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Everything posted by wmig2

  1. This buck was taken Sat. by a hunter who was definitely in the right place & time. It was with three does and a spike. It's an 11 point and dressed out 200 lbs. He is in his early 20's and will have two good ones the wall now.
  2. Awesome. That looks like a great time.
  3. Nice. Lets see some pics.
  4. Nice. Lets see some pics.
  5. That idiots credibility is ruined as it should be. I read somewhere he owns his on business. What other poor actions has he done.
  6. I'm getting way to many of these on cam this year. I shot one but I have my work cut out. Here are just a few pictures.
  7. That deer is in great shape for that time of frame.
  8. Very nice. I'm thinking 3.5
  9. Very nice I hunt in Chenango County a little let me know if you need some help. LOL
  10. Yep those pics really show how big that rack really is. Wow
  11. Cool video. That's going to be a great deer in the future.
  12. Nice. That buck has great potential.
  13. That's an awesome trip. Great mule deer.
  14. Very impressive buck he's a shooter. I would say 140's.The score doesn't make any relevance in my opinion. That's a trophy whitetail for N.Y. Here'a pic of my best and I never had it scored. I would say he's mid to high 140's gross. He has a broken brow tine and is palmented. Good luck
  15. Very impressive deer. I would say low 140's or mid 130's.
  16. Awesome looking time. Congrats.
  17. Nice deer. It's a 2.5 yr. old. It has great potential if it makes it.
  18. Obama is a piece of shit. He is the worst president this country has ever had to date and inncurred more debt in one term than all 43 combined before him.
  19. Deerpassion one of those long tailed groundhogs didnt have a good summer already. LOL
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