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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I did a little searching and the only sources for this I can find link back to deer farmers or deer farm supporters. CFIA doesnt even have anything official that I could find. Can you help me out with some reading material?
  2. The last one I fell for was the Cough Silencer. I still have it, wanna buy it?
  3. Just run down to Gander, Im sure they have plenty of mineral licks and bags of corn
  4. Those white deer arent really captive, so you cant say escaped. There are places in the fence they can, and do get through.
  5. We killed every single buck (besides one) last year using agressive tactics. We put alot down, but it wasnt easy. I have a feeling we may not need to get so agressive this year.
  6. Our apples are pretty sparce this year, and our pears are almost non existant. Last year we had vast abundances of both. Plots and crops are going to get hit really hard this year. Should actually make cueing in on the movement easier. Last year it was kida tough to figure out the food sources they were using, as they had easy pickings all over the place.
  7. I don use any offset, and shoot short fletchings all with fixed blades. I have no issues shooting tight groups (when I shoot groups, which is not often) as long as I do my part. I shoot Blazer vanes, as they hold up with a Whisker Biscuit very well.
  8. Buying something that feels right to you is the most important thing. Shoot as many as you can before you buy. Darn near everything out there now days will come close to 300fps or better, more than you need to kill a deer. A close second to that is buying from or having a good pro shop within reasonable distance (if you dont do your own work). Remember, they are machines, and things will go wrong with them at some point. Gotta have someone you trust working on it.
  9. Doesnt matter for what. They are the SAME as any other gun. Perfectly safe when used RESPONSIBLY. In this sad case, it was used irresposibly and what happend shows why common sense and safety come first.
  10. Gotcha, thanks. I have a side by side, so no racks on it like an ATV.
  11. Couldnt agree more. Tell it to the politicians that put the regs in place. Oh, and thank the NYB for their part in making sure its not classified as archery equipment.
  12. Just because I wouldnt. When Im laying down a bunch of cash for something, I tend to go higher end or nothing at all. Ive been down the "budget" road before, and it only ended up costing me more. Now mind you, Ill find higher end at a lower price by getting a good deal on used rather than new.
  13. Thats why I siad "but thats just me". I wouldnt buy a Parker anything. As far as crossbows go, I would be looking at Ten Point (and Wicked Ridge), Excalibur, Stryker, Scorpyd, maybe a higher end Barnett.
  14. A really good quality crossbow is pricey, just like a vertical bow. I wouldnt touch anything thats out there under $500 new, but thats just me.
  15. There are already many of them out there, you know that. The guys "raining down 100 yard bombs" with crossbows are probably the same guys trying to rain down 60 yard bombs with vertical bows, or taking shots at deer at 200 yards with their 12 Ga, holding 3 feet over the deers back with a $1 generic lead slug. They either wont last long once they figure out they actually need woodsmanship skills to get close enough, or they will gain the skills and become fellow archery hunters. Come on bud, you just got back from an awesome vacation! You shouldnt be so doom and gloom hahahaha.
  16. Just make sure to have them trim it down to the size of your bed. In my case, they had to cut it to 6'3".
  17. Theres an easy trick for getting a deer in the bed of the truck if it sits higher up. I keep a sheet of 1/2" plywood in there during deer season. If the deer is too big and awkward to get up there when im by myself, just get the sheet of plywood, put in on the ground with one end on the tailgate, grab a rope and get the deer slid up onto the plywood. Now tie the deer off on one of the tie down holds in the bed, hop down, pick the end of the plywood up and slide it in the bed, deer and all. Makes it so you arent lifting quite as much weight.
  18. Im starting to think i might take this idea and run with it myself....
  19. Thanks. Do you have a pic of the racks you made by any chance?
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