of crossbow and ML + crossbow days up there would equal the crossbow head-start in the southern zone. Given the overwhelming and widening margin of support for full inclusion, as evidenced by this poll, it will probably happen within the next few years. A slight compromise - such as evening the number of days up, between the northern and southern zones, and/or introducing that "traditional" season, while lumping the crossbow into the same category as the compound, might delay it by a few more years.
  7. I see we picked up a couple more against full inclusion. They are up to 11 now, and might need a full sized passenger van for the move to Oregon. I also see that the NYB website is down, which might explain the struggle to rally more opposition. The part I don't understand, is WHY you are against full-inclusion. Think about that for a while and type out your answer nice and slow if you wish. What do you think of opening up archery deer season on October 1 for "traditional" equipment, including recurves and longbows, then letting compounds and crossbows in on the 15th of October ?
  8. One of the biggest advantages of the crossbow is all the free time it opens up to do other stuff. Maintaining proficiency with a vertical bow takes lots of time and year round practice. An hour of practice before the season, and firing a bolt into a target after each hunt, has been enough practice for me to get it done right with my crossbow on deer every time I have shot it at one over the last 5 years.
  9. Does that mean you are for full inclusion ? I remember that you were against it, in last years poll, and I assumed that was still the case.
  10. The Genny lights were not quite doing it for me. 3 vodka and milks later, all is well. Gotta like them "real" white Russians. Here's to Putin and clearing our troops from Syria. Go Trump. Keep saving our money until them Dems fall in line and help build us that wall.
  11. Adding up the "no" for full-inclusion votes, I count: Belo, Doc, Fast-Eddie, Sodfather, & Buckmaster for sure. I wonder who are the other (4) ? It is still just enough to fit in to a mini-van and make the trip to Oregon, if the sky falls and full-inclusion passes this season.
  12. If Adirondack whitetails are your primary objective, you can't go wrong with a Marlin 336 30-30. There was a brief period, when the Remlins were not quite up to snuff, but they seem to have their act together now. The 336BL that I purchased last summer is top-notch fit and finish and functions flawlessly. An older Marlin would also be a safe bet, if you don't mind going used. No caliber has killed more Adirondack whitetails, and none has better ammo availability. The .35 Rem may be a tad better on black bears, but not enough to make up for the decreased availability or increased ammo cost. Both of my Adirondack bucks have fallen to my big heavy Ruger M77 30/06, but it is a pain to lug around up there. I am looking forward to changing to a standard 336 30/30, with a 3-9 Marlin scope as my primary (fair weather) gun, my 336 BL with fiber-optic sites as my rainy weather gun, and my big, heavy bolt-action Ruger 30/06, with 3-9 Redfield scope will be relegated to backup duty. Both bucks dropped in their tracks when struck with that (Federal classic 150 gr ammo) but I assume the 30/30 would have the same results, so long as the bullet is put in the right spot. The compact size of the Marlin lever actions will be a welcome change.
  13. I just completed this survey. I went all-in in favor of the crossbow and full-inclusion even though I am ok with most of the rules as they are now. The crossbow hunters in the northern zone are currently getting screwed pretty bad, with just three days before the guns come in. Us folks down in the southern zone already got it pretty good with 14 days including all of the rut. If full-inclusion does go thru, I wont be hunting turkeys in the fall anymore with my shotgun. It will be a little tougher to take them with my crossbow (as targets of opportunity while deer hunting). Oh well, at least I got to easily enjoy the drumsticks of a young fall hen one time. Has anyone else on this site received the DEC survey yet ?
  14. It exited above his knee. I just posted the whole video on Chef's 1911 carry thread, trying to help talk him into another model.
  15. The real beauty of that relationship is: that He always makes things work out for good for those who believe in Him. In this case, that good might experienced by some of the millions who have watched the video.
  16. It definitely took balls to post that video, good thing God let him keep them.
  17. I think that model holds the record for the most self-inflicted wounds. This guy shows how to do it.
  18. Why isn't this guy on the commercials anymore ? The new ones with the football coach and players are not as good. I am switching to Modelo Negra (dark).
  19. Look for the antelope nut recipe - it is all about the butter and pepper. It is nice to see you celebrating Christmas, that means there is hope for you yet.
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