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  • Hunting Location
    Cuba, ny or Grand Island, ny
  • Hunting Gun
    Ruger American .270 or Remington 870
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I think The Last Alaskans was the only realistic “wilderness” show. The others- Last Frontier, Mountain Men, and other such shows are pretty much staged.
  2. Definitely use a lifeline each and every time I leave the ground regardless of stand type. I’ve fallen 2x and not doing it again.
  3. I just pulled one off yesterday morning and started on the antibiotic. Had one 2 years ago too. I normally use permethrin throughout the spring and summer but not on my deer hunting clothes. I will now!
  4. I have the Go Warmer hand warmers as well and I would agree that they work quite well.
  5. I’ve got 3 or 4 new harnesses available if anyone needs one or more.
  6. I used to use Federal Barnes Expanders but I think they have been discontinued as well.
  7. Sold about 45-50 so far. Whatever I don't sell I will repot into a larger bag and keep them until the fall. Any left by then will be at least 4' tall and will either sell for $30 or plant on my land.
  8. Yea, containers can be reused. The seams are stitched when new so to reuse them you just staple the seams back together. With it open down the seam the plant comes out easily.
  9. Root trapper bags are a plastic type material on the outside and a coarse fabric on the inside that prevents the roots from J hooking and winding around the outside of the container - as I'm sure you've seen in many plants grown in plastic pots. As far as the Walmart chestnuts, I started with 6 of those 3 years ago and 3 of them died the 1st year, After that I decided to grow my own. I've since planted 40 -50 and only lost a handful and the ones I started from seed have caught up to the Walmart trees in growth. I like my results better. They say 3-5 years but I don't fertilize or do anything special with them so I would expect closer to 5-7 years.
  10. Root trapper bags are a plastic type material on the outside and a coarse fabric on the inside that prevents the roots from J hooking and winding around the outside of the container - as I'm sure you've seen in many plants grown in plastic pots. As far as the Walmart chestnuts, I started with 6 of those 3 years ago and 3 of them died the 1st year, After that I decided to grow my own. I've since planted 40 -50 and only lost a handful and the ones I started from seed have caught up to the Walmart trees in growth. I like my results better.
  11. Yes, they are potted in root pruning/trapper bags.
  12. I'm in the village of Lancaster, Erie County
  13. I have Dunstan Chestnut Trees for sale. Grown from seeds from Chestnut Ridge of Pike County. They are 18 -36+" tall and are $20 each. PM me for more info. Thanks
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