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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Core

  1. I've shot two deer with a crossbow I have chronographed at about 345 and got pass through on both and two tagged dear. First was with Rage 2-blade chiselpoint with the black rubber bands. More recently I'm using the Rage hypodermic (also 2 blade) with black shock collar. In both cases the broadheads opened properly on entry and cut all the way through. I suppose I do prefer the shock collar to the bands on the xbow as it seems to hold a bit more snug and I do not anticipate any issues at these high FPS with opening.
  2. Guys/gals who are using the 370 with the nikon bolt XR How are you finding the reticle drop? The Spot on app claims that my crossbow, which I've chronographed at 345 shooting the ~440 grain arrows should be about 31 yards second reticle and 47 (!) third, instead of the 40 it's calibrated to with a 305 FPS arrow, then 62 for the fourth. In practice I find that if I have the second lining up dead on at 30, the third is dead on at about 41 yards, and the fourth is closer to 57 or so (I ran out of time and could not confirm), but it's definitely not 20/30/47, more like 20/31/41.
  3. Weather kind of holding. if it's good saturday evening I may just try that, but otherwise I'm going to attack Sunday without mercy. First thing (damn that time change), then come back for the afternoon if necessary. By golly I will be pulling a deer out of the woods this weekend even if I have to find roadkill, haul it into the woods, then back out.
  4. I see what you mean now by that Any pics of your place?
  5. What started to pique my interest was this thread: I agree that quality of the land for hunting is the most important thing to me.
  6. Yep that's my worry about the cost. I love what culver's done--has the kitchen, and an instant hot water heater on propane would be the ticket. I'm not sure what would be required for code. Surprised this thread took off--I guess I hit a button on this, lots of you guys have hunting camps. I'm trying to warm up to the idea, it may be the way I get all the land I want without paying a massive fortune to actually move to a new house on land. left field's water solution is pretty cool. Free water, just pay for a pump. Storm's camper idea isn't bad at all, but I just want something a bit more spread out.
  7. I think ultimately two non-negotiables would be I really need a modern kitchen. Small is fine, but need a fridge, and equally important a way to get a nice hot shower and not have to deal with an out house. I'll never sell my wife on compromising on those if I intend for her to stay there.
  8. Pretty handy but definitely don't have the time to engage in building a living structure. Looking for a pre-built is definitely an idea.
  9. Wife's agreed I can buy some hunting land, but I'm wondering if it could make sense to get something a bit further out, a bit cheaper, and put a cabin on it. If I wanted a small cabin with main sitting area one bedroom small kitchen small bathroom Is that achievable for $50k? Part of the issue is I have no idea what New York would mandate for a structure like this as it pertains to utilities, septic, etc. I'd envision something entirely off-grid--run electric on a generator, heat via propane tank or wood stove. But water is a problem. Unless i drill a well ($8-9k?), realistically how else could I have a functional shower, kitchen, etc? Have a tank and get it delivered (seems a hassle and won't work in the winter)? And then I imagine I'd need a very small septic system, too. The structure itself shouldn't be that pricey but getting the other stuff tied up to it seems like it could blow a budget pretty easily.
  10. The text was posted, which we've all read many times. However, it sounds like you're saying NY DEC mentions this but actually has no law it's leveraging in this claim...? That sounds entirely plausible. Here's a question: is anybody here aware of a person with a concealed carry permit ever being charged for having a concealed, otherwise-legal pistol on them during bow season? My guess is nobody is
  11. This is my fourth year hunting, fourth year bowhunting, and first without a deer with vertical. It's very weird because I drew on several. I've almost got a writer's block about pulling the release now. i am starting to have a mainfest fear of wounding them with my compound. Weird psychological block. When I have any doubts in my equipment, like I do currently, it's just a big problem. My xbow is shooting like a laser gun and shooting fast. I could keep bow hunting, but i won't. Will be out this weekend and just look to next year for a bow kill I guess.
  12. Chomping at the damn bit to get out. I made a total cluster out of bow season this year and my sniper 370 will avenge me. Of course it looks like the weather continues to suck, so maybe it will be dry Sunday?
  13. Wow! I actually found this on craigslist and sent to my wife last week before seeing this thread. Looks really nice, although I'd never get her in there without a bathroom. I personally like the spot quite a bit. Looks like a great place to kill time in the summers and fall.
  14. West of you between syracuse and rochester is lake shore marsh, which I hunted two years. I took deer out each year with bow but it was a hell of a lot of work. Most times I went out I didn't see a single deer. I'd go back again, but one deer/season I consider a big success. Last year I found private land and got three deer with less effort. Most hunters are lazy. If there is a steep ravine or two they will be unwilling to hunt past it because they can't drag the deer out. There is still a spot at lake shore I want to try out and would have last year if not for the private land. It's a good 10 minute walk, requires a climber, and I'll need to use my pulley system to get deer out. But I don't believe people are ever back there and at the end of 2016 season when the rest of the public land was devoid of any sign at all this area was packed full of tracks.
  15. I use muck fieldblazer II, which are light boots, but with two pairs of thick socks they tolerate decent coldness, and when it's sub freezing putting chemical foot warmers help a ton. But I do have a pair like Steve has linked and although their insulation is really light I much prefer them early season. Ultimately tall, waterproof foam boots will never be as light and comfortable to walk in as the lace up kind, which are legitimate hiking boots.
  16. 22 hours that's rough. Sounds like the public land I hunted 2015/2016.
  17. I completely forgot to fill it out and now i'm 6-7 hunts in and it's too late to do it retroactively I fear. I won't recall accurately
  18. Tree stand. I am basically invisible there and it's very rare for deer to make me. On the ground I've only ever once in my life had a shot opportunity on a deer. This is despite multiple sits on chairs, many times trying still hunting, etc. Two deer with xbow so far from tree.
  19. Looks like it for bow season. Skipped several deer I could have bagged with xbow. Five hours in stand today ugh I don’t know where the deer went. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Thought it would be hopping tonight. Not seeing jack besides that one doe before 4 pm! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Just typical business IT stuff. Nobody’s life really depends on it but I submitted PTO late so felt I needed to attend Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Serves me ****ing right. I am ok with a doe now. One just walked past me at 10 yards and the shot opportunity? Directly in front of me. Couldn’t draw. Laptop is now closed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I taped my laptop to my stand so it won’t fall out of the tree again. I have a meeting I can’t miss. I don’t know if this makes me a pitiful hunter or a diehard one. Probably a bit of both. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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