Fingers crossed for you!
That tree that fell across your driveway tomorrow will make it very hard for you to get your car out of the driveway. Especially having to wait for the tree service and all...
Anybody use this? A buddy has some that he bought a few years ago and he raves about it. I had a couple of gift cards and just ordered pants and a jacket. Figured it for a mid-season thing.
I think they discontinued it for a couple of years, but there’s a few different items in stock now.
I don’t reload, but want to and am just at the point where I’m reading and watching YouTube vids to get a better idea of just how it’s done.
I like your setup and good luck with the home brew deer medicine!
Just caught up on your thread and wanted to say Congratulations Green! Nothing like your first deer is there? You did great, and you’ll learn more and more with each deer. Now go get a buck and take that selfie with it!