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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. @ virgil, But they have to work their asses off for it. I could agree with that type of a system if handled properly. The hand out government here would screw the pooch on it though. Look at the housing crash, it was caused by the government regulated banks fudging numbers, etc and handing out bad loans based on the theory that every american deserved to own a home. The same thing is happening with the student loan industry. Mark my words.
  2. Sorry, but a college education is not something that should be guaranteed for everyone. You already get a high school education on the tax payers dime. You want to get a better job than that will get you? Work for it, aka pay your own way. What the hell is with this entitlement mentality now days? What happened to EARNING things and being proud of it? Sorry if that offends you, but if the shoe fits...
  3. They need a study to figure out that Debt curbs the purchasing of high cost items? Shocking... This is nothing but the sowing of seeds to forgive student loan debt, or let the government hand out free college educations to everyone, all on the tax payers dime.
  4. Awesome video. Ive had some close encounters before. Had a fawn sniff the end of the stabilizer on my bow once. It was cool, but kind of annoying actually, I was waiting patiently to draw on the doe it was with. She was only 20 feet away feeding.
  5. They can ban the sale of anything they want actually. I agree, that people that want to bait will just buy stuff from feed stores.
  6. Nice. Who did you have do it? Mine from last year is FINALLY going to the guy this weekend, well, its going to Mikes, but from there the guy who is doing it will pick it up.
  7. Still has milk on his lips, needs a few years..... of course Im joking. Hard to tell age from that angle, have any side or 3/4 views? Nice rack on him, Id say mid 120s
  8. Actually not doing that event this year. The tiny turn out just hasnt done a whole heck of alot for us. Between the insurance stuff, and the guy that runs it, its no wonder to me now why that event has fallen on its face. He didnt even get the forms out to me until last week. The event is this weekend. Its not like I havent done the event before lol. The letter was dated April 4th.
  9. I have a 5 inch boning knife for the bigger cuts, and a filet knife for everything else. Both are inexpensive and do the job. Sure, i might spend a tad more time sharpening but im cheap and i cant bring myself to buy an expensive knife. I did once and took it back and returned it before i opened it. Just couldnt do it.
  10. I buy after the season is over, or at the tail end of it. The prices drop like a rock, but you have to keep your eye on the stuff and get it at the right time before its gone. Look online too, can find the same gear for much less. Oh, and dont kid yourself on the Under Armor. Ive tried the cheap knock offs, and theres no comparison really. Just get it when its cheapest.
  11. Our brassicas are getting hit pretty hard already. Deer are pulling the radish and turnips and eating the bulbs already. This wasnt the case last year, they didnt really start hitting them until late. We have a mix of PTT, Kale, Groundhog Radish and Rape. If they are pounded down too hard around gun season, Im going to overseed with winter rye.
  12. The farmers that work the land i hunt always leave quite a bit on the ground. The deer will eat the dropped beans, but that usually doesnt happen much until the corn is down. They pretty much abandon the bean fields until late season, and even then, its sporadic.
  13. The coop signs may actually dissuede poachers. Think about it, if people know that the landowners or leasors care enought to form a coop, then they probably care enough to patrol, use cameras and press chrges as well.
  14. Love the sparring pics. I got a few sets last year in one spot, so I have my cam set to video mode in the same place this year. Hopefully i get some video clips of sparring soon.
  15. Really cool looking buck. Good luch getting after him!
  16. I have camo shorts, some hats and a bunch of hunting themed shirts that i wear in public all the time. Who cares. Wear what you want and Ill wear what I want. Its not bad for the sport or anything else. Get over it. Sheesh. Funny joke Eddie, I got a chuckle out of it.
  17. I started really noticing it Sunday
  18. I dont know. I have never used it in any sausage Ive made. Culver said his hotdog recipe uses it, but Ive never made those. I just do smoked sausage sticks and fresh sausages.
  19. Same rig Ive had for a few years now 2010 Hoyt Maxxis 35 29"/63 lb -Copper John Dead Nuts Pro, Whisker Biscuit, Eastman Carbon Stab, Treelimb Premium Quiver, 60X stings, G5 peep -Harvest Time Harvester HT2s, 125gr G5 Montec CS (375 Gr) -293 fps through the chrono
  20. After the 28th, Ill be setting up the threads and cards will be posted in them for you to print.
  21. I agree, dont use the powdered milk. Theres no reason to in regular sausage. I stuff mine sometimes with my grinder, and while the stuffer is the best, the grinder does well. I dont have the consistency issue and I double grind mine with the pork, then mix, then stuff.
  22. All season for me. We start having the non resident bucks showing up around this time.
  23. As in Northern Zone sept 27 to the 1st? Nope. Thats last years tag. Sorry.
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