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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wmig2

  1. Nice pictures. Shoot that song dog.
  2. Very nice. I'm guessing 3.5 yrs old. He has a straight back still. That's just my opinion.
  3. Sounds justifiable but I don't think he should be able to keep it. The story will be he hunted it for 5 days 3 nights by this fall. LOL
  4. Wow. That would not be fun getting that out.
  5. Coyote can smell a 100 times compared to a human I think I read somewhere and a deer can smell 50 times compared to a human.
  6. Well said agree 100% Salmon Run.
  7. Don't believe or trust anybody who wears their underwear on their head. lol
  8. You guys are cranking now. lol The largest army in the world is the U.S. hunter. Like the emperor of Japan said before Pearl harbor. Don't attack the mainland there is a gun behind every blade of grass. The right to bear arms is what will keep this country in check and deter enemies but immigration will be what brings this country to the brink of existence. JMO I'm not for any party and don't vote because I haven't seen one president or candidate I would vote for since I could and I was born in 1970.
  9. This country is so far gone it's irreversible. I seen somewhere not sure how factual it is that there are more people on a form of assistance than people contributing (aka taxpayers). If that is only 50% true we are in bad shape. Hopefully it's coming to a revolution. This country needs a fresh start just as it did in 1776.
  10. That's some serious head gear on those two bucks.
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