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Jmp209 last won the day on October 28 2017

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About Jmp209

  • Birthday 12/27/1989

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    Cattaraugus county

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  1. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to make a post about this or not but I figured it wouldn't hurt to share it here. I've been very fortunate to take several bears over the years and when I cut a bear track last Saturday I couldn't help but shift my focus from deer hunting. It wasn't real fresh but several times in the past I've been able to follow older tracks a short distance to an area where the bear has hung around for a while and the sign got much fresher. I figured I had nothing to lose and I knew of some thick beech brush and left over tree tops from logging that I'd seen bear sign in just a few weeks ago. Since the tracks headed back toward that general direction I circled back and around the whole area and found no tracks coming out. I met up with my dad and I put him on the downwind side of the brush lot where if the bear went back out the way it came in that my dad may be able to get shot. I circled back around and still hunted my way through the brush and after about an hour and a half I was getting to within 75 or so yards of my dad but still hadn't cut a bear track. A few minutes later I could see his orange hat through the brush and thought the bear must have angled further than I thought since still no tracks. As I came up to a tree top I'd stopped for a minute and just looked around while deciding which way to go around it and saw a fresh track just 20 or so feet in front of me. I followed it with my eyes and could see it went through the tree top I was standing next to and was quite shocked to see a bear staring at me through the brush at only 15 or so feet. I've heard of bears holding tight to cover but never expected it would let me walk that close without busting out of there. Everything happened real fast at that point as I immediately took aim under the chin while also taking a step backward to try to get something between me and the bear. It felt like a now or never moment and in a split second from seeing the bear one shot to the neck put it down instantly.
  2. Havent been on in a while, was actually busted off right above the burrs
  3. Hopefully not too late to add a point to team 4 from Monday.
  4. If it's not too late I'll take a spot on team 4
  5. Is the MR7 still available? I may be interested. 

  6. Yes it is currently set up for a 26" draw Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
  7. 2011 Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
  8. Posting for a friend. We both switched to traditional archery last year but he feels he's tempted to take his compound out more often than he'd like so he thinks it's time to sell that temptation. It's a 60-70lb bow with a 26" draw length module. It comes with an Apex gear 3 pin sight, the trophy ridge drop away rest and trophy ridge quiver. He also had new string and cables installed in the fall of 2016. He's located near Olean in Cattaraugus county and would prefer to sell face to face rather than shipping. Asking price is $300. Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
  9. If you need any info on 325 wsm message me- I’m a new member and thought I posted to everyone. Not sure and don’t have time to check. Double tap ammo and Hendershots will make 325 ammo. I bought 10 boxes from double tap at $64 a box. Have not tried Hendershots( they are very expensive-$94to$120) but use highest quality components.When I go on expensive hunts I will splurge for Hendershots if I don’t use my reloads.

    Great caliber I own a Kimber and a Browning titanium. If you want more input message me 

  10. Though this really has little to do with this thread, Oregon actually has a relatively low whitetail population. It's estimated at around 13,000. Don't let your opinions allow you to lose sight of facts. Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
  11. Lots of firsts for me this year. First deer ever on opening day and first with a handgun. I can't believe how incredibly lucky and blessed I've been this season. The weather was cold and rainy all morning but that didn't stop this guy from showing up at 10 a.m. Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
  12. A buddy of mine swears by them and has used black widow for several seasons. He did switch it up this year because he found a more local source and wanted to give them a try. Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
  13. Coming from Pennsylvania to New York I always wondered why they had quotas by zone for the antlerless licenses during firearms season but not archery or muzzleloader. I would think it makes more sense to have a certain number of antlerless tags for each WMU and they're sold on either a first come, first served basis or on a lottery. Either way you have a chance at a tag but no gaurantee. Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
  14. I look at it as a "having your cake and eating it too" kind of thing. In PA the deer numbers used to be extremely high and seasons were pretty modest. 2 weeks of buck season with no Sunday hunting and a 3 day doe season the following week. Around the year 2000 they began running the buck and doe season concurrent for the rifle season and handed out higher numbers of doe tags than in past years. Some loved the idea and some hated it. Regardless of which side of the fence you were on, deer numbers dropped significantly and the hunting changed. The fact is, rifle season has a much larger impact of deer management than archery season does simply because the number of people out there. To me it seems rifle season is the best place to make an adjustment according to management goals. Most of the arguments I've seen on here have no mention of conservation goals, just whining about things not being "fair." Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
  15. I originally wanted to go with something along the lines of a single bevel grizzly but I've heard they can be difficult to sharpen. This is the first experience I've had with serrated heads so I haven't found anything negative yet. Honestly I'm not too experienced when it come to sharpening so I usually just remove blades and take them to a honing stone. I've been looking at a couple of sharpening kits but I've heard so many mixed reviews that I don't know what to get. Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
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