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About Buffalo_Tim

  • Birthday 09/11/1981

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Buffalo, NY

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Western New York
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 870 express
  • Bow
    PSE Surge
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Check out the Redington Classic Trout. It's affordable and highly rated. Comes in 4 or 6 pieces. I have the 6 piece 3wt and love it.
  2. They might be hard to find now, but I use an old plastic 35mm film canister.
  3. I picked up a Mr. Heater Little Buddy a couple weeks ago at walmart. It's awesome. It takes the comfort level up several notches. I haven't seen the deer react negatively to it. It does produce a slight glow, so I make sure it is light enough outside before I turn it on.
  4. 2011 Outback and 2013 Crosstrek here. Great cars. I would recommend them to anyone.
  5. I purchased my first and second bow from ebay, and I will probably do it again in the future. They were both PSE, both used, and both still in great condition. Best of all, I got them at a great price. I've also purchased tree stands from ebay, camo, and other miscellaneous gear. Ebay may not be the best source for everyone, but I've had great success with it.
  6. It's not unheard of around here. Back in 2001, a caiman was taken out of Scajaquada Creek in Buffalo. Here's the story: http://staugustine.com/stories/071401/new_0714010054.shtml#.WXZgToTythE This one could be a pet that someone dumped when it got too big.
  7. I live in Buffalo. My name is Tim. I'm not very creative.
  8. I've heard really good things about niagara sportsman's association as well. Definitely going to give it a look. I actually grew up a couple miles from Evans Rod & Gun, but never really gave it a thought. Will look into this as well. Thanks for the tips guys!
  9. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good Rod and Gun club to join around the Buffalo/Erie County area? I'm looking for one with a rifle range. Thanks!
  10. Hi everyone! while soaking up all of the hunting information I can find online, I just stumbled across HuntingNY.com! I've got a lot of experience in the woods/outdoors and with firearms, but I've never actually done any proper hunting. I plan to change that this year. I will likely be hunting in southern Erie County and Chautauqua County. Both public and private land. I'm interested in deer, turkey, and maybe some bear in the future. I'm also very interested in archery. I'm looking forward to learning from you all!
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