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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I'm not saying I agree with any of it, I'm just not gonna start screaming that it's a mass confiscation just yet. If you are dumb enough to have a rifle that doesn't conform to the laws, and you let others know about it, then you risk the repercussions. Until the law is repealed or struck down, it is what it is unfortunately.
  2. The only gun they have siezed thus far is one that some dope removed the bullet button from and put a standard mag release on, making it non-compliant. Time will tell what happens, but the state would have had records of those people buying the rifles just from the background checks they had to go through to buy them. What they are doing to the shop owner, well, if they told him the rifles were legal, Im not sure how they can turn around say they arent after the fact. Gonna have to see how it plays out.
  3. I use Scorpion Venom on my cams, but not the axle. I lube the servings and slot in the cam where they go.
  4. You are taking my posts the wrong way. I am asking for info, not making assumptions. I googled Terry Singleterry and cant find any blogs. Can you help me out here?
  5. Please go over to the contest thread and enter.... http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/23984-2014-huntingny-whitetail-challenge/
  6. Everything you do, whether it be plant a fruit tree, food plot, whats planted in the ag fields you hunt near, dig a water hole, add a brush pile, etc etc etc can and will change a deer's habits. You being in the woods will alter their habits and patterns sooner or later. In any case, you said you didnt think killing a deer that was eating was fair, I simply asked if you hunted food sources.
  7. So you dont hunt food sources? Water sources?
  8. Remember Doc, in most of the sharpshooter situations, they are shooting these deer at night, not during the day. Thats how they did it in Irondequoit, and you are talking about deer that live in neighborhoods, and are very accustomed to human scent, activity, etc. Completely different than hunting during the day over bait in the middle of the woods.
  9. Really? Trail cams the all the guess work out? I know LOTS of guys that run them and dont harvest deer, and many more that run them and never harvest a buck they get pics of. To not want to use something is one thing, but to demonize it because you choose not to use it just makes you sound kind of foolish.
  10. Baiting doesnt make hunting any more of a sure thing than hunting over any other food source. Deer will still pattern you if you hunt it wrong, and only visit the bait site at night. Im not against it if its legal. Would i do it if it was? Probably sometimes, but i would rather use it for trail cam sites and mineral supplements than hunting sites. I would still do my food plots, as i believe they are more of a benefit to the deer than a pile of "candy".
  11. When did I say that? Im asking about it jumping to HUMANS not moles. Some say there are Mountain Lions in NY. I want to see facts.
  12. Huh? I already asked for the reading, still waiting. Nouyt just prions, but CWD in particular.
  13. Right, but if there is so much to be worried about with CWD, dont you think it would have already made the jump? Until recently, youve not heard anything about it affecting grains, plants, etc, and we have been consuming those products grown in CWD areas for quite some time now. I just get very leery of theories based on one or two studies, then when it starts coming from groups with a cash infused agenda, I get even more skeptical. If theres more legit info out there, Id love to read it, I just dont seem to be able to find any.
  14. Yes there are lots of lies in the SAFE act. Like I said I know exactly why you took the leap, but IMO its not really apples to apples. I dont agree with either law honestly.
  15. So show me where it has ever jumpped. Or maybe even another study that suggests it might be possible. You see, you cant base your whole theory on ONE study. You have to look at multiple studies and reach a consensus from there. I shouldnt even respond to your "agenda" comment. Its pretty clear that the only party with $$$$ on the line in the agenda are the deer farmers. Keep your QDMA crusade going though....
  16. Dumping a pile of corn is not comparable to a food plot, sorry. Thats usually something people say to justify breaking the law. Dont get me wrong, Im not saying you do that, or that I even agree with the current baiting laws. This point could easilly become its own thread lol. The reason I say comparing or even bringing the SAFE act into this conversation is a stretch, is because SAFE is something that goes against our rights. Hunting is a priviledge, not something thats supposed to be guaranteed. I know exactly why he put it out there though.
  17. The 2014 deer season is almost upon us, and we are having our first annual deer hunting contest, The HuntingNY 2014 Whitetail Challenge! You can sign up for the contest by replying to this thread, sign up starts now and will end at Midnight on September 28, 2014. In the contest section, each hunter will get their own thread. Entries should be posted in the 2014 Whitetail Challenge section under your thread. Contest entries must be submitted by Midnight on January 2, 2015 (Sorry, Suffolk special gun season not included). Contest Rules -The Deer must be taken in NY during the 2014 deer season (Oct 1 - Dec 31) -Deer must be tagged with regular NYS carcass tags (Buck, DMP or Either Sex). Deer tagged with nuissance permits or DMAPs will not count. -There must be photos of the deer included in the post(s), they must clearly show the antler points of bucks, this year's tag attached to the deer as well as a contest card (details below) -Entries will be submitted by each hunter -Each hunter can enter up to 2 bucks and 2 does Scoring system -Each deer will earn 10 points -Bucks will earn 1 point per scorable antler point -Scorable antler points are 1 inch in length measured from the base of the point. Fliers, kickers, droptines, etc ARE scorable -Total score of each hunter will be added up at the end of the contest, highest total score wins -In the event of a tie, greatest measured inside spread of the entered buck will be the tie breaker Contest Card With a black marker, make your contest card on a sheet of paper. Write large enough so it can be seen in one of the entry photos. It should include the following At the top, write - 2014 HuntingNY Whitetail Challenge below that include your screen name, and the date and location of the harvest (WMU) The card must be clearly visible in at least 1 photo of deer or that entry will NOT count. Youth Division There is a seperate youth division for hunters under age 18. Exact same rules and scoring as above. Prizes We will be announcing this years prizes in a seperate thread shortly.
  18. We are offereing our Sportsmen For Heros program once again this year. If you are, or know of someone that qualifies, please fill out the attached form and let us know! GRST Sportsman For Heros App 2014.pdf
  19. Our branch is offereing youth hunting opportunities again this year, attached is the form. If you know a youth that meets the criteria, please let us know. Time is running out! GRST Youth Hunt App 2014.pdf
  20. Comparing baiting laws to the safe act is a bit of a stretch, dont you think?
  21. I think youll see pushes against other things long before you see wild deer erradicated. CWD is not a health risk to humans, just cervids, and thats what it will boil down to in the end.
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