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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Have you ever studied what Common Core teaches? It's a classic case of teaching you what to think. It does exactly the opposite of letting someone think for themselves. That's why it is so despised by so many.
  2. I shoot every one I get a chance to when they're in season. I've taken three at the crack of shooting time on opening day of rifle deer season. Maybe I screwed my chance for a nice buck when I did, but I feel it has to be done. Not enough people do though. I wish there was no closed season on them in NY state. Even that wouldn't get rid of them, but would help to keep their numbers as low as possible. Pure vermin predators is all they are as far as I'm concerned. I just wish the pelts brought more money to cover all the work involved.
  3. This is how Leftist media spins facts to sway opinion in their favor. A perfect real world example of how it was done in this man's case. Leftist media is a propaganda machine, nothing more. People need to wake up and realize they're being manipulated with lies. http://dailysignal.com/2017/08/23/key-ways-mainstream-media-distorts-truth/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWkdVd09UY3lPVGd5TkRjeCIsInQiOiJQRGFnUWt2QWFXMW5Pckp0WVwvemVjXC9kRGp5c3FqbXBWNTRKZkNEYjl4ZGlnZE1RUENhNnIybXR6cDRFU0YranE0MGdUaDkzekNZM1B4QTRpeVFRdzcxNHVZV3hKN1hRditGYWZmVUw4WEYrZHZqaU90UFNGVjBBa3F2MEJ6dkhLIn0%3D
  4. Today, public education is designed to teach what they want you to think, rather than teach you how to think. It isn't education at all, it's indoctrination.
  5. It is a well know fact the Antifa members have often displayed the commie flags they are seen holding in the above photo. I have no doubt there were some in Charlottesville as well. Flags or not, they support Communism and some people in America support them. What's that tell you? Perhaps Sen. McCarthy was right after all.
  6. Go back and read my post again. I stated it appears you do not think Communism is bad. Never said you were one. You could be of any political persuasion, but if you think Communism isn't bad, I'd like to hear why. That's not an attack, it's a request for dialog.
  7. Hmmm.....looks like commie flags to me. Proof supplied. Now what? https://ihavethetruth.com/2017/08/20/anonymous-posts-antifa-members/
  8. You miss the entire point of the post. Your protests lead me to believe you do not think Communism is bad. Why not tell us your political opinion rather than attacking those here who understand how bad Communism is? From the article in the OP: The article, titled “Lenin’s Eco-Warriors,” paints the man as some kind of Siberian John Muir, and incredibly concludes that leaving “landscapes on this planet where humans do not tread” was the Soviet dictator’s “legacy.” As absurd as that piece was, the Times managed to outdo itself with another article on, no joke, “Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism.” This piece is an idealized account of how life under an absolutist government could be liberating and possibly a better model for the feminist movement. The author wrote: Those comrades’ insistence on government intervention may seem heavy-handed to our postmodern sensibilities, but sometimes necessary social change—which soon comes to be seen as the natural order of things—needs an emancipation proclamation from above. The absurdly romanticized account of life under tyrannical government explains little of the hopelessness of a system where an individual has no hope and no future.
  9. ALL? God forbid. Nobody prints truth anymore? You really believe that? I don't buy any propaganda. There are still sources of info out there that provide real news, backed by facts. When it's peered reviewed and impossible to argue against with factual retorts, that's real news. Those news articles are the ones the media propaganda machine attacks. It threatens their lies getting through and persuading the simpletons. I'm old enough to remember when all news sources had integrity. It was so paramount, anyone who lied about anything in a news article was instantly fired. Integrity used to be like God in the media. Nowadays, they don't believe in God at all.
  10. Actually, when something is called "Fake News", it's because it has no basis in truth or reality and is used to create negativity towards a given subject or individual. It isn't labeled fake because it's negative. It's labeled fake because it contains no truth, much like PRAVDA and the NY Times.
  11. You have to ask yourself, if the NYT's thinks Communism is a good thing and should be accepted in the USA, do they have any journalistic credibility at all? If we can tear down statues because of what they represent, can't we convince people this paper needs to go under for good?
  12. "PRAVDA" was the Russian News Outlet during the revolution that brought about tyranny and communism under the Soviets. Everything they published was proven to be lies and propaganda. Translated, Pravda means "Truth". Very much Orwellian double speak used to sway the simple minded.
