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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Its completely different lol. Arrow off a string powered by limbs = archery. Arrow shot out of a gun = gun.
  2. And those guys will quickly learn that they are wrong in most hunting situations. 60 isnt out of range for a compound, btw. They shoot those distances out west, but the lay of the land and the game they typically hunt are a bit different. You do have to do alot more practicing to be proficient at those ranges. My 60 yard groups are not horrible, but unless I really put my nose to the grindstone, I wouldnt dare take a shot that far while Im hunting.
  3. As more states allow their use, of course you are going to see a large marketing push. Its not new, its been developing for decades, and the repeated spouting of "its a brand new technology" doesnt make the facts disappear.
  4. The airbow is an airgun, not a bow of any type. The only states that allow it, allow it in firearms season only. You guys can stop with this nonsense any day now.
  5. Ive never said crossbows arent easier to become accurate with. Im saying that just because you can set your crossbow up to shoot 100 yards, doesnt mean that having it setup like that is going to make it work well in a hunting situation. Once its setup for hunting, a 50 to 60 yard range is going to be your max. Personally, Ill take a 50 yard shot with mine if its the right situation and I have a good rest. Offhand, its 40 and less, just like my compound.
  6. 40 feet up with a max shot of 10 yards? That shot angle would be straight down. I dont buy it.
  7. Yes it was. She was legal according to what she posted from the DEC though.
  8. Sure. She has nothing to back it up. Not that it really matters, if someone knowingly does something that is illegal, then they dont care what the DEC does regulation, permit or privilege wise. They will hunt how they want to hunt.
  9. Proof of this? I dont think Ive ever read anything on here about anyone crossbow hunting without the proper privilege. Regardless, law breakers dont care what the regs say, they do what they want.
  10. 15-25 feet, it all depends on the spot.
  11. Nothing wrong with quartering away, you just have to adjust your shot back to the middle or end of the rib cage. The ol "right behind the shoulder" shot placement doesnt apply to quartering shots. The easy shot placement trick for quartering away is to aim for the opposite front leg and forget about the entry point. The deer I took yesterday was quartering away at 15 yards, pretty much a 45 degree angle, so I put the pin on the opposite front leg where I figured it would exit in the lower 1/3rd of the body. Arrow went in about 2/3rds of the way from the end of the rib cage on its left side and exited the armpit of the right front leg. The broadhead caught liver, both lungs and nearly took the top of its heart right off. Dead in seconds. Im not a huge fan of quartering to at a downward angle like those pics showed.
  12. So I have to ask. How do you know it was a crossbow?
  13. How would they lose $? They would just make it so you have to buy the archery privilege if it was fully included. Either that or they will add another privilege specifically for crossbow. DEC wants full inclusion, they have made that clear on multiple occasions.
  14. I would say 3.5 most likely. front shoulders are too big for 2.5, but not big enough for a 4.5, at least in our area. Once they hit 4.5 to 5.5 around us, their rear quarters start to look small compared to the front.
  15. 250 points for all anyone knows from that pic. There is no way to estimate point count on that pic.
  16. There are a ton of us in region 8.
  17. That looks like something going through the air in that spot, not an arrow. I get white streaks like that in my cam photos from time to time. Could be a bug flying or something like that.
  18. I plan to replace mine next year with a mil dot scope. I’m not a fan of bdc reticles.
  19. I don’t really post our bucks till they are dead. We’ve had trespassing issues in years past. Nothing is more of a downer to a season than spending it patrolling and not hunting.
  20. Thanks guys. It’s good to have the first one in the freezer. I have a goal of taking a deer with each weapon this year. Tonight was probably my last bow hunt. On to crossbow Saturday. Threw a frozen milk jug in the cavity and letting it sit tonight. Will get it quartered up tomorrow after work.
  21. Rage puts a big hole in em! Slight quartering away. Farmer is happy. Now I can shoot a buck without feeling bad. I didn’t fill any dmaps last year and killed a good buck. Felt bad about that.
  22. Just had 5 does come through followed by a big nontypical we call Sloppy Joe. He got to 40 but offered no shot.
  23. Just had a nice doe come blasting through behind me. No buck chasing her. She circled and came up to my right. Stopped her at 15 yards and put a rage through her heart. She dropped after a 10 yard run. Shaking so bad now lol
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