  13. They just printed a PRO Communist article extolling it's virtues. Millennials are generally clueless about communism. “Just 37 percent of millennials had a ‘very unfavorable’ view of communism, compared to 57 percent of Americans overall,” according to a Daily Signal report. Perhaps even worse, a full third of millennials say they think that more people were killed under former President George W. Bush than under Stalin. http://dailysignal.com/2017/08/21/new-york-times-continues-tradition-whitewashing-communism?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTmpFM056UXlaVE5sWkdOaiIsInQiOiJEQ2FqQnNQRjVzQStkdWZyNWpURFg3YlYyb1B0Q0ZJVzNDd3RZdmttT1o5eW5jcDBDS1wvQm1WYzNVQldiWFA4VGlwMUJQU2UyNFF3MytSQ2VIM082MnJOTjFQUVhBaVpyR0drVUVwazVkVXo0akNlZ0pQWFQ5TWlNQVFrTmJXdEIifQ%3D%3D
  14. I think those opposed to political posts in HuntingNY.com have been resorting to this tactic for some time now.
  15. I don't think either side of the political aisle argues the climate isn't changing. The argument is over what causes it and if forcing major human sacrifice, while throwing ungodly amounts of money at possible solutions, will help. If the latter turns out to be wrong, we may have lousy physical conditions to live with, but will certainly have horrible economic conditions to deal with to boot.
  16. I disagree. Since they are not elected to these posts, removing them is easy. Enough political pressure on other members of the legislature gets the job done. They only worry about their own skins, and when you tell them they will be held accountable if she isn't removed, she will be removed. When you assume political action is futile, it is.
  17. Everyone needs to contact their elected reps and DEMAND this woman be removed from the Homeland Security Committee. She has shown a desire to abuse her power. That's the only way we will take away the power she has that threatens us. Her representing idiot liberals on LI is no concern to me. We ALL need to go after her desire to use her power against responsible NRA members and the average gun owner.
  18. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding. Louis D. Brandeis
  19. One cannot deny, their beliefs, in their minds, are better for the country. The fact they cannot be sold to the public as being better, needing to be implemented by force, is proof they are not beyond the implementation of total control and tyranny, if it is needed for "the good of the country".
  20. The trouble is, I believe what Leftists think is good for the country, is the complete opposite of what the founders envisioned for this country. Leftists truly believe our founding principles are wrong and need to be trashed. They do not support our Constitution as written (unless it benefits their beliefs), oppose limited government, oppose budget ceilings, oppose controlled spending, oppose limited taxes and oppose the individual right to free speech (if it's what they believe is "hate speech") and the individual right to keep and bear arms. They believe in collectivism, not individual liberty and rights. They oppose all forms of freedom of religion that impacts society in any way, and constantly work for wealth redistribution. These are just a few of their beliefs that come to mind at the moment. They truly believe all of this is good for the country. But when all of their past programs, which they believed were good for the country, failed miserably, they refused to accept accountability and actually worked to keep the failures in place. Obamacare is the most recent example. The left is either playing with unknowns, without being able to extrapolate their affects on our future, or is intentionally violating the core ideology of the Constitution and our founding principles, which served the country very well for centuries. Call me crazy, but I believe the latter to be the case. The fact they think it's good for the country, proves they are not opposed to tyranny.
  21. They were in the yard this morning but the doe stayed in the brush watching them. She likes to eat the wild apples off the tree in the front yard. She stands on her hind legs and plucks them from the tree only 15 feet from my front door. I stood on my rear deck taking these pictures in full view of the fawn and they had no concern.
  22. I'm not talking about leftist media here. I'm talking about things that were actually done to the military knowing full well they weren't improvements. These things were done by Democrats in spite of huge GOP and public opposition. Much like today's push for gun control comes from Dems. All the hatred of police was pushed by the Dems as well. This is the transformation of America Obama spoke of. Too bad nobody demanded details when he spoke of it during his campaign.
  23. The Dems were using the military as a petri dish for their social engineering experiments. The results were not exceptional, or even on par, so they tried every form of political propaganda they could think of to explain the results away. Accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia and Islamophobia were flung at anyone who had any common sense. All in an attempt to keep the failed social engineering of the military going. You have to sense there was a real desire to fundamentally transform our military into something it currently isn't. I bet if we could prove what that something was, we could try them all for treason.
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